
package emissary.core;

import emissary.core.channels.SeekableByteChannelFactory;
import emissary.directory.DirectoryEntry;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public interface IBaseDataObject {

     * Define the merge policy values for parameter handling
    enum MergePolicy {

     * Default separator when stringing parameter values together

     * @deprecated As of emissary 8.18.0, this method performs no operations
    @Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
    default void checkForUnsafeDataChanges() {};

     * Return the data as a byte array. If using a channel to the data, calling this method will only return up to
     * Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes of the original data.
     * @return byte array of the data
     * @see #getChannelFactory() as the preferred data accessor for larger data
    byte[] data();

     * Set BaseDataObjects data to byte array passed in.
     * @param newData byte array to set replacing any existing data
    void setData(byte[] newData);

     * Set BaseDataObjects data to the portion of the byte array specified
     * @param newData array containing desired data
     * @param offset the index of the first byte to use
     * @param length the number of bytes to use
    void setData(final byte[] newData, int offset, int length);

     * Checks if the data is defined with a non-zero length.
     * @return if data is undefined or zero length.
    boolean hasContent() throws IOException;

     * Set the byte channel factory using whichever implementation is providing access to the data.
     * @param sbcf the new channel factory to set on this object
    void setChannelFactory(final SeekableByteChannelFactory sbcf);

     * Returns a new InputStream to the data that this BaseDataObject contains.
     * <p>
     * NOTE 1: Mutating the data elements of this IBaseDataObject while reading from the InputStream will have indeterminate
     * results.
     * <p>
     * NOTE 2: The calling code is responsible for closing the returned InputStream.
     * @return a new stream that reads the data that this object contains, or null if this object has no data.
    InputStream newInputStream();

     * Returns the seekable byte channel factory containing a reference to the data
     * @return the factory containing the data reference
    SeekableByteChannelFactory getChannelFactory();

     * Get the size of the channel referenced by this object
     * @return the channel size
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs with the underlying channel
    long getChannelSize() throws IOException;

     * Return length of the data, up to Integer.MAX_VALUE if the data is in a channel.
     * Prefer use of {@link #getChannelSize()} going forwards
     * @return length in bytes of the data
    int dataLength();

     * Set the header byte array
     * @param arg1 the byte array of header data
    void setHeader(byte[] arg1);

     * Return a reference to the header byte array.
     * @return byte array of header information or null if none
    byte[] header();

     * Set the footer byte array
     * @param arg1 byte array of footer data
    void setFooter(byte[] arg1);

     * Return a reference to the footer byte array.
     * @return byte array of footer data or null if none
    byte[] footer();

     * Get the value of headerEncoding. Tells how to interpret the header information.
     * @return Value of headerEncoding.
    String getHeaderEncoding();

     * Set the value of headerEncoding for proper interpretation and processing later
     * @param arg1 Value to assign to headerEncoding.
    void setHeaderEncoding(String arg1);

     * Get the classification string for the data
     * @return String classification value
    String getClassification();

     * Set the classification.
     * @param classification string classification value
    void setClassification(String classification);

     * Sets the number of children that the current agents spawned.
     * @param num the number value to set
    void setNumChildren(int num);

     * Gets the number of children that have this as a parent
     * @return the number of children that have this parent
    int getNumChildren();

     * Sets the number of siblings for this data object.
     * @param num the number of siblings to set
    void setNumSiblings(int num);

     * Get the number of siblings
     * @return the number of siblings including this one
    int getNumSiblings();

     * What number is this sibling in the family
     * @param num the birthorder number value to set
    void setBirthOrder(int num);

     * Get this sibling number, count from one.
     * @return the birth order of this sibling
    int getBirthOrder();

     * Return the header wrapped in a ByteBuffer class.
     * @return buffer required by the HTML Velocity templates.
    ByteBuffer headerBuffer();

     * Return the footer wrapped in a ByteBuffer class.
     * @return buffer required by the HTML Velocity templates.
    ByteBuffer footerBuffer();

     * Return theData wrapped in a ByteBuffer class.
     * @return buffer required by the HTML Velocity templates.
    ByteBuffer dataBuffer();

     * Get the font encoding string
     * @return string name of font encoding for the data
    String getFontEncoding();

     * Set the font encoding string
     * @param arg1 string name of font encoding for the data
    void setFontEncoding(String arg1);

     * Clear all metadata elements
    void clearParameters();

     * Determine if parameter is present
     * @param key name of metadata element to check
    boolean hasParameter(String key);

     * Replace all of the metadata elements with a new set
     * @param map the new set
    void setParameters(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> map);

     * Set a new parameter value, deleting an old one
     * @param key the name of the element
     * @param val the value of the element
    void setParameter(String key, Object val);

     * Put a new metadata element into the map
     * @param key the name of the element
     * @param val the value of the element
    void putParameter(String key, Object val);

     * Put a collection of parameters into the metadata map
     * @param m the map of new parameters
    void putParameters(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> m);

     * Put a collection of parameters into the metadata map using the specified merge policy
     * @param m the map of new parameters
     * @param policy the merge policy
    void putParameters(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> m, MergePolicy policy);

     * Merge a collection of parameters into the metadata map
     * @param m the map of new parameters
    void mergeParameters(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> m);

     * Put a collection of parameters into the metadata map uniquely
     * @param m the map of new parameters
    void putUniqueParameters(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object> m);

     * Retrieve a specified metadata element
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @return the value or null if no such element
    List<Object> getParameter(String key);

     * Append data to the specified metadata element
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @param value the value to append
    void appendParameter(String key, CharSequence value);

     * Append data values to the specified metadata element
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @param values the values to append
    void appendParameter(String key, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> values);

     * Append data to the specified metadata element if it doesn't exist
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @param value the value to append
     * @return true if the item is added, false if it already exists
    boolean appendUniqueParameter(String key, CharSequence value);

     * Retrieve a specified metadata element as a string value
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @return the string value or null if no such element
     * @deprecated use {@link #getParameterAsString(String)} if a single metadata value is expected, or
     *             {@link #getParameterAsConcatString(String)} if it might be multivalued
    default String getStringParameter(final String key) {
        return getStringParameter(key, DEFAULT_PARAM_SEPARATOR);

     * Retrieve a specified metadata element as a string value
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @param sep the separator for multivalued fields
     * @return the string value or null if no such element
     * @deprecated use {@link #getParameterAsConcatString(String, String)}
    default String getStringParameter(final String key, final String sep) {
        final List<Object> obj = getParameter(key);
        if (obj == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (obj.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else if ((obj.size() == 1) && (obj.get(0) instanceof String)) {
            return (String) obj.get(0);
        } else if ((obj.size() == 1) && (obj.get(0) == null)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (final Object item : obj) {
                if (sb.length() > 0) {
            return sb.toString();

     * Retrieve the Collection of metadata values identified by key where each element is converted to a string
     * @param key name of the metadata element collection
     * @return Collection of elements converted to strings
    default Collection<String> getParameterAsStrings(final String key) {
        final var obj = getParameter(key);
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(obj) || ((obj.size() == 1) && (obj.get(0) == null))) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else if ((obj.size() == 1) && (obj.get(0) instanceof String)) {
            return Collections.singletonList((String) obj.get(0));
        } else {
            return obj.stream().map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList());

     * Retrieve the metadata value identified by key where the element is converted to a string
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @return parameter converted to strings
    String getParameterAsString(String key);

     * Retrieve a specified metadata element as a string of concatenated values
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @return the string value or null if no such element
    default String getParameterAsConcatString(final String key) {
        return getParameterAsConcatString(key, DEFAULT_PARAM_SEPARATOR);

     * Retrieve a specified metadata element as a string of concatenated values
     * @param key name of the metadata element
     * @param sep the separator for multivalued fields
     * @return the string value or null if no such element
    default String getParameterAsConcatString(final String key, final String sep) {
        Collection<String> strings = getParameterAsStrings(key);
        if (strings.stream().anyMatch(Objects::nonNull)) {
            return String.join(sep, strings);
        return null;

     * Retrieve all the metadata elements of this object
     * @return map of metadata elements
    Map<String, Collection<Object>> getParameters();

     * Retrieve all the metadata elements of this object in a way that is processed for use external to this instance
     * @return map of metadata elements
    Map<String, String> getCookedParameters();

     * Retrieve all of the current metadata keys
     * @return set of charsequence keys
    Set<String> getParameterKeys();

     * Delete the specified metadata element named
     * @param key the name of the metadata item to delete
     * @return the object deleted of null if none
    List<Object> deleteParameter(String key);

     * Put the FILETYPE parameter
     * @param arg1 the value to store
    void setFileType(String arg1);

     * Set FILETYPE parameter iff empty.
     * @param arg1 the value of the filetype to set
     * @param arg2 the list of things caller considers equal to being empty
     * @return true if it was empty and set
     * @deprecated Use {@link #setFileType(String)} instead.
    boolean setFileTypeIfEmpty(String arg1, String[] arg2);

     * Set FILETYPE parameter iff empty using the built-in definition of empty
     * @param arg1 the value of the filetype to set
     * @return true if it was empty and set
    boolean setFileTypeIfEmpty(String arg1);

     * Return true if the file type is null or in one of the "don't care" set
     * @since 3.3.3
    boolean isFileTypeEmpty();

     * Get the FILETYPE parameter
     * @return the string value of the FILETYPE parameter
    String getFileType();

     * Disclose how many multipart alternative views of the data exist
     * @return count of alternate views
    int getNumAlternateViews();

     * Return a specified multipart alternative view of the data
     * @param arg1 the name of the view to retrieve
     * @return byte array of alternate view data
    byte[] getAlternateView(String arg1);

     * Return a specified multipart alternative view of the data in a buffer
     * @param arg1 the name of the view to retrieve
     * @return buffer of alternate view data
    ByteBuffer getAlternateViewBuffer(String arg1);

     * Add a multipart alternative view of the data
     * @param name the name of the new view
     * @param data the byte array of data for the view
    void addAlternateView(String name, byte[] data);

     * Add a multipart alternative view of the data
     * @param name the name of the new view
     * @param data the byte array conatining data for the view
     * @param offset index of the first byte to use
     * @param length number of bytes to use
    void addAlternateView(String name, byte[] data, int offset, int length);

     * Append the specified data to the alternate view
     * @param name the name of the new view
     * @param data the byte array of data for the view
    void appendAlternateView(String name, byte[] data);

     * Append to a multipart alternative view of the data
     * @param name the name of the view
     * @param data the byte array conatining data for the view
     * @param offset index of the first byte to use
     * @param length number of bytes to use
    void appendAlternateView(String name, byte[] data, int offset, int length);

     * Get the set of alt view names for new foreach loops
     * @return set of alternate view names
    Set<String> getAlternateViewNames();

     * Get the alternate view map.
     * @return map of alternate views, key = String, value = byte[]
    Map<String, byte[]> getAlternateViews();

     * Test for broken document
     * @return true if broken
    boolean isBroken();

     * Set brokenness for document
     * @param arg1 the message to record
    void setBroken(String arg1);

     * Get brokenness indicator message
     * @return string message of what is broken
    String getBroken();

     * Returns the name of the file without the path with which the file will be written.
     * @return the short name of the file (no path)
    String shortName();

     * Returns the filename associated with the data.
     * @return the string name with path
    String getFilename();

     * Returns the internally generated identifier used to track the object
     * @return a String representing the internal ID
    UUID getInternalId();

     * Set the filename
     * @param f the new name of the data including path
    void setFilename(String f);

     * Return the current form of the data (top of the stack)
     * @return string value of current form
    String currentForm();

     * Return the current form at specified position of the list
     * @param i The specified position
     * @return String containing the form or empty string if illegal position
    String currentFormAt(int i);

     * Check to see if this value is already on the stack of itinerary items
     * @param val the string to look for
     * @return the position where it was found or -1
    int searchCurrentForm(String val);

     * Check to see one of these values is on the stack of itinerary items
     * @param values the List of strings to look for
     * @return the String that was found out of the list sent in or null
    String searchCurrentForm(Collection<String> values);

     * Get the size of the itinerary stack
     * @return size of form stack
    int currentFormSize();

     * Remove a form from the head of the list
     * @return the new size of the itinerary stack
    String popCurrentForm();

     * Replace all current forms with specified
     * @param form the new current form or null if none desired
    void replaceCurrentForm(String form);

     * Remove a form where ever it appears in the stack
     * @param form the value to remove
     * @return the number of elements removed from the stack
    int deleteCurrentForm(String form);

     * Remove a form at the specified location of the itinerary stack
     * @param i the position to delete
     * @return the new size of the itinerary stack
    int deleteCurrentFormAt(int i);

     * Add current form newForm at idx
     * @param i the position to do the insert
     * @param val the value to insert
     * @return size of the new stack
    int addCurrentFormAt(int i, String val);

     * Add a form to the end of the list (the bottom of the stack)
     * @param val the new value to add to the tail of the stack
     * @return the new size of the itinerary stack
    int enqueueCurrentForm(String val);

     * Push a form onto the head of the list
     * @param val the new value to push on the stack
     * @return the new size of the itinerary stack
    int pushCurrentForm(String val);

     * Replaces the current form of the data with a new form Does a pop() followed by a push(newForm) to simulate what would
     * happen in the old "one form at a time system"
     * @param val value of the the new form of the data
    void setCurrentForm(String val);

     * Replaces the current form of the data with a form passed and potentially clears the entire form stack
     * @param val value of the the new form of the data
     * @param clearAllForms whether or not to clear the entire form stack
    void setCurrentForm(String val, boolean clearAllForms);

     * Return a clone the whole current form list Note this is not a reference to our private store
     * @return ordered list of current forms
    List<String> getAllCurrentForms();

     * Move curForm to the top of the stack pushing everything above it down one slot
     * @param curForm the form to pull to the top
    void pullFormToTop(String curForm);

     * Return BaseDataObjects info as a String.
     * @return string value of this object
    String toString();

     * Record a processing error
     * @param val the new error message to record
    void addProcessingError(String val);

     * Retrieve the processing error(s)
     * @return string value of processing errors
    String getProcessingError();

     * Replace history with the new history
     * @param history of new history strings to use
    void setHistory(TransformHistory history);

     * Get the transform history
     * @return history of places visited
    TransformHistory getTransformHistory();

     * List of places the data object was carried to.
     * @return List of strings making up the history
    List<String> transformHistory();

     * List of places the data object was carried to.
     * @param includeCoordinated include the places that were coordinated
     * @return List of strings making up the history
    List<String> transformHistory(boolean includeCoordinated);

     * Clear the transformation history
    void clearTransformHistory();

     * Appends the new key to the transform history. This is called by MobileAgent before moving to the new place. It
     * usually adds the four-tuple of a place's key
     * @see emissary.core.MobileAgent#agentControl
     * @param key the new value to append
    void appendTransformHistory(String key);

     * Appends the new key to the transform history. This is called by MobileAgent before moving to the new place. It
     * usually adds the four-tuple of a place's key. Coordinated history keys are meant for informational purposes and have
     * no bearing on the routing algorithm. It is important to list the places visited in coordination, but should not
     * report as the last place visited.
     * @see emissary.core.MobileAgent#agentControl
     * @param key the new value to append
     * @param coordinated true if history entries are for informational purposes only
    void appendTransformHistory(String key, boolean coordinated);

     * Return what machine we are located on
     * @return string local host name
    String whereAmI();

     * Return an SDE based on the last item in the transform history or null if empty
     * @return last item in history
    DirectoryEntry getLastPlaceVisited();

     * Return an SDE based on the penultimate item in the transform history or null if empty
     * @return penultimate item in history
    DirectoryEntry getPenultimatePlaceVisited();

     * Return true if the payload has been to a place matching the key passed in.
     * @param pattern the key pattern to match
    boolean hasVisited(String pattern);

     * True if this payload hasn't had any processing yet Does not count parent processing as being for this payload
     * @return true if not yet started
    boolean beforeStart();

     * Support deep copy via clone
    IBaseDataObject clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;

     * Print the parameters, nicely formatted
    String printMeta();

     * Get data object's priority.
     * @return int priority (lower the number, higher the priority).
    int getPriority();

     * Set the data object's priority, typically based on input dir/file priority.
     * @param priority int (lower the number, higher the priority).
    void setPriority(int priority);

     * Get the timestamp for when the object was created. This attribute will be used for data provenance.
     * @return date - the timestamp the object was created
    Instant getCreationTimestamp();

     * Set the timestamp for when the object was created
     * @param creationTimestamp - the date the object was created
    void setCreationTimestamp(Instant creationTimestamp);

     * Get the List of extracted records
    List<IBaseDataObject> getExtractedRecords();

     * Set/replace the list of extracted children
     * @param records the list of extracted children
    void setExtractedRecords(List<? extends IBaseDataObject> records);

     * Add an extracted child
     * @param record the extracted child to add
    void addExtractedRecord(IBaseDataObject record);

     * Add extracted children
     * @param records the extracted children to add
    void addExtractedRecords(List<? extends IBaseDataObject> records);

     * Determine if this object has extracted records.
     * @return true if this object has extracted records.
    boolean hasExtractedRecords();

     * Clear the list of extracted records.
    void clearExtractedRecords();

     * Get count of extracted records
    int getExtractedRecordCount();

     * Test if tree is outputable
     * @return true if this tree is not able to be output, false otherwise
    boolean isOutputable();

     * Set whether or not the tree is able to be written out
     * @param outputable true if this tree is not able to be output, false otherwise
    void setOutputable(boolean outputable);

     * Get ID
     * @return the unique identifier of the IBaseDataObject
    String getId();

     * Set the unique identifier of the IBaseDataObject
     * @param id the unique identifier of the IBaseDataObject
    void setId(String id);

     * Get the Work Bundle ID
     * @return the unique identifier of the {@link emissary.pickup.WorkBundle}
    String getWorkBundleId();

     * Set the unique identifier of the {@link emissary.pickup.WorkBundle}
     * @param workBundleId the unique identifier of the {@link emissary.pickup.WorkBundle}
    void setWorkBundleId(String workBundleId);

     * Get the Transaction ID
     * @return the unique identifier of the transaction
    String getTransactionId();

     * Set the unique identifier of the transaction
     * @param transactionId the unique identifier of the transaction
    void setTransactionId(String transactionId);

     * Return the top level document or null if there is none for this IBaseDataObject
     * @return The TLD IBaseDataObject
    IBaseDataObject getTld();
