import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.Namespace;
import emissary.log.MDCConstants;
import emissary.server.mvc.adapters.DirectoryAdapter;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* The DirectoryPlace class is used to store information relating to Places/Services in the Emissary Agent-Based
* architecture. When a Place comes up it calls the method addPlace passing in all the relevant information to store in
* the Directory. Agents query the directory by calling the method nextKeys which requires a query String search
* pattern.
* <p>
* We try to support some network topographic constructions by providing a set of peer directories. Peers are monitored
* and checked automatically by HeartbeatManager and the peer network is assumed to be fully connected. Peer directories
* are a fairly-static list of peer directories read from a config file. At least one host must be listed in order to
* bootstrap the network.
* <p>
* Emissary directory instances are also observable with respect to Peer activities, and Place activities. Peer
* observers will be called with a list of current members of the peer group (including this directory) whenever the
* peer group loses or gains members. Place observers will be called with a key that matches the pattern supplied on
* their subscription and an indication of whether it is a register or deregister or cost change.
public class DirectoryPlace extends ServiceProviderPlace implements IRemoteDirectory {
* Map of DirectoryEntryList objects by data id. This map contains the actual advertisements seen by this directory and
* available for MobilAgent/Place use via nextKeys
protected DirectoryEntryMap entryMap = new DirectoryEntryMap();
/** Peer directories to this one */
protected Set<DirectoryEntry> peerDirectories = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
* Statically configured peers. Remember them even when they shut down. A subset of peerDirectories
protected Set<String> staticPeers = new HashSet<>();
/** Heartbeat manager for checking up on remote directories */
protected HeartbeatManager heartbeat;
/** Manage observers */
protected DirectoryObserverManager observerManager;
/** True if this directory is a rendezvous peer */
protected boolean rdvPeer = false;
/** True is this directory is shutdown */
protected boolean shutdownInitiated = false;
/** True if this directory is running */
protected boolean running = false;
/** Emissary node configuration for network topology */
protected EmissaryNode emissaryNode;
* Window of slop between asking for a zone and purging "stale" entries from the entry map. Since there is a window of
* time when the remote directory might be spewing out addPlace calls while we are asking for the zone transfer we can't
* just remove all entries once we get the zone, demarshall it and decide (finally) that it's ready to put into our map.
* We have to allow things somewhat recent to stay around also. This time window looks back from the beginning of the
* zone transfer request to provide some leniency.
protected long zoneSlopWindowMillis = 30000; // 30 sec
* Create a new empty directory using this location and no parent
* @param placeLoc string key to register this directory
* @param node EmissaryNode for this directory place
* @throws IOException when configuration fails
public DirectoryPlace(final String placeLoc, EmissaryNode node) throws IOException {
this.emissaryNode = node;
* Create a new directory as specified by the config info with a parent for relaying through.
* @param configStream config info
* @param parentDir the parent directory or null if none
* @param placeLoc key for this place
* @param node node configuration details or null for defaults
* @throws IOException when configuration fails
public DirectoryPlace(final InputStream configStream, final String parentDir, final String placeLoc, final EmissaryNode node) throws IOException {
super(configStream, parentDir, placeLoc);
this.emissaryNode = node;
* Create a new child directory as specified by the config info
* @param configInfo our config file to read
* @param placeLoc string key to register this directory
* @param node node configuration details or null for defaults
* @throws IOException when configuration fails
public DirectoryPlace(final String configInfo, final String placeLoc, final EmissaryNode node) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, placeLoc);
this.emissaryNode = node;
* Create a new directory as specified by the config info
* @param configStream config info
* @param placeLoc key for this place
* @param node node configuration details or null for defaults
* @throws IOException when configuration fails
public DirectoryPlace(final InputStream configStream, final String placeLoc, final EmissaryNode node) throws IOException {
super(configStream, placeLoc);
this.emissaryNode = node;
* Shared code for all the constructors to take advantage of in initializing directory services Configuration items read
* here are
* <ul>
* <li>HEARTBEAT_DELAY_SECONDS, default is 30</li>
* <li>HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECONDS, default is 30</li>
* <li>HEARTBEAT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD, set transient failure count, default owned by HeartbeatManager</li>
* <li>HEARTBEAT_PERMANENT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD, set permanent failure count, default owned by HeartbeatManager</li>
* </ul>
private void setupDirectory() {
if (this.emissaryNode.isValid() && !this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
// Start a heart beat manager with initial and interval seconds
final int initialSeconds = configG.findIntEntry("HEARTBEAT_DELAY_SECONDS", 30);
final int intervalSeconds = configG.findIntEntry("HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SECONDS", 30);
this.heartbeat = new HeartbeatManager(myKey, initialSeconds, intervalSeconds);
final int heartbeatFailureThreshold = configG.findIntEntry("HEARTBEAT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD", -1);
if (heartbeatFailureThreshold > 0) {
final int heartbeatPermanentFailure = configG.findIntEntry("HEARTBEAT_PERMANENT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD", -1);
if (heartbeatPermanentFailure > 0) {
// Set up deferred stuff from ServiceProviderPlace
// for directories only we are our own localDirPlace
// and the key is our own key
localDirPlace = this;
dirPlace = myKey;
// Start an observer manager
this.observerManager = new DirectoryObserverManager(myKey);
// Configure my initial rendezvous peers
// Add an entry representing myself into the
// local entry map. This allows observers to
// work for this case, and allows Jetty instances
// with just a DirectoryPlace and some bunches
// of other non-Place code to function well and trigger
// the peer discovery mechanism when they zone transfer
// this entry
final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
this.running = true;
* Find an optional peer config stream or file and initialize tracking of the peers found there.
* <p>
* We don't actually contact any of the remote directories here, so we can get the heck out of the constructor code and
* get this place registered in the namespace quick! so other directories can find us in a timely fashion.
private void configureNetworkTopology() {
if (!this.emissaryNode.isValid()) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Running as a standalone emissary node");
} else {
logger.debug("Not configured as an emissary node");
logger.debug("Emissary node info: {}", this.emissaryNode);
try {
// Peer network configuration is from peer.cfg
final Configurator peerConfig = this.emissaryNode.getPeerConfigurator();
final Set<String> peers = peerConfig.findEntriesAsSet("RENDEZVOUS_PEER");
addPeerDirectories(peers, true);
logger.debug("Configured {} rendezvous peers from {} config entries.", this.peerDirectories.size(), peers.size());
logger.debug("This directory is {}a rendezvous peer.", (this.rdvPeer ? "" : "NOT (yet) "));
} catch (IOException iox) {
logger.debug("There is no peer.cfg data available");
* Determine if the key is local to this directory
* @param key the key to query for
* @return true iff the key host and port are the same (jvm locality test)
private boolean isLocal(final String key) {
return KeyManipulator.isLocalTo(key, myKey);
* Determine if the entry is local to this directory
* @param entry the entry to query for
* @return true iff the entry key host and port are the same (jvm locality test)
private boolean isLocal(final DirectoryEntry entry) {
return isLocal(entry.getKey());
* Add a Set of peer directory to this one
* @param keys set of string key for peer directories
public void irdAddPeerDirectories(@Nullable final Set<String> keys) {
// Validate contract
if ((keys == null) || keys.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Ignoring irdAddPeerDirectories called with null or no keys");
// Validate remote parameters
for (final String key : keys) {
if (!KeyManipulator.isValid(key)) {
logger.warn("Ignoring irdAddPeerDirectories called with {} keys, invalid key {}", keys.size(), key);
addPeerDirectories(keys, false);
* Add a Set of peer directory to this one
* @param keys set of string key for peer directories
* @param initPhase true if during place initialization
// TODO Look at DirectoryPlaceTest at the cases where spied methods are used
public void addPeerDirectories(final Set<String> keys, final boolean initPhase) {
if (this.shutdownInitiated) {
logger.error("Shutdown has been initiated. Cannot add peer directories in this state.");
boolean changeMade = false;
for (final String key : keys) {
if (isLocal(key)) {
// I am listed as a rendezvous for someone
this.rdvPeer = true;
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Not adding peers in standalone nodes");
if (!isStaticPeer(key)) {
logger.warn("Unknown peer requesting to be added: {}", key);
if (!isKnownPeer(key)) {
this.peerDirectories.add(new DirectoryEntry(key));
logger.debug("Added peer directory {}", key);
// Setup heartbeat to new peer directory
if (initPhase) {
// not contacted yet
this.heartbeat.addRemoteDirectory(key, HeartbeatManager.NO_CONTACT);
} else {
// already contacted
this.heartbeat.addRemoteDirectory(key, HeartbeatManager.IS_ALIVE);
// Initial transfer of remote directory info here
// It may not be up yet, so be resilient
changeMade = true;
} else {
logger.debug("We already knew about peer {}", key);
if (!this.heartbeat.isAlive(key)) {
logger.debug("Forcing peer {} alive due to arriving registration", key);
this.heartbeat.setHealthStatus(key, HeartbeatManager.IS_ALIVE, "Received peer registration");
// Notify all observers
if (changeMade) {
this.observerManager.peerUpdate(new HashSet<>(this.peerDirectories));
* Retrieve and load (zone transfer) all the entries from the specified peer directory. Zone transfers do not trigger
* observables like addPlaces does
* @param peerKey the key of the peer directory
protected void loadPeerEntries(final String peerKey) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Cannot load peer entries in standalone nodes");
logger.debug("Doing zone transfer with peer {}", peerKey);
// TODO See DirectoryPlace for spy example which needs to be addressed
final DirectoryEntryMap newEntries = loadRemoteEntries(peerKey, this.entryMap);
if ((newEntries == null) || newEntries.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("We got nothing back from the peer zone xfer");
// We just did this guy remove his stuff
// Remove local stuff
// Make note of any possible new peer directory
// We should only be seeing peers here
final Set<String> newPeers = new HashSet<>();
for (final DirectoryEntry newEntry : newEntries.allEntries()) {
if (!isLocal(newEntry)) {
final String possiblePeer = KeyManipulator.getDefaultDirectoryKey(newEntry.getKey());
if (!isKnownPeer(possiblePeer) && !newPeers.contains(possiblePeer)) {
logger.debug("Discovered new peer {} from {} during zt with {}", possiblePeer, newEntry.getKey(), peerKey);
if (!newPeers.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Adding {} new peers from zt with {}", newPeers.size(), peerKey);
addPeerDirectories(newPeers, false);
* Retrieve and load (zone transfer) all the entries from specified remote directory into the specified map. Remove any
* stale entries from the destination map if one is specified and merge in the new entries. Zone transfers do not
* trigger observables like addPlaces does
* @param key key of the remote directory to transfer from
* @param loadMap the map to load into or null for no load. Observers are notified if loadMap is not null
* @return the new entries
private DirectoryEntryMap loadRemoteEntries(final String key, @Nullable final DirectoryEntryMap loadMap) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Cannot load remote entries in standalone nodes");
return null;
if (!isStaticPeer(key)) {
logger.debug("Ignoring non-configured peer {}", key);
return null;
// Track how long the zone transfer takes and use that
// info along with the slop window to help determine if
// there are stale entries and what they might be.
final long startZone = System.currentTimeMillis();
DirectoryEntryMap map = null;
try {
// Also registers as a peer with them
// TODO should we need to get the current EmissaryClient to ensure parameters are set correctly
final DirectoryAdapter da = new DirectoryAdapter();
map = da.outboundRegisterPeer(key, myKey);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Retrieved {} entries in zone transfer from {} in {} millis", map.entryCount(), key,
(System.currentTimeMillis() - startZone));
// No entries mean we got the remote message,
// and they just don't have any places registered yet
if (map.isEmpty()) {
return map;
if (loadMap != null) {
// Remove and notify of any stale entries in loadMap
removeStaleEntries(loadMap, key, startZone - this.zoneSlopWindowMillis, map, true);
// Remove any duplicate entries from map
// so that they don't get double notified to observers
// do the load and notify all observers
cleanLoadNotifyEntries(map, loadMap, myKey, REMOTE_COST_OVERHEAD);
} else {
logger.debug("Skipping load of {} new entries from {} returning list to caller", map.entryCount(), key);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Unable to zone transfer with {}", key, ex);
} else {"Unable to zone transfer with {}", key);
// Failure condition. Trigger state change in heartbeat manager
this.heartbeat.setHealthStatus(key, HeartbeatManager.NO_CONTACT, "Remote directory failed zone transfer");
return map;
* Remove stale entries from the specified map and notify any observers Nothing older than checkpoint time can be
* considered stale and nothing that is on the incming newEntries list can be considered stale since we would just be
* adding it back again. Duplicates (non-stale entries) are removed from the newEntries map to avoid further confusion
* but only if the cost is the same. Otherwise, we leave it so that a cost-change event can propagete from later code
* but still avoid triggering a place removed event.
* @param loadMap the map we are removing from
* @param key the key of the directory whose entries might be stale
* @param checkpoint the time window to determine possible staleness
* @param newEntries the new map arriving
* @param performNotification only use observerManager if true
* @return list of entries that were removed
private List<DirectoryEntry> removeStaleEntries(final DirectoryEntryMap loadMap, final String key, final long checkpoint,
@Nullable final DirectoryEntryMap newEntries, final boolean performNotification) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> staleEntries = new ArrayList<>();
// Nothing newer than the checkpoint time can be stale
// Nothing that is in teh loadMap but also duplicated in
// the newEntries map can be stale either. This helps eliminate
// the problem of removing it just so we can add it back.
// This uses a mark and sweep to prevent concurrent mod exceptions
for (final DirectoryEntry d : loadMap.collectAllMatching(key)) {
// is it old enough to be possibly stale
if (d.getAge() < checkpoint) {
// is it missing from the new list
if (newEntries != null) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> matches = newEntries.collectAllMatching(d.getKey());
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Marking stale entry {}", d.getKey());
} else if (matches.size() == 1) {
// remove from newEntries if exact dup
final DirectoryEntry me = matches.get(0);
if (me.getFullKey().equals(d.getFullKey())) {
logger.debug("Removing duplcate key from incoming map {}", me.getKey());
} else {
// must be stale if no newEntries
logger.debug("Marking stale entry (no new entries){}", d.getKey());
// Remove and notify
if (!staleEntries.isEmpty()) {
for (final DirectoryEntry stale : staleEntries) {
logger.debug("Removing stale entry {}", stale.getKey());
if (performNotification) {
logger.debug("Notifying observers of {} stale entry removals", staleEntries.size());
} else {
logger.debug("There were no stale entries to remove");
return staleEntries;
* Grok the details of a new entry list and figure out which observers need to be notified. Remove any entries that are
* not going to end up being added anyway.
* @param map the new entries to understand
* @param loadMap the map the entries will be loaded into
* @param purgeKey remove any keys matching
* @param costBump add cost to incoming
private void cleanLoadNotifyEntries(final DirectoryEntryMap map, @Nullable final DirectoryEntryMap loadMap, @Nullable final String purgeKey,
final int costBump) {
// Remove local entries from the new map
// We already know about our local stuff.
if (purgeKey != null) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> removed = map.removeAllOnDirectory(purgeKey);
logger.debug("Clean/load removed {} entries based on {} remaining = {}", removed.size(), purgeKey, map.entryCount());
// Add remote overhead to remaining
if (costBump > 0) {
map.addCostToMatching("*.*.*.*", costBump);
logger.debug("Clean/load did cost-bump of {} on {} entries", costBump, map.entryCount());
if (loadMap != null) {
final DirectoryEntryMap newEntries = new DirectoryEntryMap();
final DirectoryEntryMap costChangeEntries = new DirectoryEntryMap();
for (final DirectoryEntry e : map.allEntries()) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> matches = loadMap.collectAllMatching(e.getKey());
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
} else if ((matches.size() == 1) && e.isBetterThan(matches.get(0))) {
// Merge remaining truly new entries and notify observers
final int newCount = newEntries.entryCount();
final int cceCount = costChangeEntries.entryCount();
if (newCount > 0) {
logger.debug("Loading {} new entries", newCount);
} else {
logger.debug("Nothing truly new from {} entries", map.entryCount());
// .. and cost change entries
if (cceCount > 0) {
logger.debug("Loading {} better cost entries", cceCount);
} else {
logger.debug("No cost change entries from {} entries", map.entryCount());
// Now let the map that gets returned have just the new
// and cost changed entries, no already known stuff
if ((newCount + cceCount) < map.entryCount()) {
} else {
logger.debug("Clean/load got a null loadMap so skipping the load for {} entries", map.entryCount());
* Get a list of the keys of all the peer directories known here
* @return set of string names of peer directory keys
public Set<String> getPeerDirectories() {
final Set<String> l = new TreeSet<>();
for (final DirectoryEntry sde : this.peerDirectories) {
return l;
* Add a list of entries to the directory Entries are kept in a Hash by "datatype::serviceType" Each entry is a List of
* sorted DirectoryEntries sorted order on cost and then quality, held in a DirectoryEntryList object
* @param entryList the new entries to add
protected void addEntries(final List<DirectoryEntry> entryList) {
logger.debug("Adding {} new entries", entryList.size());
// add them
// notify all observers
final Set<String> peerSet = new HashSet<>();
for (final DirectoryEntry newEntry : entryList) {
// Make a note of any possible new peer directory
if (!isLocal(newEntry)) {
final String peerKey = KeyManipulator.getDefaultDirectoryKey(newEntry.getKey());
if (!isKnownPeer(peerKey) && !peerSet.contains(peerKey)) {
logger.debug("Discovered new peer {} from addEntries {}", peerKey, newEntry.getKey());
} else {
logger.debug("No new peer implications to {} from {}", peerKey, newEntry.getKey());
if (!peerSet.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("Adding {} newly discovered peer entries", peerSet.size());
addPeerDirectories(peerSet, false);
* Add an entry to the directory Entries are kept in a Hash by "datatype::serviceType" Each entry is a List of sorted
* DirectoryEntries sorted order on cost and then quality, held in a DirectoryEntryList object
* @param newEntry the new entry to add
protected void addEntry(final DirectoryEntry newEntry) {
logger.debug("Adding single new entry {}", newEntry.getKey());
final List<DirectoryEntry> entryList = new ArrayList<>();
* Determine if key represents a configured peer
public boolean isStaticPeer(final String key) {
return this.staticPeers.contains(key);
* Determine if key represents a known peer
private boolean isKnownPeer(final String key) {
for (final DirectoryEntry sde : this.peerDirectories) {
if (KeyManipulator.isLocalTo(sde.getKey(), key)) {
return true;
return false;
* Remove a peer from the peer list
* @param key the peer to remove
private DirectoryEntry removePeer(final String key) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Cannot remove peers from standalone nodes");
return null;
DirectoryEntry expeer = null;
// Find it
for (final DirectoryEntry sde : this.peerDirectories) {
if (KeyManipulator.isLocalTo(sde.getKey(), key)) {
// nb. COW Set does not support iterator.remove
expeer = sde;
// Nuke it
if (expeer != null) {
// Remove from COW set
// Remove from heartbeat manager
// Notify all observers, but don't give them
// access to our own Set object
this.observerManager.peerUpdate(new HashSet<>(this.peerDirectories));
// Remove the entries if any remain
return expeer;
* Remove directory. Called from the heartbeat manager and from the EmissaryClient
* @param key string key of failed directory
* @param permanent true if from a normal shutdown rather than a transient error
* @return count of how many places were removed locally
public int irdFailDirectory(final String key, final boolean permanent) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Cannot fail remotes in standalone nodes");
return 0;
// Validate remote input
if (!KeyManipulator.isValid(key)) {
logger.warn("Ignoring, called with invalid key {}", key);
return 0;
if (this.shutdownInitiated) {
logger.debug("Remote {} reported as failed, in shutdown", key);
return 0;
// Reports of my demise are premature...
if (isLocal(key)) {
"Someone reported me as failed, but I appear to be still running. Refusing to remove my own entries and propagate this filthy lie.");
return 0;
final String dirKey = KeyManipulator.getDefaultDirectoryKey(key);
final String hmKey = KeyManipulator.getHostMatchKey(key);
int count = 0;
logger.debug("irdFailDirectory {} {} permanent", key, (permanent ? "is" : "is not"));
// Modify local entries for the failed remote directory
// Permanent failure removes entries on failed directory.
// Transient failure adjusts weight of entries on failed directory.
if (permanent) {
logger.debug("Permanent failure of remote {}", key);
count += removePlaces(Collections.singletonList(hmKey));
} else {
// Change the cost for all places matching the
// failed directory. This has the effect of causing them
// not to be chosen as much.
final List<DirectoryEntry> list = this.entryMap.collectAllMatching(hmKey);
// Handle permanent removal of remote directory
if (permanent) {
// Notify my heartbeat manager so that a normal deregistration
// followed by a restart will trigger a state transition even
// if under the timer check time
this.heartbeat.setHealthStatus(key, HeartbeatManager.NO_CONTACT, "Permanent deregistration");
// Remove from peer list
if (isKnownPeer(dirKey)) {
if (!isStaticPeer(dirKey)) {
logger.debug("Removing non-static peer {}", dirKey);
} else {
logger.debug("Static peer {} is deregistered but monitoring continues", dirKey);
} else {
logger.warn("Directory {} failed but it isn't a peer??", dirKey);
return count;
* Send directory failure message to another directory
* @param directory the place to send the message
* @param failKey the key of the one that failed
* @param permanent true if this is from normal deregistrtion
protected void sendFailMessage(final DirectoryEntry directory, final String failKey, final boolean permanent) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("No remote failure messages generated in standalone node");
try {
new DirectoryAdapter().outboundFailDirectory(directory.getKey(), failKey, permanent);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.error("Problem talking to directory {} to fail {}", directory.getKey(), failKey, ex);
* Established or re-established contact with a remote directory. Check for presence on peer and initiate zone transfer
* if needed.
* @param key the key of the directory we contacted
void contactedRemoteDirectory(final String key) {
MDC.put(MDCConstants.SERVICE_LOCATION, KeyManipulator.getServiceLocation(myKey));
logger.debug("Established contact with {}", key);
if (isStaticPeer(key) && isKnownPeer(key)) {
} else {
logger.warn("Contact established with {} but it is not a peer", key);
* Register a place with all of its complete keys
* @param keys list of complete keys with expense
public void addPlaces(@Nullable final List<String> keys) {
// Validate contract
if ((keys == null) || keys.isEmpty() || (keys.get(0) == null)) {
logger.error("addPlaces skipping place with no keys");
// Build a list of DirectoryEntry out of these
final List<DirectoryEntry> del = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String key : keys) {
final DirectoryEntry d = new DirectoryEntry(key);
irdAddPlaces(del, false);
* Register a list of entries. This signature only meant to be called from within EmissaryClient code. Each entry will
* have a separate key, cost and quality but should all be local to each other.
* @param entryList list of directoryEntry to add
* @param propagating true if going back down the directory chain
public void irdAddPlaces(@Nullable final List<DirectoryEntry> entryList, final boolean propagating) {
if ((entryList == null) || entryList.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("irdAddPlaces called with null or empty entryList!");
// Validate remote input
for (final DirectoryEntry d : entryList) {
if (d == null || !d.isValid()) {
logger.warn("Ignoring irdAddPlaces called with {} DirectoryEntry objects due to invalid key in {}", entryList.size(), d);
// These keys better all be from the same emissary node
// We should check that they are and throw if not
final String place = entryList.get(0).getKey(); // !!
final boolean isLocal = isLocal(place);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Starting irdAddPlaces with {} entries for {} place - place={}, myKey={}", entryList.size(),
(isLocal ? "local" : "non-local"), place, myKey);
// make a defensive deep copy of the incoming list, so we
// can safely proxy and adjust cost as needed
final List<DirectoryEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
for (final DirectoryEntry d : entryList) {
entries.add(new DirectoryEntry(d, DirectoryEntry.PRESERVE_TIME));
// Let each directory add this non-local component to the cost
// based on the place locality. This should be enough to
// dwarf any cost variants among truly local places
if (!isLocal) {
for (final DirectoryEntry d : entries) {
logger.debug("Doing addEntries for {} new entries", entries.size());
// Notify peers if entries are being added locally
if (isLocal && !this.peerDirectories.isEmpty()) {
// This may fail if the peer is not up yet. That is normal.
for (final DirectoryEntry peer : this.peerDirectories) {
if (this.heartbeat.isAlive(peer.getKey())) {
registerWith(peer, entries, false);
} else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Not registering {} with peer {}, not alive right now", entries.size(), peer.getKey());
* Private helper to register directories. This method handles multiple directory entries, each can have separate key,
* description, cost, and quality
* @param dir the place entry to register
* @param entryList the new entries
* @param propagating true if propagating back down from higher level directory
protected void registerWith(final DirectoryEntry dir, final List<DirectoryEntry> entryList, final boolean propagating) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("registerWith({},{},{})", dir.getKey(), entryList, propagating);
try {
new DirectoryAdapter().outboundAddPlaces(dir.getKey(), entryList, propagating);
logger.debug("registration succeeded");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.warn("DirectoryPlace.registerWith: Problem talking to directory {} to add {} entries", dir.getKey(), entryList.size(), ex);
* Called by mobile agent to get a destination for a payload
* @param dataId key to entryMap, dataType::serviceType, e.g. UNKNOWN::ID
* @param payload the payload being evaluated
* @param lastPlace place agent visited last, this is not stateless
* @return List of DirectoryEntry with next place to go or empty list if none
public List<DirectoryEntry> nextKeys(final String dataId, final IBaseDataObject payload, final DirectoryEntry lastPlace) {
// Normal lookup in public entry map
logger.debug("nextKey called with dataId='{}', and lastPlace={}", dataId, (lastPlace == null ? "null" : lastPlace.getFullKey()));
List<DirectoryEntry> entries = nextKeys(dataId, payload, lastPlace, this.entryMap);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && (entries != null) && !entries.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("nextKey produced {} entries from main map {}", entries.size(), entries);
return entries;
* Get tne next logical entry based on current dataId and last place visited
* @param dataId key to entryMap, dataType::serviceType, e.g. UNKNOWN::ID
* @param payload the payload being routed
* @param lastPlace place agent visited last, this is not stateless
* @param entries map of DirectoryEntry stored in this directory
* @return List of DirectoryEntry with next place to go or empty list if none
protected List<DirectoryEntry> nextKeys(final String dataId, final IBaseDataObject payload, @Nullable final DirectoryEntry lastPlace,
final DirectoryEntryMap entries) {
// Find the entry list for the type being requested
final DirectoryEntryList currentList = getWildcardedEntryList(dataId, entries);
// Nothing for the dataId or any wildcarded versions, we are done
if ((currentList == null) || currentList.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("nextKey - nothing found here for {}", dataId);
return List.of();
// remove denied entries
currentList.removeIf(de -> de.getLocalPlace() != null && de.getLocalPlace().isDenied(payload.currentForm()));
if (currentList.isEmpty()) {
logger.debug("nextKeys - no non-DENIED entries found here for {}", dataId);
return List.of();
// The list we are building for return to the caller
final List<DirectoryEntry> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
// The dataId this time is different from the last place
// visited, so we can just choose from the list of the lowest
// expense places and get on with it
DirectoryEntry trialEntry = currentList.getEntry(0);
if (lastPlace == null || (!lastPlace.getDataId().equals(dataId) && !trialEntry.getServiceLocation().equals(lastPlace.getServiceLocation()))) {
logger.debug("doing first in list for {}", trialEntry);
} else {
// Trying a particular "dataType::serviceType" pair again
for (int i = 0; i < currentList.size(); i++) {
trialEntry = currentList.getEntry(i);
// Skip entry if less/same expensive. Includes the obvious
// test, plus evaluation of whether we would choose a
// particular non-local place if it was here. If we wouldn't
// choose it if it was here, we certainly aren't willing
// to move to get it.
final int te = trialEntry.getExpense() % REMOTE_EXPENSE_OVERHEAD;
final int le = lastPlace.getExpense() % REMOTE_EXPENSE_OVERHEAD;
// Always skip service cheaper than what we already did
if (te < le) {
logger.debug("nextKey skip lower cost {}", trialEntry.getFullKey());
// If relaying, we want to be hopping closer to the target
if ((te == le) && (trialEntry.getExpense() >= lastPlace.getExpense())
&& !trialEntry.getServiceHostUrl().equals(lastPlace.getServiceHostUrl())) {
logger.debug("nextKey skip equal cost {}", trialEntry.getFullKey());
// If equal or lower cost, no point in using the entry
if ((trialEntry.getExpense() <= lastPlace.getExpense()) && trialEntry.getServiceHostUrl().equals(lastPlace.getServiceHostUrl())) {
logger.debug("nextKey skip lower cost not relaying {}", trialEntry.getFullKey());
// Entry is more expense and different service
logger.debug("nextKey - doing next in list");
return keyList;
* Get the possibly wildcarded DirectoryEntryList for the dataId
* @param dataId the type of data being queried
* @param entries the entry map to use
* @return DirectoryEntryList or null if none
protected DirectoryEntryList getWildcardedEntryList(final String dataId, final DirectoryEntryMap entries) {
// Ids of the form FOO-BAR(ASCII)-BAZ will be wildcarded as:
// FOO-BAR(*)-*
// FOO-*
// See WildcardEntry for a more thorough example
return WildcardEntry.getWildcardedEntry(dataId, entries);
* Payloads that need to traverse the relay gateway can visit here to be forwarded on to the correct destination
* <p>
* The payload will have the simple current form that caused this relay point to be selected replace with the full
* four-tupled key of the place matching the request on the proper side of this relay point.
* @param d the payload to be inspected
public void process(final IBaseDataObject d) {
if (d.currentForm().equals(this.myKey)) {
logger.debug("Probe routing has been removed");
} else {
logger.debug("Doing routing on '{}'", d.shortName());
* Handle the routing for a payload
* @param d the visiting payload
protected void handleRouting(final IBaseDataObject d) {
// The source entry we are interested in is the one that got us
// here. The "lastPlaceVisited" should be my own key, so we want
// the one before that.
DirectoryEntry sourceEntry = d.getPenultimatePlaceVisited();
// Source entry still null?
if (sourceEntry == null) {
logger.debug("Payload had no source entry and no places visited. " + "Using my own directory key, which is probably wrong.");
sourceEntry = this.getDirectoryEntry();
// Last place visited shows the key that cause the payload
// to arrive at this place since it is logged into the history
// just before calling this method. The dataId on this entry
// is the entry that finally was selected for use, so we reuse
// it here in the proper entry map.
final DirectoryEntry thisEntry = d.getLastPlaceVisited();
final String dataId = thisEntry.getDataId();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Relay payload '{}' arrived with form {} coming from {} arrival entry {} arrival dataId={}", d.shortName(), d.currentForm(),
sourceEntry.getKey(), thisEntry.getKey(), dataId);
// Where we want to go from here
List<DirectoryEntry> destination = nextKeys(dataId, d, sourceEntry);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Selected {} entries {} from incoming {} and data id {} current form={}", destination.size(), destination,
sourceEntry.getKey(), dataId, d.currentForm());
// Replace the current form with the full key version of same
for (final DirectoryEntry destEntry : destination) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Leaving relay gateway with current form {}", d.getAllCurrentForms());
* Make directory contents available for debug or display and analysis
* @return List of DirectoryEntry (copies)
public List<DirectoryEntry> getEntries() {
final List<DirectoryEntry> entries = this.entryMap.allEntries();
return DirectoryEntryList.deepCopy(entries, true);
* Get list of DirectoryEntry that match the key pattern
* @param pattern a key pattern to match
* @return List of DirectoryEntry (copies)
public List<DirectoryEntry> getMatchingEntries(final String pattern) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> entries = this.entryMap.collectAllMatching(pattern);
return DirectoryEntryList.deepCopy(entries, true);
* Make directory contents entry keys available for display and transfer
* @return Set of String in the DataId format DATATYPE::SERVICETYPE
public Set<String> getEntryKeys() {
return new TreeSet<>(this.entryMap.keySet());
* Get the requested directory entry
* @param dataId the key to the entry Map set of DirectoryEntryList objects
* @return a DirectoryEntryList object for the key or null if none
public DirectoryEntryList getEntryList(final String dataId) {
final DirectoryEntryList value = this.entryMap.get(dataId);
return new DirectoryEntryList(value, DirectoryEntryList.DEEP_COPY, DirectoryEntryList.PRESERVE_TIME);
* Deregister places removing all keys for the specified places.
* @param keys four-tuple key for the place
* @return count of how many keys removed
public int removePlaces(final List<String> keys) {
return irdRemovePlaces(keys, false);
* Deregister places removing all keys for the specified places. Should only be called externally from EmissaryClient
* @see #removePlaces(List)
* @param keys four-tuple key for the place
* @param propagating true if going down the line
* @return count of how many keys removed
public int irdRemovePlaces(@Nullable final List<String> keys, final boolean propagating) {
if (this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
logger.debug("Cannot remove remote places in standalone nodes");
return 0;
if ((keys == null) || keys.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Ignoring null or empty key list for irdRemovePlaces");
return 0;
// Validate remote input
for (final String key : keys) {
if (!KeyManipulator.isValid(key)) {
logger.warn("Ignoring irdRemovePlaces called with {} keys due to invalid key {}", keys.size(), key);
return 0;
// Note we don't just pull the dataId from the map
// because we anticipate the incoming keys will be
// wildcarded as places go away rather than individual
// service proxy keys
final List<DirectoryEntry> matches = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String key : keys) {
final List<DirectoryEntry> m = this.entryMap.removeAllMatching(key);
final int count = matches.size();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Found {} entries for removal matching {} keys={}", count, keys.size(), keys);
// Nothing do to, nothing to propagate
if (count == 0) {
return 0;
int localCount = 0;
// Count the locals and hit the observers
for (final DirectoryEntry e : matches) {
if (isLocal(e.getKey())) {
// Notify observers of entry removal
// Notify peers if local entries are being removed
if (!this.peerDirectories.isEmpty() && (localCount > 0)) {
// This may fail if the peer is not up. That is normal.
for (final DirectoryEntry peer : this.peerDirectories) {
if (this.heartbeat.isAlive(peer.getKey())) {
logger.debug("Deregistering {} keys from peer {}", keys.size(), peer);
deregisterFrom(peer, keys, false);
final List<String> localKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (final DirectoryEntry match : matches) {
final String key = match.getKey();
if (isLocal(key)) {
logger.debug("Removed {} putting in local bucket", key);
return localKeys.size();
* Private helper to deregister entry from directories
* @param dir the remote directory to deregister from
* @param keys the list of keys the place can handle (SERVICE_PROXY)
* @param propagating true if propagating across levels
protected void deregisterFrom(final DirectoryEntry dir, final List<String> keys, final boolean propagating) {
try {
// Follow the logic to irdRemovePlaces on the remote side
new DirectoryAdapter().outboundRemovePlaces(dir.getKey(), keys, propagating);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.error("DirectoryPlace.deregisterFrom: " + "Problem talking to directory " + dir.getKey() + " to deregister keys", ex);
* Shutdown this place and deregister and notify any peers and observers that this directory is closing
public void shutDown() {
if (this.shutdownInitiated) {
this.shutdownInitiated = true;
this.running = false;
logger.debug("Initiating directory shutdown");
if (this.heartbeat != null) {
if (!this.emissaryNode.isStandalone()) {
// Notify peers of my demise
for (final DirectoryEntry peer : this.peerDirectories) {
logger.debug("Sending fail msg to peer {}", peer);
sendFailMessage(peer, myKey, true);
// Remove all entries and notify all observers
final List<DirectoryEntry> matches = this.entryMap.collectAllMatching("*.*.*.*");
for (final DirectoryEntry e : matches) {
// Nuke em
// Remove peers and Notify all observers that we are leaving the group
unbindFromNamespace();"Done shutting down DirectoryPlace");
* Add an observer for one of the observable activities in the directory The runtime class of the observer determines
* what is being observed
* @param observer the new DirectoryObserver to add
public void addObserver(final DirectoryObserver observer) {
logger.debug("We now have {} observers registered", this.observerManager.getObserverCount());
* Remove an observer previously registered with this directory
* @param observer the object to remove
* @return true if it was found on the list
public boolean deleteObserver(final DirectoryObserver observer) {
final boolean removed = this.observerManager.deleteObserver(observer);
logger.debug("We now have {} observers registered", this.observerManager.getObserverCount());
return removed;
* Pull the local directory from the namespace and return it. This does not work in some test scenarios where we have
* multiple non-local directories in a single JVM.
* @return the local directory instance
* @throws EmissaryException when directory does not exist in namespace
public static IDirectoryPlace lookup() throws EmissaryException {
final String name = "DirectoryPlace";
final Object nsval = Namespace.lookup(name);
if (nsval instanceof IDirectoryPlace) {
return (IDirectoryPlace) nsval;
throw new EmissaryException("Bad directory place lookup found " + nsval);
* Get the sync status of a remote directory as seen from this directory. Note that this method only can return true for
* things that the HeartbeatManager is tracking, i.e. peer directories of this instance.
* @param key the key of the remote directory
* @return true if remote is reported as being up, false otherwise
public boolean isRemoteDirectoryAvailable(final String key) {
return (this.heartbeat != null) && this.heartbeat.isHealthy(key);
* Force a heartbeat with a particular directory represented by key does not necessarily need to be one that the
* HeartbeatManager is already tracking and calling this method will not add it permanently to any list to be tracked.
* This is a one time event and can be used at the caller's discretion. Note however,that if the key is not a peer of
* this directory, a warning will be issued here when the success or failure action is taken by the heartbeat manager.
* It can be ignored in this case. Note also, that a true return from this method merely means that the remote directory
* responded to the heartbeat method, not that the remote directory is in sync yet with this one.
* @see #isRemoteDirectoryAvailable(String)
* @param key the key of the remote directory
* @return true if remote is up, false otherwise
public boolean heartbeatRemoteDirectory(final String key) {
return (this.heartbeat != null) && this.heartbeat.heartbeat(key);
* Indicate if directory is running
* @return true if running
public boolean isRunning() {
return this.running;
* Indicate whether shutdown has been initiated
* @return true if shutdown initiated
public boolean isShutdownInitiated() {
return this.shutdownInitiated;