- package emissary.core;
- import emissary.pickup.file.FilePickUpPlace;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- /**
- * A health check that warns if the input data queue is larger than a given threshold or if the aggregate file size is
- * larger than a given threshold. This only applies to FilePickUpPlace.
- */
- public class FilePickUpPlaceHealthCheck extends HealthCheck {
- /**
- * How many files to allow in the queue before we deem the situation unhealthy
- */
- protected int maxFileCountBeforeUnhealthy = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // default is unbounded
- /**
- * How large we let the aggregate file size to get before we deem the situation unhealthy
- */
- protected long maxAggregateFileSizeBeforeUnhealthy = Long.MAX_VALUE; // default is unbounded
- public FilePickUpPlaceHealthCheck(final int maxFileCountBeforeUnhealthy, final long maxAggregateFileSizeBeforeUnhealthy) {
- this.maxFileCountBeforeUnhealthy = maxFileCountBeforeUnhealthy;
- this.maxAggregateFileSizeBeforeUnhealthy = maxAggregateFileSizeBeforeUnhealthy;
- }
- @Override
- protected Result check() throws Exception {
- int aggregateFileCount = 0; // how many things we think are in the queue
- long aggregateFileSize = 0; // aggregate file size across all files
- try {
- final FilePickUpPlace pup = (FilePickUpPlace) Namespace.lookup("FilePickUpPlace"); // if no exception, will
- // not be
- // null
- // Get the inputDirs by reflection, result should be a String[]
- final Field inputDirField = pup.getClass().getDeclaredField("inputDataDirs");
- inputDirField.setAccessible(true); // make it so we can read it
- if (inputDirField.getType().isArray()) {
- // This better be a String[], but we are not checking for the String part
- final String[] inputDirs = (String[]) inputDirField.get(pup);
- if (inputDirs != null) {
- for (int dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < inputDirs.length; dirIdx++) {
- final File inputDir = new File(inputDirs[dirIdx]);
- if ((inputDir != null) && inputDir.isDirectory()) {
- final File[] files = inputDir.listFiles((FileFilter) HiddenFileFilter.VISIBLE);
- aggregateFileCount += files.length;
- if (files != null) {
- for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < files.length; fileIdx++) {
- aggregateFileSize += files[fileIdx].length();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Check either condition
- if (aggregateFileCount > this.maxFileCountBeforeUnhealthy) {
- return Result.unhealthy("Large number of files backed up for FilePickUpPlace = " + aggregateFileCount);
- } else if (aggregateFileSize > this.maxAggregateFileSizeBeforeUnhealthy) {
- return Result.unhealthy("Large aggregate file size backed up for FilePickUpPlace = " + aggregateFileSize);
- }
- } catch (NamespaceException ne) {
- // This gets throw if can't find FilePickUpPlace, assume it is not configured
- // and things are healthy
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
- // Possibly thrown by getDeclaredField, assume FilePickUpPlace implementation has changed
- } catch (SecurityException se) {
- // Possibly thrown by getDeclaredField - would prevent our access to the field
- } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
- // A variety of methods throw NPEs
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
- // Thrown by get()
- } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
- // Also thrown by get()
- } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError eiie) {
- // Also thrown by get()
- }
- // If we get here, we assume things are OK
- return Result.healthy("FilePickUpPlace appears to be healthy");
- }
- }