Package emissary.kff

Class KffChainLoader

  • public class KffChainLoader
    extends Object
    Loads a chain of file filter specified by the configuration subsystem Expects to find a configuration file with a list containing class names that implement known or dupe type filter working either against file stores of hashes or database tables of hashes, plus a list of the algorithms that are desired to use. This should be a superset of the algorithms required by all of the filter in the chain and those desired as end product in their own right. This is a singleton implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • getChainInstance

        public static KffChain getChainInstance()
        Construct KFF chain elements from the specified configG or return the already constructed instance.
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Load the configured chain and run some data