package emissary.directory;
import emissary.admin.Startup;
import emissary.config.ConfigUtil;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.config.ServiceConfigGuide;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.MetricsManager;
import emissary.core.ResourceWatcher;
import emissary.core.sentinel.Sentinel;
import emissary.pool.AgentPool;
import emissary.pool.MobileAgentFactory;
import emissary.pool.MoveSpool;
import emissary.roll.RollManager;
import emissary.spi.SPILoader;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Hold some details about being a P2P node in the emissary network The order of preference to find the node
* configuration for an emissary node is
* <ol>
* <li>node-[emissary.node.name]-[emissary.node.port].cfg</li>
* <li>node-[emissary.node.name].cfg</li>
* <li>node-[emissary.node.port].cfg</li>
* <li>node-[os-type].cfg</li>
* <li>node.cfg</li>
* </ol>
public class EmissaryNode {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmissaryNode.class);
/** Node name property is {@value} */
public static final String NODE_NAME_PROPERTY = "emissary.node.name";
/** Node port property is {@value} */
public static final String NODE_PORT_PROPERTY = "emissary.node.port";
/** Node scheme property */
public static final String NODE_SCHEME_PROPERTY = "emissary.node.scheme";
/** Node service type property */
public static final String NODE_SERVICE_TYPE_PROPERTY = "emissary.node.service.type";
/** Node service type is {@value} */
public static final String DEFAULT_NODE_SERVICE_TYPE = "server";
/** Node type is {@value} */
public static final String DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE = "emissary-edge-node";
/** Property name that can be used to disable stdout/stderr redirection */
public static final String DISABLE_LOG_REDIRECTION_PROPERTY = "emissary.log.redirection.disabled";
/** Property that determines if server will shut down in the event a place fails to start */
public static final String STRICT_STARTUP_MODE = "strict.mode";
public enum Mode {
protected String nodeName = null;
protected int nodePort = -1;
protected String nodeScheme = null;
// this is the OS for all practical purposes
protected String nodeType = null;
protected Mode nodeMode;
protected boolean nodeNameIsDefault = false;
protected String nodeServiceType = null;
protected boolean strictStartupMode = false;
public EmissaryNode() {
* Construct the node. The node name and port are from system properties. The node type is based on the os.name in this
* implementation
public EmissaryNode(Mode nodeMode) {
this.nodeMode = nodeMode;
this.nodeName = System.getProperty(NODE_NAME_PROPERTY);
if (this.nodeName == null) {
// Use IP Address for default node name since it is
// the only globally addressable thing we have for sure
try {
final InetAddress local = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
this.nodeName = local.getHostAddress();
this.nodeNameIsDefault = true;
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
// empty catch block
this.nodeScheme = System.getProperty(NODE_SCHEME_PROPERTY, "http");
this.nodePort = Integer.getInteger(NODE_PORT_PROPERTY, -1).intValue();
this.nodeType = System.getProperty("os.name", DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE).toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).replace(' ', '_');
this.strictStartupMode = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(STRICT_STARTUP_MODE, String.valueOf(false)));
public Mode getNodeMode() {
return nodeMode;
* The node name
public String getNodeName() {
return this.nodeName;
* The node port
public int getNodePort() {
return this.nodePort;
* The node type
public String getNodeType() {
return this.nodeType;
* The node scheme
public String getNodeScheme() {
return this.nodeScheme;
* Get the value as a url
public String asUrlKey() {
return "http://" + getNodeName() + ":" + getNodePort() + "/";
* Get the inet socket address for this emissary node
public InetSocketAddress getInetSocketAddress() {
return new InetSocketAddress(getNodeName(), getNodePort());
* True if we have enough configured to be a P2P emissary node
public boolean isValid() {
return (getNodeName() != null) && (getNodePort() > 0) && (getNodeType() != null);
* True if we have enough configured to be a stand-alone (non P2P) node
public boolean isValidStandalone() {
return (getNodeName() != null) && (getNodeType() != null);
* True if this node appears to be a stand-alone (non P2P) node
public boolean isStandalone() {
return isValidStandalone() && getNodeMode().equals(Mode.STANDALONE);
public boolean isStrictStartupMode() {
return strictStartupMode;
public void setStrictStartupMode(boolean strictStartupMode) {
this.strictStartupMode = strictStartupMode;
public String toString() {
return "node-" + getNodeName() + "-" + getNodePort() + "-" + getNodeType();
* Get the configuration stream for this node
public Configurator getNodeConfigurator() throws IOException {
return internalGetConfigurator("node");
* Get the peer configuration stream for this node
public Configurator getPeerConfigurator() throws IOException {
if (isStandalone()) {
// return a configurator here with just standalone, don't actually read the peer.cfg
// This is a hack until we can TODO: refactor all this so standalone doesn't need peers
// maybe even warn if there is a peer.cfg
logger.debug("Node is standalone, ignoring any peer.cfg and only constructing one rendezvous peer with the local node");
Configurator cfg = new ServiceConfigGuide();
cfg.addEntry("RENDEZVOUS_PEER", this.asUrlKey());
return cfg;
return internalGetConfigurator("peer");
* Internal routine to find configuration files base on node params
* @param prefix the file prefix
protected Configurator internalGetConfigurator(final String prefix) throws IOException {
final List<String> configPrefs = new ArrayList<>();
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodeName() + "-" + getNodePort() + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
if (this.nodeNameIsDefault) {
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodeName().replace('.', '_') + "-" + getNodePort() + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodeName() + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
if (this.nodeNameIsDefault) {
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodeName().replace('.', '_') + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodePort() + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
configPrefs.add(prefix + "-" + getNodeType() + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
configPrefs.add(prefix + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Searching for {} config in preferences {}", prefix, configPrefs);
return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(configPrefs);
* Start all the stuff needed by an emissary server
public void configureEmissaryServer() throws EmissaryException {
// Create the core objects we need to get going
// The AgentPool
AgentPool pool = new AgentPool(new MobileAgentFactory());
logger.debug("Setup AgentPool with {} agents...", pool.getNumIdle());
// The MoveSpool
MoveSpool spool = new MoveSpool();
logger.debug("Started MoveSpool...{}", spool);
// The metrics manager
MetricsManager metricsManager = new MetricsManager();
logger.debug("Started metrics manager...{}", metricsManager);
// The resource watcher
ResourceWatcher watcher = new ResourceWatcher(metricsManager);
logger.debug("Started resource watcher...{}", watcher);
// Initialize list of configured spi classes
// Initialize the rolling framework
// Startup places on this emissary node
try {
Configurator nodeConfigStream = getNodeConfigurator();
Startup startupEngine = new Startup(nodeConfigStream, this);
logger.debug("The system is up and running fine. All ahead Warp-7.");
} catch (IOException iox) {
throw new EmissaryException("Unable to configure Emissary Node services", iox);
// The mobile agent watcher