package emissary.admin;

import emissary.config.ConfigUtil;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.EmissaryRuntimeException;
import emissary.core.Factory;
import emissary.core.Namespace;
import emissary.core.NamespaceException;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Static methods to start places in the system.
public class PlaceStarter {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlaceStarter.class);

    private static final Configurator classConf;

    protected static final String defaultClassName = "";

    static {
        Configurator tmpCConfigurator;
        try {
            tmpCConfigurator = ConfigUtil.getClassNameInventory();
        } catch (IOException | EmissaryException iox) {
            tmpCConfigurator = null;
            logger.error("Missing ClassNameInventory.cfg: all places will become " + defaultClassName
                    + " which is probably not what you want. Config is now " + System.getProperty(ConfigUtil.CONFIG_DIR_PROPERTY), iox);
        classConf = tmpCConfigurator;

     * Create a place using File based config
     * @param theLocation key for the new place
     * @param theClassStr string name of the class to instantiate
     * @param directory the string directory name to register in
     * @return the place that was found or created, or null if it can't be done
    public static IServiceProviderPlace createPlace(final String theLocation, final String theClassStr, final String directory) {
        // generate constructor args
        final String theConfigFile = theClassStr + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING;

        final Object[] constructorArgs = {theConfigFile, directory, theLocation};

        return createPlace(theLocation, constructorArgs, theClassStr);

     * Create a place using Stream based config
     * @param theLocation key for the new place
     * @param theConfigStream stream configuration for the place
     * @param theClassStr string name of the class to instantiate
     * @param directory the string directory name to register in
     * @return the place that was found or created, or null if it can't be done
    public static IServiceProviderPlace createPlace(final String theLocation, final InputStream theConfigStream, final String theClassStr,
            final String directory) {
        // generate constructor args
        final Object[] constructorArgs = {theConfigStream, directory, theLocation};
        return createPlace(theLocation, constructorArgs, theClassStr);

     * Create a place using Stream based config
     * @param theLocation key for the new place
     * @param theConfigStream stream configuration for the place
     * @param theClassStr string name of the class to instantiate
     * @param directory the string directory name to register in
     * @param node the emissary node
     * @return the place that was found or created, or null if it can't be done
    public static IServiceProviderPlace createPlace(final String theLocation, final InputStream theConfigStream, final String theClassStr,
            final String directory, final EmissaryNode node) {
        // generate constructor args
        final Object[] constructorArgs = {theConfigStream, directory, theLocation, node};
        return createPlace(theLocation, constructorArgs, theClassStr);

     * Create a place using generic Object[] constructor args for maximum flexibility for finding any existing constructor.
     * Will check to see if the place already exists first and return the existing instance from the Namespace if it does.
     * @param theLocation key for the new place
     * @param constructorArgs array of args to pass to the place constructor
     * @param theClassStr string name of the class to instantiate
     * @return the place that was found or created, or null if it can't be done
     * @deprecated use {@link #createPlace(String, List, String)}
    public static IServiceProviderPlace createPlace(final String theLocation, final Object[] constructorArgs, @Nullable final String theClassStr) {
        return createPlace(theLocation, Arrays.asList(constructorArgs), theClassStr);

     * Create a place using generic List constructor args for maximum flexibility for finding any existing constructor. Will
     * check to see if the place already exists first and return the existing instance from the Namespace if it does.
     * @param theLocation key for the new place
     * @param constructorArgs list of args to pass to the place constructor
     * @param theClassStr string name of the class to instantiate
     * @return the place that was found or created, or null if it can't be done
    public static IServiceProviderPlace createPlace(final String theLocation, final List<Object> constructorArgs,
            @Nullable final String theClassStr) {
        logger.debug("Ready to createPlace {} as {}", theLocation, theClassStr);

        final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // check the input arguments
        // TODO we should add a check to validate theLocation
        final IServiceProviderPlace place = alreadyExists(theLocation);
        if (place != null) {
            // a place already exists at this location, can't create another!
            logger.warn("{} already exists!", theLocation);
            return place;

        // error, must have the class string known...
        if (theClassStr == null) {
            logger.warn("classStr check failed for {}", theLocation);
            return null;

        final String bindKey = KeyManipulator.removeExpense(theLocation);
        final IServiceProviderPlace thePlace;
        try {
            thePlace = (IServiceProviderPlace) Factory.create(theClassStr, constructorArgs, bindKey);
        } catch (Throwable te) {
            // error creating place
            logger.error("cannot create {}", theLocation, te);
            shutdownFailedPlace(bindKey, null);
            return null; // couldn't start the place.

        final long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Started {} in {}s", theLocation, (t2 - t1) / 1000.0);
        return thePlace;

    public static void shutdownFailedPlace(final String loc, @Nullable final IServiceProviderPlace place) {
        try {
            logger.warn("shutting down the failed place: {}", loc);
            if (place != null) {
            } else {
                // Force keys to be deregistered if we can
        } catch (Throwable tt) {
            logger.error("whoa there pardner... {}", loc, tt);

    public static void deregisterPlace(final String loc) {
        try {
            final IDirectoryPlace localDir = DirectoryPlace.lookup();
            final List<DirectoryEntry> entries = localDir.getMatchingEntries("*." + loc);
            if (entries != null && !entries.isEmpty()) {
                final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
                for (final DirectoryEntry entry : entries) {
      "Forcing removal of {} keys due to failed {}", keys.size(), loc);
            } else {
                logger.debug("Failed {} did not have any directory keys registered", loc);
        } catch (EmissaryException ee) {
            logger.debug("NO local directory, cannot force key dereg for {}", loc);

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     * method to check if the place already exists.
    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    public static IServiceProviderPlace alreadyExists(final String theLocation) {
        final String thePlaceHost = Startup.placeHost(theLocation);
        // TODO should we add a check for index of? Can cause an exception if // isn't present
        final String luStr = theLocation.substring(theLocation.indexOf("//"));
        try {
            final IServiceProviderPlace thePlace = (IServiceProviderPlace) Namespace.lookup(luStr);
            logger.debug("{} already running on {}", theLocation, thePlaceHost);
            return thePlace;
        } catch (NamespaceException nse) {
            // expected when the place doesn't exist
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // empty catch block
        return null;

    public static String getClassString(final String theLocation) {
        return getClassString(theLocation, false);

    public static String getClassString(final String theLocation, boolean isStrictMode) {
        final String thePlaceName = Startup.placeName(theLocation);
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(thePlaceName)) {
            logger.error("Illegal location specified {}, has no place name", theLocation);
        final List<String> classStringList = classConf.findEntries(thePlaceName);
        if (classStringList.isEmpty()) {
            logger.error("Need a CLASS config entry for {} check entry in emissary.admin.ClassNameInventory.cfg, using default "
                    + "{} which is probably not what you want.", thePlaceName, defaultClassName);
            return defaultClassName;
        } else if (classStringList.size() > 1) {
            if (isStrictMode) {
                throw new EmissaryRuntimeException("Multiple entries for " + thePlaceName + ", found " + classStringList);
            logger.warn("Multiple entries for {}, found {}", thePlaceName, classStringList);
        return classStringList.get(0);

    /** This class is not meant to be instantiated. */
    private PlaceStarter() {}