import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A class of utility methods for manipulating dictionary keys. Keys are stored in the dictionary with the following
* format:
* <code>dataType.serviceName.serviceType.location$expense</code>
* Example: UNKNOWN.servicename.ID.tcp://$5050
* <table>
* <caption>For the example key above the return values are as follows:</caption>
* <tr>
* <td>routine</td>
* <td>return value</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>dataType</td>
* <td>UNKOWN</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceName</td>
* <td>servicename</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceType</td>
* <td>ID</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceHost</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceHostURL</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceLocation</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>expense</td>
* <td>5050</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>serviceClassname</td>
* <td>FilePlace</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>dataID</td>
* <td>UNKOWN::ID</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>defaultDirectoryKey</td>
* <td>*.*.*.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public class KeyManipulator implements Serializable {
// Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = 2456659383313218695L;
* How we separate portions of the key
public static final char SEPARATOR = '.';
public static final char HOSTSEPARATOR = ':';
public static final char CLASSSEPARATOR = '/';
public static final String DOLLAR = "$";
public static final String DATAIDSEPARATOR = "::";
public static final String WILDCARD_THREE = "*.*.*.";
* How many portions (separated by SEPARATOR) are in a complete key
public static final int NUMTUPLES = 4;
private static final String doubleSlash = "//";
* Make a key from parts
* @param dataType the first part of the key
* @param serviceName the second part of the key
* @param serviceType the third part of the key
* @param serviceLocation the fourth part of the key
public static String makeKey(final String dataType, final String serviceName, final String serviceType, final String serviceLocation) {
return dataType + SEPARATOR + serviceName + SEPARATOR + serviceType + SEPARATOR + serviceLocation;
* Return the data type field from a dictionary formatted key.
public static String getDataType(final String key) {
final int firstSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
if (firstSeparator >= 0) {
return key.substring(0, firstSeparator);
return "";
public static String getDataId(final String key) {
return getDataType(key) + DATAIDSEPARATOR + getServiceType(key);
public static String getServiceTypeFromDataId(final String dataid) {
final int pos = dataid.indexOf(DATAIDSEPARATOR);
if (pos > -1) {
return dataid.substring(pos + DATAIDSEPARATOR.length());
return "";
* Performs wildcard (? | *) string matching for dictionary key searches.
public static boolean gmatch(final String s, final String p) {
return gmatch2(s.toCharArray(), p.toCharArray(), 0, 0);
* Performs wildcard (? | *) character array matching for dictionary key searches.
public static boolean gmatch(final char[] s, final char[] p) {
return gmatch2(s, p, 0, 0);
private static boolean gmatch2(final char[] s, final char[] p, final int spos, final int ppos) {
// fastest interpreted version
if (p.length == ppos) {
return s.length == spos;
if (s.length == spos) {
return false;
final char scc = s[spos];
final char c = p[ppos];
if (c == '?') {
if (scc > 0) {
return gmatch2(s, p, spos + 1, ppos + 1);
return false;
} else if (c == '*') {
final int ppos2 = ppos + 1;
if (p.length == ppos2) {
return true;
int spos2 = spos;
while (s.length > ++spos2) {
if (p[ppos2] == s[spos2]) {
if (gmatch2(s, p, spos2, ppos2)) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (c == scc) {
return gmatch2(s, p, spos + 1, ppos + 1);
} else {
return false;
* Return whether the key passed in is complete or not This is useful in determining if the key must be wildcarded for a
* query.
* @param key the key to check
public static boolean isKeyComplete(final String key) {
if (numTuplesInKey(key) < KeyManipulator.NUMTUPLES) {
return false;
if (getServiceHost(key).length() == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Return the number of tuples in the Key passed in
public static int numTuplesInKey(final String key) {
int count = 0;
final byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < keyBytes.length; i++) {
if (keyBytes[i] == KeyManipulator.SEPARATOR) {
// Dont count separators in the hostname portion
if ((i > 0) && (keyBytes[i] == CLASSSEPARATOR) && (keyBytes[i - 1] == CLASSSEPARATOR)) {
// There is one more tuple than separators x.x.x.x
return count + 1;
* Attempt to set out some rules for a key to allow validation
* @param key the putative key
* @return true if key is valid
public static boolean isValid(@Nullable final String key) {
return (key != null) && (numTuplesInKey(key) == 4);
* Returns the class name from a dictionary formatted key
public static String getServiceClassname(final String key) {
final String location = getServiceLocation(key);
final int sep = location.lastIndexOf(CLASSSEPARATOR);
if (sep >= 0) {
return location.substring(sep + 1);
return "";
* Returns the hostname:port from a dictionary formatted key
public static String getServiceHost(final String key) {
final String location = getServiceLocation(key);
final int ds = location.indexOf(doubleSlash);
if (ds > -1) {
final int cs = location.indexOf(CLASSSEPARATOR, ds + 2);
if (cs > -1) {
return location.substring(ds + 2, cs);
return "";
return "";
* Returns the protocol://hostname:port/ from a dictionary formatted key
public static String getServiceHostUrl(final String key) {
final String location = getServiceLocation(key);
final int ds = location.lastIndexOf(CLASSSEPARATOR);
if (ds > -1) {
return location.substring(0, ds + 1);
return "";
* Returns true if k1 and k2 are local to each other
* @param k1 key for first place
* @param k2 key for second place
* @return true if local to each other
public static boolean isLocalTo(final String k1, final String k2) {
return getServiceHostUrl(k1).equals(getServiceHostUrl(k2));
* Returns the service location (host:port/className) field from a dictionary formatted key.
public static String getServiceLocation(final String key) {
final int firstSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
final int secondSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR, firstSeparator + 1);
final int thirdSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR, secondSeparator + 1);
final int fourthSeparator = key.indexOf(DOLLAR, thirdSeparator + 1);
if ((thirdSeparator >= 0)) {
if (fourthSeparator > 0) {
return key.substring(thirdSeparator + 1, fourthSeparator);
return key.substring(thirdSeparator + 1);
return "";
* Return the expense of the service
public static int getExpense(final String key) {
return getExpense(key, -1);
public static int getExpense(final String key, final int dflt) {
final int pos = key.lastIndexOf(DOLLAR);
int expense = dflt;
try {
expense = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(pos + 1));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// It's optional...
return expense;
* Add expense record onto a key
public static String addExpense(final String key, final int expense) {
if (getExpense(key, -99) == expense) {
return key;
if (key.indexOf(DOLLAR) > -1) {
return key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf(DOLLAR) + 1) + expense;
return key + DOLLAR + expense;
* Strip the expense from a key if present
* @param key any key
* @return the modified key
public static String removeExpense(final String key) {
final int pos = key.indexOf(DOLLAR);
if (pos != -1) {
return key.substring(0, pos);
return key;
* Returns the service name field from a dictionary formatted key.
public static String getServiceName(final String key) {
final int firstSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
final int secondSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR, firstSeparator + 1);
if ((firstSeparator >= 0) && (secondSeparator >= 0)) {
return key.substring(firstSeparator + 1, secondSeparator);
return "";
* Returns the service type field from a dictionary formatted key.
public static String getServiceType(final String key) {
final int firstSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
final int secondSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR, firstSeparator + 1);
final int thirdSeparator = key.indexOf(SEPARATOR, secondSeparator + 1);
if ((secondSeparator >= 0) && (thirdSeparator >= 0)) {
return key.substring(secondSeparator + 1, thirdSeparator);
return "";
* Add in the remote overhead to the "to" key if it was a move
* @param from the key we came from
* @param to the key we went to
* @return the "to" key with remote overhead or as it was
public static String addRemoteCostIfMoved(final String from, final String to) {
// If no move, just return the "to" key
if (getServiceHost(from).equals(getServiceHost(to))) {
return to;
// Add remote overhead to the "to" key
return addExpense(to, getExpense(to) + IDirectoryPlace.REMOTE_EXPENSE_OVERHEAD);
* Mangle origKey such that the host on proxyKey becomes a proxy for it
* @param origKey the original key
* @param proxyKey the key representing the place that wants to proxy
* @param dfltExp default expense to use if origKey has none or -1 for no dflt
* @return a key with the original data type, service type and service name and expense but the new place location from
* proxyKey
public static String makeProxyKey(final String origKey, final String proxyKey, final int dfltExp) {
if (isLocalTo(origKey, proxyKey) && dfltExp > -1) {
return addExpense(origKey, getExpense(origKey, dfltExp));
final int newExp = getExpense(origKey, dfltExp);
return getDataType(origKey) + SEPARATOR + getServiceName(origKey) + SEPARATOR + getServiceType(origKey) + SEPARATOR
+ getServiceLocation(proxyKey) + (newExp > -1 ? (DOLLAR + newExp) : "");
* Build a key to the directory of the place represented by the key
* @param key the key of the place to find a directory for
public static String getDefaultDirectoryKey(final String key) {
return WILDCARD_THREE + KeyManipulator.getServiceHostUrl(key) + "DirectoryPlace";
public static String getHostMatchKey(final String key) {
return WILDCARD_THREE + KeyManipulator.getServiceHostUrl(key) + "*";
public static String makeSproutKey(final String placeKey) {
return "*.*." + IServiceProviderPlace.SPROUT_KEY + "." + getServiceLocation(placeKey) + DOLLAR + "0";
/** This class is not meant to be instantiated. */
private KeyManipulator() {}