package emissary.core.channels;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.file.Path;
* Helper methods to handle {@link java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel} objects
public final class SeekableByteChannelHelper {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SeekableByteChannelHelper.class);
/** Channel factory backed by an empty byte array. Used for situations when a BDO should have its payload discarded. */
public static final SeekableByteChannelFactory EMPTY_CHANNEL_FACTORY = memory(new byte[0]);
private SeekableByteChannelHelper() {}
* Make an existing factory immutable.
* @param sbcf to make immutable
* @return the wrapped factory
public static SeekableByteChannelFactory immutable(final SeekableByteChannelFactory sbcf) {
return ImmutableChannelFactory.create(sbcf);
* Create an in memory SBC factory which can be used to create any number of channels based on the provided bytes
* without storing them multiple times.
* @param bytes to use with the channel
* @return the factory
public static SeekableByteChannelFactory memory(final byte[] bytes) {
return InMemoryChannelFactory.create(bytes);
* Create a file SBC factory.
* @param path to the file.
* @return the factory
public static SeekableByteChannelFactory file(final Path path) {
return FileChannelFactory.create(path);
* Create a fill SBC factory.
* @param size of the SeekableByteChannel
* @param value of each element in the SeekableByteChannel.
* @return the factory
public static SeekableByteChannelFactory fill(final long size, final byte value) {
return FillChannelFactory.create(size, value);
* Create an InputStream SBC factory.
* @param size of the SeekableByteChannel
* @param inputStreamFactory creates the needed InputStreams.
* @return the factory
public static SeekableByteChannelFactory inputStream(final long size, final InputStreamFactory inputStreamFactory) {
return InputStreamChannelFactory.create(size, inputStreamFactory);
* Given a BDO, create a byte array with as much data as possible.
* @param ibdo to get the data from
* @param maxSize to limit the byte array to
* @return a byte array of the data from the BDO sized up to maxSize (so could truncate data)
public static byte[] getByteArrayFromBdo(final IBaseDataObject ibdo, final int maxSize) {
try (SeekableByteChannel sbc = ibdo.getChannelFactory().create()) {
final long truncatedBy = sbc.size() - maxSize;
if (truncatedBy > 0 && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Returned data for [{}] will be truncated by {} bytes due to size constraints of byte arrays", ibdo.shortName(),
return getByteArrayFromChannel(ibdo.getChannelFactory(), maxSize);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
logger.error("Error when fetching from byte channel factory on object {}", ibdo.shortName(), ioe);
ibdo.setData(new byte[0]);
return new byte[0];
* Given a channel factory, create a byte array with as much data as possible.
* @param sbcf to get the data from
* @param maxSize to limit the byte array to
* @return a byte array of the data from the factory sized up to maxSize (so could truncate data)
* @throws IOException if we couldn't read all the data
public static byte[] getByteArrayFromChannel(final SeekableByteChannelFactory sbcf, final int maxSize) throws IOException {
try (SeekableByteChannel sbc = sbcf.create()) {
final int byteArraySize = (int) Math.min(sbc.size(), maxSize);
final ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocate(byteArraySize);
IOUtils.readFully(sbc, buff);
return buff.array();
* Provided with an existing input stream, check how far we can read into it.
* Note that the inputStream is read as-is, so if the stream is not at the start, this method won't take that into
* account. If we can successfully read the stream, the position of the provided stream will of course change.
* Don't wrap the provided stream with anything such as BufferedInputStream as this will cause read errors prematurely,
* unless this is acceptable.
* @param inputStream to read - caller must handle closing this object
* @return position of last successful read (which could be the size of the stream)
public static long available(final InputStream inputStream) {
long totalBytesRead = 0;
try {
for (; != -1; totalBytesRead++) {
// Do nothing.
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
// Do nothing.
return totalBytesRead;
* Reads data from an input stream into a buffer
* @param inputStream to read from
* @param byteBuffer to read into
* @param bytesToSkip within the {@code is} to get to the next read location
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
public static int getFromInputStream(final InputStream inputStream, final ByteBuffer byteBuffer, final long bytesToSkip) throws IOException {
Validate.notNull(inputStream, "Required: inputStream");
Validate.notNull(byteBuffer, "Required: byteBuffer");
Validate.isTrue(bytesToSkip > -1, "Required: bytesToSkip > -1");
// Skip to position if we're not already there
IOUtils.skipFully(inputStream, bytesToSkip);
// Read direct into buffer's array if possible, otherwise copy through an internal buffer
final int bytesToRead = byteBuffer.remaining();
if (byteBuffer.hasArray()) {
final int bytesRead =, byteBuffer.arrayOffset() + byteBuffer.position(), bytesToRead);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() + bytesRead);
return bytesRead;
} else {
final byte[] internalBuff = new byte[bytesToRead];
final int bytesRead =;
if (bytesRead > 0) {
byteBuffer.put(internalBuff, 0, bytesRead);
return bytesRead;