
package emissary.core;

import emissary.core.channels.InMemoryChannelFactory;
import emissary.core.channels.SeekableByteChannelFactory;
import emissary.core.channels.SeekableByteChannelHelper;
import emissary.core.constants.IbdoMethodNames;
import emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames;
import emissary.util.ByteUtil;
import emissary.util.xml.AbstractJDOMUtil;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;

import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.BIRTH_ORDER;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.BROKEN;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.NAME;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.NUM_CHILDREN;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.NUM_SIBLINGS;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.OUTPUTABLE;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.PARAMETER;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.PRIORITY;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.PROCESSING_ERROR;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.VALUE;
import static emissary.core.constants.IbdoXmlElementNames.VIEW;

 * This class contains the interfaces and implementations used to convert an IBDO->XML and XML->IBDO.
public final class IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs {
     * Logger instance
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.class);
     * New line string to use for normalised XML
    public static final String BASE64_NEW_LINE_STRING = new String(new byte[] {'\n'});
     * Max width of Base64 char block.
    public static final int BASE64_LINE_WIDTH = 76;
     * The Base64 encoder.
     * Uses same width as default, but overrides new line separator to use normalized XML separator.
     * See http://www.jdom.org/docs/apidocs/org/jdom2/output/Format.html#setLineSeparator(java.lang.String)
    public static final Base64.Encoder BASE64_ENCODER = Base64.getMimeEncoder(BASE64_LINE_WIDTH, new byte[] {'\n'});
     * The Base64 decoder.
    private static final Base64.Decoder BASE64_DECODER = Base64.getMimeDecoder();
    public static final String BASE64 = "base64";
    public static final String SHA256 = "sha256";
     * The XML attribute name for Encoding.
    public static final String ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "encoding";
     * The XML attribute name for Length.
    public static final String LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "length";
     * A map of element names of IBaseDataObject methods that get/set primitives and their default values.
    public static final Map<String, Object> PRIMITVE_NAME_DEFAULT_MAP = Collections
            .unmodifiableMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(Stream.of(
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(BIRTH_ORDER, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().getBirthOrder()),
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(BROKEN, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().isBroken()),
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(NUM_CHILDREN, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().getNumChildren()),
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(NUM_SIBLINGS, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().getNumSiblings()),
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(OUTPUTABLE, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().isOutputable()),
                    new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(PRIORITY, DataObjectFactory.getInstance().getPriority()))
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue))));
     * The XML namespace for "xml".
    public static final Namespace XML_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace(XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX,
     * The Map for ElementDecoders, which uses ElementName -&gt; MethodName mapping
    private static final Map<String, String> METHOD_MAP;
    static {
        METHOD_MAP = new HashMap<>();
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.BIRTH_ORDER, IbdoMethodNames.SET_BIRTH_ORDER);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.BROKEN, IbdoMethodNames.SET_BROKEN);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.CLASSIFICATION, IbdoMethodNames.SET_CLASSIFICATION);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.CURRENT_FORM, IbdoMethodNames.SET_CURRENT_FORM);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.DATA, IbdoMethodNames.SET_DATA);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.FILENAME, IbdoMethodNames.SET_FILENAME);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.FONT_ENCODING, IbdoMethodNames.SET_FONT_ENCODING);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.FOOTER, IbdoMethodNames.SET_FOOTER);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.HEADER, IbdoMethodNames.SET_HEADER);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.HEADER_ENCODING, IbdoMethodNames.SET_HEADER_ENCODING);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.ID, IbdoMethodNames.SET_ID);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.NUM_CHILDREN, IbdoMethodNames.SET_NUM_CHILDREN);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.NUM_SIBLINGS, IbdoMethodNames.SET_NUM_SIBLINGS);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.OUTPUTABLE, IbdoMethodNames.SET_OUTPUTABLE);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.PARAMETER, IbdoMethodNames.SET_PARAMETER);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.PRIORITY, IbdoMethodNames.SET_PRIORITY);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.PROCESSING_ERROR, IbdoMethodNames.ADD_PROCESSING_ERROR);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.TRANSACTION_ID, IbdoMethodNames.SET_TRANSACTION_ID);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.VIEW, IbdoMethodNames.ADD_ALTERNATE_VIEW);
        METHOD_MAP.put(IbdoXmlElementNames.WORK_BUNDLE_ID, IbdoMethodNames.SET_WORK_BUNDLE_ID);
    private static final String NO_IBDO_METHOD_MATCH_ELEMENT_NAME = "Could not find the IBDO method for element name ";

     * Interface for decoding an element value.
    public interface ElementDecoder {
         * Decodes and XML element value and sets it on the specified IBDO method.
         * @param elements the list of elements to be decoded.
         * @param ibdo the ibdo to set the values on.
         * @param ibdoMethodName the ibdo method name to use to set the values.
         * @throws IOException thrown if anything goes wrong.
        void decode(List<Element> elements, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String ibdoMethodName) throws IOException;

     * Interface for encoding an element value.
    public interface ElementEncoder<T> {
         * Encodes a list of values into an element that is attached to the parent element with the specified child element
         * name.
         * @param values to be encoded.
         * @param parentElement that the child element is to be attached to.
         * @param childElementName the name of the child element.
        void encode(List<T> values, Element parentElement, String childElementName);

     * Class that contains the element decoders.
    public static class ElementDecoders {
         * Decoder for boolean elements.
        private final ElementDecoder booleanDecoder;
         * Decoder for byte[] elements.
        private final ElementDecoder byteArrayDecoder;
         * Decoder for integer elements.
        private final ElementDecoder integerDecoder;
         * Decoder for SeekableByteChannel elements.
        private final ElementDecoder seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder;
         * Decoder for Map&lt;String,byte[]&gt; elements.
        private final ElementDecoder stringByteArrayDecoder;
         * Decoder for String elements.
        private final ElementDecoder stringDecoder;
         * Decoder for Map&lt;String,Collection&lt;Object&gt;&gt; elements.
        private final ElementDecoder stringObjectDecoder;

         * Constructs a container for the XML element decoders.
         * @param booleanDecoder decoder for boolean elements
         * @param byteArrayDecoder decoder for byte[] elements
         * @param integerDecoder decoder for integer elements
         * @param seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder decoder for SeekableByteChannelElements.
         * @param stringByteArrayDecoder decoder for Map&lt;String,byte[]&gt; elements
         * @param stringDecoder decoder for String elements
         * @param stringObjectDecoder decoder for Map&lt;String,Collection&lt;Object&gt;&gt; elements
        public ElementDecoders(
                final ElementDecoder booleanDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder byteArrayDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder integerDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder stringByteArrayDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder stringDecoder,
                final ElementDecoder stringObjectDecoder) {
            Validate.notNull(booleanDecoder, "Required: booleanDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(byteArrayDecoder, "Required: byteArrayDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(integerDecoder, "Required: integerDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder, "Required: seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringByteArrayDecoder, "Required: stringByteArrayDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringDecoder, "Required: stringDecoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringObjectDecoder, "Required: stringObjectDecoder not null!");

            this.booleanDecoder = booleanDecoder;
            this.byteArrayDecoder = byteArrayDecoder;
            this.integerDecoder = integerDecoder;
            this.seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder = seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder;
            this.stringByteArrayDecoder = stringByteArrayDecoder;
            this.stringDecoder = stringDecoder;
            this.stringObjectDecoder = stringObjectDecoder;

        public void decodeBoolean(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            booleanDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeByteArray(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            byteArrayDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeInteger(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            integerDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeSeekableByteChannelFactory(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            seekableByteChannelFactoryDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeStringByteArray(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            stringByteArrayDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeString(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            stringDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        public void decodeStringObject(Element currentElement, IBaseDataObject ibdo, String elementName) throws IOException {
            String methodName = getBdoMethodForElement(elementName);
            List<Element> elements = currentElement.getChildren(elementName);
            stringObjectDecoder.decode(elements, ibdo, methodName);

        private static String getBdoMethodForElement(String elementName) {
            String methodName = METHOD_MAP.get(elementName);
            Validate.notNull(methodName, NO_IBDO_METHOD_MATCH_ELEMENT_NAME + elementName);
            return methodName;

     * Class that contains the element encoders.
    public static class ElementEncoders {
         * Encoder for boolean elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<Boolean> booleanEncoder;
         * Encoder for byte[] elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<byte[]> byteArrayEncoder;
         * Encoder for integer elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<Integer> integerEncoder;
         * Encoder for SeekableByteChannel elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder;
         * Encoder for Map&lt;String,byte[]&gt; elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> stringByteArrayEncoder;
         * Encoder for String elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<String> stringEncoder;
         * Encoder for Map&lt;String, Collection&lt;Object&gt;&gt; elements.
        public final ElementEncoder<Map<String, Collection<Object>>> stringObjectEncoder;

         * Constructs a container for the XML element encoders.
         * @param booleanEncoder encoder for boolean elements
         * @param byteArrayEncoder encoder for byte[] elements
         * @param integerEncoder encoder for integer elements
         * @param seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder encoder for SeekableByteChannel elements
         * @param stringByteArrayEncoder encoder for Map&lt;String,byte[]&gt; elements
         * @param stringEncoder encoder for String elements.
         * @param stringObjectEncoder encoder for Map&lt;String, Collection&lt;Object&gt;&gt; elements
        public ElementEncoders(
                final ElementEncoder<Boolean> booleanEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<byte[]> byteArrayEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<Integer> integerEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> stringByteArrayEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<String> stringEncoder,
                final ElementEncoder<Map<String, Collection<Object>>> stringObjectEncoder) {
            Validate.notNull(booleanEncoder, "Required: booleanEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(byteArrayEncoder, "Required: byteArrayEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(integerEncoder, "Required: integerEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder, "Required: seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringByteArrayEncoder, "Required: stringByteArrayEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringEncoder, "Required: stringEncoder not null!");
            Validate.notNull(stringObjectEncoder, "Required: stringObjectEncoder not null!");

            this.booleanEncoder = booleanEncoder;
            this.byteArrayEncoder = byteArrayEncoder;
            this.integerEncoder = integerEncoder;
            this.seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder = seekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder;
            this.stringByteArrayEncoder = stringByteArrayEncoder;
            this.stringEncoder = stringEncoder;
            this.stringObjectEncoder = stringObjectEncoder;

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a boolean value.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, boolean.class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                method.invoke(ibdo, Boolean.valueOf(element.getValue()));
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode boolean!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a SeekableByteChannel value.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_SEEKABLE_BYTE_CHANNEL_FACTORY_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, SeekableByteChannelFactory.class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                final String elementValue = element.getValue();
                final String encoding = element.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);

                method.invoke(ibdo, InMemoryChannelFactory.create(extractBytes(encoding, elementValue)));
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode SeekableByteChannelFactory!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a byte array value.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_BYTE_ARRAY_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, byte[].class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                final String elementValue = element.getValue();
                final String encoding = element.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);

                method.invoke(ibdo, (Object) extractBytes(encoding, elementValue));
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode byte[]!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has an integer value.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_INTEGER_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, int.class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                method.invoke(ibdo, Integer.decode(element.getValue()));
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode integer!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a string value.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_STRING_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, String.class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                final String elementValue = element.getValue();
                final String encoding = element.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);

                method.invoke(ibdo, new String(extractBytes(encoding, elementValue), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode string!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a mapped value where the key is a string and the value is a byte
     * array.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_STRING_BYTE_ARRAY_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, String.class, byte[].class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                final Element nameElement = element.getChild(NAME);
                final String name = nameElement.getValue();
                final String nameEncoding = nameElement.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                final String nameDecoded = new String(extractBytes(nameEncoding, name), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                final Element valueElement = element.getChild(VALUE);
                final String value = valueElement.getValue();
                final String valueEncoding = valueElement.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                final byte[] valueDecoded = extractBytes(valueEncoding, value);

                method.invoke(ibdo, nameDecoded, valueDecoded);
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode a mapping of String and byte[]!", e);

     * Implementation of an XML element decoder that has a mapped value where the key is a string and the value is an
     * object.
    public static final ElementDecoder DEFAULT_STRING_OBJECT_DECODER = (elements, ibdo, ibdoMethodName) -> {
        try {
            final Method method = getIbdoMethod(ibdoMethodName, String.class, CharSequence.class);

            for (final Element element : elements) {
                final Element nameElement = element.getChild(NAME);
                final String name = nameElement.getValue();
                final String nameEncoding = nameElement.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                final String nameDecoded = new String(extractBytes(nameEncoding, name), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                final Element valueElement = element.getChild(VALUE);
                final String value = valueElement.getValue();
                final String valueEncoding = valueElement.getAttributeValue(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                final String valueDecoded = new String(extractBytes(valueEncoding, value));

                method.invoke(ibdo, nameDecoded, valueDecoded);
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to decode a mapping of String and Object!", e);

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for SeekableByteChannel's that produces a base64 value.
    public static final ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> DEFAULT_SEEKABLE_BYTE_CHANNEL_FACTORY_ENCODER =
            new SeekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder();

    private static class SeekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder implements ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> {
        public void encode(final List<SeekableByteChannelFactory> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final SeekableByteChannelFactory value : values) {
                if (value != null) {
                    try {
                        final byte[] bytes = SeekableByteChannelHelper.getByteArrayFromChannel(value,
                        final Element childElement = preserve(protectedElementBase64(childElementName, bytes));

                        childElement.setAttribute(LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(bytes.length));

                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                        LOGGER.error("Could not get bytes from SeekableByteChannel!", e);

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for SeekableByteChannel's that produces a SHA256 hash value.
    public static final ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> SHA256_SEEKABLE_BYTE_CHANNEL_FACTORY_ENCODER =
            new Sha256SeekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder();

    private static class Sha256SeekableByteChannelFactoryEncoder implements ElementEncoder<SeekableByteChannelFactory> {
        public void encode(final List<SeekableByteChannelFactory> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final SeekableByteChannelFactory value : values) {
                if (value != null) {
                    try {
                        final byte[] bytes = SeekableByteChannelHelper.getByteArrayFromChannel(value,
                        final Element childElement = preserve(protectedElementHash(childElementName, bytes));

                        childElement.setAttribute(LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(bytes.length));

                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                        LOGGER.error("Could not get bytes from SeekableByteChannel!", e);

        private static Element protectedElementHash(final String name, final byte[] bytes) {
            final Element element = new Element(name);

            if (ByteUtil.containsNonIndexableBytes(bytes)) {
                element.setAttribute(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, SHA256);
            } else {
                element.addContent(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

            return element;

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for integers.
    public static final ElementEncoder<Integer> DEFAULT_INTEGER_ENCODER = new IntegerEncoder();

    private static class IntegerEncoder implements ElementEncoder<Integer> {
        public void encode(final List<Integer> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final int value : values) {
                if (((Integer) PRIMITVE_NAME_DEFAULT_MAP.get(childElementName)) != value) {
                    parentElement.addContent(AbstractJDOMUtil.simpleElement(childElementName, value));

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for Strings.
    public static final ElementEncoder<String> DEFAULT_STRING_ENCODER = new StringEncoder();

    private static class StringEncoder implements ElementEncoder<String> {
        public void encode(final List<String> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (int i = values.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                String value = values.get(i);

                if (PROCESSING_ERROR.equals(childElementName) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
                    value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);

                if (value != null) {
                    parentElement.addContent(preserve(protectedElement(childElementName, value)));

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for byte[].
    public static final ElementEncoder<byte[]> DEFAULT_BYTE_ARRAY_ENCODER = new ByteArrayEncoder();

    private static class ByteArrayEncoder implements ElementEncoder<byte[]> {
        public void encode(final List<byte[]> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final byte[] value : values) {
                if (value != null) {
                    final Element childElement = preserve(protectedElementBase64(childElementName, value));

                    childElement.setAttribute(LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(value.length));


     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for booleans.
    public static final ElementEncoder<Boolean> DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_ENCODER = new BooleanEncoder();

    private static class BooleanEncoder implements ElementEncoder<Boolean> {
        public void encode(final List<Boolean> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final boolean value : values) {
                if (!((Boolean) PRIMITVE_NAME_DEFAULT_MAP.get(childElementName)).equals(value)) {
                    parentElement.addContent(AbstractJDOMUtil.simpleElement(childElementName, value));

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for Map&lt;String, Collection&lt;Object&gt;&gt;.
    public static final ElementEncoder<Map<String, Collection<Object>>> DEFAULT_STRING_OBJECT_ENCODER = new StringObjectEncoder();

    private static class StringObjectEncoder implements ElementEncoder<Map<String, Collection<Object>>> {
        public void encode(final List<Map<String, Collection<Object>>> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final Map<String, Collection<Object>> value : values) {
                for (final Entry<String, Collection<Object>> parameter : value.entrySet()) {
                    for (final Object item : parameter.getValue()) {
                        final Element metaElement = new Element(PARAMETER);

                        metaElement.addContent(preserve(protectedElement(NAME, parameter.getKey())));
                        metaElement.addContent(preserve(protectedElement(VALUE, item.toString())));

     * An implementation of an XML element encoder for Map&lt;String, byte[]&gt;.
    public static final ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> DEFAULT_STRING_BYTE_ARRAY_ENCODER = new StringByteArrayEncoder();

    private static class StringByteArrayEncoder implements ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> {
        public void encode(final List<Map<String, byte[]>> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final Map<String, byte[]> value : values) {
                for (final Entry<String, byte[]> view : value.entrySet()) {
                    final Element metaElement = new Element(VIEW);
                    final Element nameElement = preserve(protectedElement(NAME, view.getKey()));
                    final Element valueElement = preserve(protectedElementBase64(VALUE, view.getValue()));

                    valueElement.setAttribute(LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(view.getValue().length));


    public static final ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> SHA256_STRING_BYTE_ARRAY_ENCODER = new Sha256StringByteArrayEncoder();

    private static class Sha256StringByteArrayEncoder implements ElementEncoder<Map<String, byte[]>> {
        public void encode(final List<Map<String, byte[]>> values, final Element parentElement, final String childElementName) {
            for (final Map<String, byte[]> value : values) {
                for (final Entry<String, byte[]> view : value.entrySet()) {
                    final Element metaElement = new Element(IbdoXmlElementNames.VIEW);
                    final Element nameElement = preserve(protectedElement(IbdoXmlElementNames.NAME, view.getKey()));
                    final Element valueElement = preserve(protectedElementSha256(IbdoXmlElementNames.VALUE, view.getValue()));

                    valueElement.setAttribute(LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Integer.toString(view.getValue().length));


     * The default set of XML element decoders.
    public static final ElementDecoders DEFAULT_ELEMENT_DECODERS = new ElementDecoders(

     * The default set of XML element encoders.
    public static final ElementEncoders DEFAULT_ELEMENT_ENCODERS = new ElementEncoders(

     * The set of XML element encoders that will sha256 hash the specified element types.
    public static final ElementEncoders SHA256_ELEMENT_ENCODERS = new ElementEncoders(

    private IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs() {}

     * Return UTF8 bytes from an XML value, decoding base64 if required
     * @param encoding e.g. 'base64', otherwise it returns the bytes as they are presented
     * @param elementValue containing the data
     * @return the data from elementValue, decoded from base64 if required
    public static byte[] extractBytes(final String encoding, final String elementValue) {
        if (BASE64.equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) {
            final String newElementValue = elementValue.replace("\n", "");
            final byte[] bytes = newElementValue.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            return BASE64_DECODER.decode(bytes);

        return elementValue.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

     * Adds preservation attributes to an XML element.
     * @param element to add preservation attributes to.
     * @return the element passed in with the preservation elements added.
    public static Element preserve(final Element element) {
        element.setAttribute("space", "preserve", XML_NAMESPACE);

        return element;

     * Creates a protected XML string element.
     * @param name of the XML element
     * @param string value of the XML element
     * @return the protected XML element.
    public static Element protectedElement(final String name, final String string) {
        return protectedElementBase64(name, string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

     * Creates a 'protected' element which can be encoded with base64 if it contains non-printable characters
     * See method source for specific definition of 'non-printable'.
     * @param name of the element
     * @param bytes to wrap, if they contain non-printable characters
     * @return the created element
    public static Element protectedElementBase64(final String name, final byte[] bytes) {
        final Element element = new Element(name);

        if (ByteUtil.containsNonIndexableBytes(bytes)) {
            String base64String = BASE64_NEW_LINE_STRING +
                    BASE64_ENCODER.encodeToString(bytes) +

            element.setAttribute(ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, BASE64);
        } else {
            element.addContent(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        return element;

     * Creates a 'protected' element which can be hashed with sha256 if it contains non-printable characters
     * See method source for specific definition of 'non-printable'.
     * @param name of the element
     * @param bytes to wrap, if they contain non-printable characters.
     * @return the created element
    public static Element protectedElementSha256(final String name, final byte[] bytes) {
        final Element element = new Element(name);

        if (ByteUtil.containsNonIndexableBytes(bytes)) {
            element.setAttribute(IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.SHA256);
        } else {
            element.addContent(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        return element;

     * Gets the requested method object from the IBaseDataObject class.
     * @param methodName name of the ibdo method
     * @param parameterTypes list of ibdo method parameter types
     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and encounters a problem.
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException if a matching method is not found
     * @return the ibdo method object
    public static Method getIbdoMethod(final String methodName, final Class<?>... parameterTypes)
            throws NoSuchMethodException {
        return IBaseDataObject.class.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);