
package emissary.output;

import emissary.config.ConfigUtil;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.DataObjectFactory;
import emissary.core.Form;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.directory.DirectoryEntry;
import emissary.output.filter.IDropOffFilter;
import emissary.place.EmptyFormPlace;
import emissary.place.ServiceProviderPlace;
import emissary.util.DataUtil;
import emissary.util.DisposeHelper;
import emissary.util.ShortNameComparator;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * DropOffPlace manages the output from the system It has evolved into a controller of sorts with way too many options,
 * that controls which types of output are desired and called the appropriate output helper for the desired output.
public class DropOffPlace extends ServiceProviderPlace implements EmptyFormPlace {

    protected boolean doSynchronized = false;
    protected Set<String> elideContentForms;
    protected Set<String> noNukeForms;
    protected List<IDropOffFilter> outputFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    protected boolean failurePolicyTerminate = true;
    protected DropOffUtil dropOffUtil;
    private boolean outputCompletionPayloadSize = false;

     * Primary place constructor
     * @param configInfo our config stuff from the startup
     * @param dir string name of the directory to register into
     * @param placeLoc string form of our key
    public DropOffPlace(final String configInfo, final String dir, final String placeLoc) throws IOException {
        super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);

     * Test form of constructor
    public DropOffPlace(final String configInfo) throws IOException {
        this(configInfo, "DropOffPlace.example.com:8001");

     * Test form of constructor
    protected DropOffPlace(final String configInfo, final String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        super(configInfo, placeLocation);

    public DropOffPlace(final Configurator configInfo) throws IOException {
        this.configG = configInfo;

     * Constructor for hooking in to all the defaults
    public DropOffPlace() throws IOException {

     * Setup configuration items we need and build the output filter
    protected void configurePlace() {
        // Set configuration info on file paths
        this.dropOffUtil = new DropOffUtil(configG);
        this.doSynchronized = configG.findBooleanEntry("SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESS", false);
        this.failurePolicyTerminate = configG.findBooleanEntry("FAILURE_TERMINATES_CHAIN", true);
        this.outputCompletionPayloadSize = configG.findBooleanEntry("OUTPUT_COMPLETION_PAYLOAD_SIZE", false);
        // Build and store all the filter that are desired IN THE ORDER SPECIFIED
        final List<String> filterClasses = configG.findEntries("OUTPUT_FILTER");


     * Start up the requested filter
     * @param filterClasses the name:class values of the configured filter for this drop off
    protected void initializeFilters(final List<String> filterClasses) {
        for (final String entry : filterClasses) {
            final String name;
            final String clazz;
            Configurator filterConfig = null;
            final int colpos = entry.indexOf(':');
            if (colpos > -1) {
                name = entry.substring(0, colpos);
                clazz = entry.substring(colpos + 1);
                final String filterConfigName = configG.findStringEntry(name);
                if (filterConfigName != null) {
                    try {
                        filterConfig = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(filterConfigName);
                    } catch (IOException configError) {
                        logger.warn("Specified filter configuration {} cannot be loaded", filterConfigName);
            } else {
                name = null;
                clazz = entry;

            try {
                final Object filter = emissary.core.Factory.create(clazz);
                if (filter != null && filter instanceof IDropOffFilter) {
                    final IDropOffFilter f = (IDropOffFilter) filter;
                    f.initialize(configG, name, filterConfig);
                } else {
                    logger.error("Misconfigured filter {} is not an IDropOffFilter instance, ignoring it", clazz);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                logger.error("Unable to create or initialize {}", clazz, ex);

        // Collect the set of content types to elide
        this.elideContentForms = configG.findEntriesAsSet("ELIDE_CONTENT");

        // collect the set of no-nuke forms
        this.noNukeForms = configG.findEntriesAsSet("NO_NUKE_FORM");

        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Setting ELIDE_CONTENT forms to " + this.elideContentForms);
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Output Filters:");
            if (this.outputFilters.size() > 0) {
                for (final IDropOffFilter f : this.outputFilters) {
                    sb.append(" ").append(f.getFilterName()).append("(").append(f.getClass().getName()).append(")");
            } else {
                sb.append(" NONE!");

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            final IBaseDataObject fakePayload = DataObjectFactory.getInstance(new byte[0], "fakename", Form.UNKNOWN);
            for (final IDropOffFilter filter : getFilters()) {
                final String name = filter.getFilterName();
                final String spec = filter.getOutputSpec();

                logger.debug("Adding filter={}, spec={}, sample={}, class={}", name, spec, this.dropOffUtil.getPathFromSpec(spec, fakePayload),

    /** {@inheritDoc } */
    public void shutDown() {
        for (final IDropOffFilter filter : this.outputFilters) {
            logger.debug("Shutdown filter {}", filter.getFilterName());

     * "HD" agent calls this method when visiting the place. If you use {@link emissary.core.MobileAgent} this method is
     * never called. This method overrides {@link ServiceProviderPlace} and allows this processing place to have access to
     * all payloads wanting to be dropped off in a single list.
     * @param payloadList list of IBaseDataObject from an {@link emissary.core.HDMobileAgent}
    public List<IBaseDataObject> agentProcessHeavyDuty(final List<IBaseDataObject> payloadList) throws Exception {

        logger.debug("Entering DropOffPlace.agentProcessHeavyDuty with {} payload items", payloadList.size());

        // Prepare each incoming payload object
        for (final IBaseDataObject d : payloadList) {
            try {
                // checking to see if any object in the tree is marked as not outputable
                if (!d.isOutputable()) {
                    logger.info("Skipping object since it is not able to be output ID:{}", this.dropOffUtil.getBestId(d, payloadList.get(0)));
                    return Collections.emptyList();

                // Process the payload item with HDcontext=true
                processData(d, true);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                logger.error("Place.process threw:", e);
                d.addProcessingError("agentProcessHD(" + myKey + "): " + e);

                if (!d.currentForm().equals(Form.ERROR)) {

        // Prepare the data and metadata for filter output
        final Map<String, Object> filterParams = new HashMap<>();
        preFilterHook(payloadList, filterParams);

        // Run the filter on the output, indicating that
        // the records are pre-sorted, if the filter cares
        runOutputFilters(payloadList, filterParams);

        // Any cleanup operations needed
        postFilterHook(payloadList, filterParams);

        if (!payloadList.isEmpty()) {
            // Should have been sorted by the prefilter hook

            // Just report the TLD object ID
            final IBaseDataObject tld = payloadList.get(0);

            if (outputCompletionPayloadSize && tld.hasContent()) {
                        "Finished DropOff for object {}, with external id: {}, with total processing time: {}ms, with filetype: {}, payload size: {} bytes",
                        tld.getInternalId(), this.dropOffUtil.getBestId(tld, tld),
                        Duration.between(tld.getCreationTimestamp(), Instant.now()).toMillis(),
                        tld.getFileType(), tld.getChannelSize());
            } else {
                logger.info("Finished DropOff for object {}, with external id: {}, with total processing time: {}ms, with filetype: {}",
                        tld.getInternalId(), this.dropOffUtil.getBestId(tld, tld),
                        Duration.between(tld.getCreationTimestamp(), Instant.now()).toMillis(),


        // Execute 'Dispose Runnables' to tidy up resources used with SeekableByteChannelFactory implementations

        // This place does not sprout, return an empty list
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Called by MobileAgent through ServiceProviderPlace to handle a single payload
     * @param tData the payload to work on
    public void process(final IBaseDataObject tData) {
        if (DataUtil.isEmpty(tData)) {
            logger.warn("null/empty data object");

        // checking to see if the object is marked as not outputable
        if (!tData.isOutputable()) {
            logger.warn("Skipping object since it is not able to be output ID:{}", this.dropOffUtil.getBestId(tData, tData));

        // synchronization can be set by config file entry
        if (this.doSynchronized) {
            synchronized (this) {
                processData(tData, false);
        } else {
            processData(tData, false);

        // Execute 'Dispose Runnables' to tidy up resources used with SeekableByteChannelFactory implementations

     * Prepare a list of payload object to be filtered
     * @param payloadList the list of items that were eligible for output
     * @param filterParams metadata needed for the output filter
    public void preFilterHook(final List<IBaseDataObject> payloadList, final Map<String, Object> filterParams) {
        // Sort the list of records
        Collections.sort(payloadList, new ShortNameComparator());
        filterParams.put(IDropOffFilter.PRE_SORTED, Boolean.TRUE);
        filterParams.put(IDropOffFilter.TLD_PARAM, payloadList.get(0));

        // Prepare the metadata

     * Clean up after all filter are done
     * @param payloadList the list of items that were eligible for output
     * @param filterParams metadata needed for the output filter
    public void postFilterHook(final List<IBaseDataObject> payloadList, final Map<String, Object> filterParams) {
        // remove the current forms we used or could have used
        for (final IBaseDataObject dataObject : payloadList) {
            // Save off no-nuke forms
            final List<String> saveForms = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final String nnf : this.noNukeForms) {
                if (dataObject.searchCurrentForm(nnf) > -1) {
            // nuke 'em

            // Restore the no-nukes
            for (final String sf : saveForms) {


     * Internal method to process a single data object
     * @param tData the payload to work on or prepare
     * @param haveList true if in HD context
    protected void processData(final IBaseDataObject tData, final boolean haveList) {

        logger.debug("DropOff is working on {}, current form is {}", tData.shortName(), tData.getAllCurrentForms());

        final StringBuilder poppedForms = new StringBuilder();

        String prevBin = "";

        // skip the I/O for some types for all filter
        for (int i = 0; i < tData.currentFormSize(); i++) {
            final String cf = tData.currentFormAt(i);
            if (this.elideContentForms.contains(cf)) {
                tData.setData(("[[ " + tData.getAllCurrentForms() + " content elided in DropOffPlace. ]]").getBytes());

        // Write out data for all the destinations we area proxy for, popping
        // them off the stack as they are handled.

        final Set<String> serviceProxies = getProxies();
        final Set<String> cfSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < tData.currentFormSize(); i++) {
            final String cf = tData.currentFormAt(i);

            if (serviceProxies.contains(cf) || serviceProxies.contains("*")) {
                // Record extra drop offs in the transform history since
                // we are taking precedence over the normal agent/directory mechanism
                // Do this before popping the extra destination so that it
                // is not just lost forever. Since the agent appends
                // one entry to the history when it sends the agent here,
                // that's the top current form and
                // we don't want to duplicate that one

                if (!prevBin.equals(cf) && (i > 0) && !cfSet.contains(cf) && !("UNKNOWN".equals(cf) || cf.endsWith("-PROCESSED"))) {
                    // e.g.: [dataType].DROP_OFF.IO.host.dom:port/DropOffPlace
                    final DirectoryEntry de = getDirectoryEntry();
                    de.setDataType("[" + cf + "]");

                // Accumulate forms we have handled in poppedForms
                if (poppedForms.length() > 0) {
                    poppedForms.append(" ");

                prevBin = cf;

        // Record the list of forms
        tData.setParameter("POPPED_FORMS", poppedForms.toString());

        // Do the output filtering now if we aren't in HD mode
        if (!haveList) {

            // There currently are no extra params needed
            final Map<String, Object> filterParams = new HashMap<>();

            runOutputFilters(tData, filterParams);

            // Actually remove the current forms we used or could have used

            logger.debug("DropOff finished with {}", tData.shortName());

     * Run all the output filter
     * @param target either IBaseDataObject or List thereof
     * @param filterParams other parameters that filter need
    protected void runOutputFilters(final Object target, final Map<String, Object> filterParams) {

        IBaseDataObject doTarget = null;
        List<IBaseDataObject> listTarget = null;
        if (target instanceof IBaseDataObject) {
            doTarget = (IBaseDataObject) target;
        } else if (target instanceof List) {
            listTarget = (List<IBaseDataObject>) target;
        } else {
            logger.error("Cannot run filter on {}", target.getClass().getName());

        // Write output onto each of the filter that have been
        // configured, as long as they work
        for (final IDropOffFilter filter : this.outputFilters) {
            final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // call the filter to output its data
            int filterStatus = IDropOffFilter.STATUS_FAILURE;
            try {
                if (listTarget != null && filter.isOutputtable(listTarget)) {
                    filterStatus = filter.filter(listTarget, filterParams);
                } else if (doTarget != null && filter.isOutputtable(doTarget)) {
                    filterStatus = filter.filter(doTarget, filterParams);
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Filter {} not Outputtable for {}", filter.getFilterName(), listTarget != null ? "list" : "single payload");
                    filterStatus = IDropOffFilter.STATUS_SUCCESS;
                logger.debug("Filter {} took {}s - {}", filter.getFilterName(), ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0), filterStatus);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                logger.error("Filter {} failed", filter.getFilterName(), e);

            if ((filterStatus != IDropOffFilter.STATUS_SUCCESS) && this.failurePolicyTerminate) {
                logger.error("DropOff Filter chain terminated at {} due to error return status", filter.getFilterName());

     * Provide access to the filter
     * @return a copy of the list of filter
    public List<IDropOffFilter> getFilters() {
        return new ArrayList<>(this.outputFilters);

     * Provide access to filter names
     * @return an array of filter names or an empty array if none
     * @deprecated use {@link #getFilterNamesList()}
    public String[] getFilterNames() {
        return getFilterNamesList().toArray(new String[0]);

     * Provide access to filter names
     * @return a list of filter names or an empty list if none
    public List<String> getFilterNamesList() {
        final List<String> fnames = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final IDropOffFilter f : this.outputFilters) {
        return fnames;

     * Provide access to filter by name
     * @return the named filter or null if none by that name
    public IDropOffFilter getFilter(final String name) {
        for (final IDropOffFilter f : this.outputFilters) {
            if (f.getFilterName().equals(name)) {
                return f;
        return null;

    public DropOffUtil getDropOffUtil() {
        return this.dropOffUtil;

     * Add a filter
     * @param filter the new filter to add, must already be configured and initialized
    public void addFilter(final IDropOffFilter filter) {
