package emissary.pickup.file;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.parser.SessionParser;
import emissary.pickup.IPickUp;
import emissary.pickup.IPickUpSpace;
import emissary.pickup.PickUpSpace;
import emissary.pickup.PickupQueue;
import emissary.pickup.QueServer;
import emissary.pickup.WorkBundle;
import emissary.pickup.WorkUnit;
import emissary.util.Hexl;
import emissary.util.TimeUtil;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static emissary.core.constants.Parameters.INPUT_FILEDATE;
import static emissary.core.constants.Parameters.INPUT_FILENAME;
import static emissary.core.constants.Parameters.ORIGINAL_FILENAME;
* Pull bundles of file info from a WorkSpace and process as a normal FilePickUp. Monitors a queue rather than a
* directory, but reads files from disk as specified in the received WorkBundle objects. Whether workBundles are
* processed in simpleMode or not is controlled by the bundle settings not by the inherited configuration of this
* client.
public class FilePickUpClient extends PickUpSpace implements IPickUp {
* These parameters determine the enqueing behavior. The desire is to minimize the number of remote calls from WorkSpace
* or Distributor to an instance of this class with the getQueSize method, and at the same keep all of the places busy.
* We do this by making the MAX_QUE_SIZE large enough to hold enough files to be processed in pollingInterval. BUT we
* don't just make the MAX_QUE_SIZE huge because then we use too much memory. Some feeds put stuff on the Que in blocks.
* If our que is a prime numbered size they cannot fill it completely, which will help prevent blocking maybe.
protected int pollingInterval = 500;
protected int maxQueSize = 5;
protected QueServer queServer;
// work bundle currently being processed
protected WorkBundle currentBundle = null;
protected WorkUnit currentWorkUnit = null;
protected String unixInRoot;
protected String unixOutRoot;
protected String digestHashType;
protected MessageDigest digest = null;
* Create using default configuration
public FilePickUpClient() throws IOException {
* Create, configure, and register
public FilePickUpClient(String configInfo, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);
* Create, configure, and register
public FilePickUpClient(InputStream configInfo, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);
public FilePickUpClient(InputStream configInfo) throws IOException {
* Configure this place
protected void configurePlace() {
pollingInterval = configG.findIntEntry("POLLING_INTERVAL", pollingInterval);
maxQueSize = configG.findIntEntry("MAX_QUE_SIZE", maxQueSize);
unixInRoot = configG.findStringEntry("UNIX_IN_ROOT", null);
unixOutRoot = configG.findStringEntry("UNIX_OUT_ROOT", null);
digestHashType = configG.findStringEntry("DIGEST_HASH_TYPE", "SHA-256");
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestHashType);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("Could not initialize message digest: ", ex);
protected void configureQueueServer() {
queServer = new FileQueServer(this, new PickupQueue(maxQueSize), pollingInterval);
* Shut down our que server thread and deregister the place
public void shutDown() {"*** Shutting Down: " + keys.get(0));
if (queServer != null) {"*** Stopping queue monitor ");
* Pause the QueServer to stop taking work
public void pause() {"*** Pausing {} for {}", queServer.getClass().getName(), getClass().getName());
* Unpause the QueServer to start taking work
public void unpause() {"*** Unpausing {} for {}", queServer.getClass().getName(), getClass().getName());
* Check the status of the QueServer to see if it is taking work
* @return true if the QueServer is paused, false otherwise
public boolean isPaused() {
return queServer.isPaused();
* Hook for subclasses to alter the file path perhaps based on the OS at runtime. Allows one set of configuration paths
* to work on the system across operating systems.
* @param path file path to alter
* @return altered path
protected String fixFilePath(String path) {
return path.replace('\\', '/');
* Find a file in the holding area that matches our guy.
protected File findFileInHoldingArea(File f, @Nullable String eatPrefix) {
if (holdingArea != null) {
String fpart = f.getName();
if (eatPrefix != null) {
fpart = f.getPath().substring(eatPrefix.length());
// See if it is sitting at the InProcess level
File hf = new File(holdingArea + fpart);
if (hf.exists()) {
logger.debug("Data recovered from holding area " + hf);
return hf;
logger.debug("File did not exist in InProcess area directoy as " + hf);
// Or if it is one level down due to an dir
for (File subdir : new File(holdingArea).listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File d) {
return d.isDirectory();
})) {
File hdf = new File(subdir + fpart);
if (hdf.exists()) {
logger.debug("Data recovered from holding subdir " + hdf);
return hdf;
logger.debug("File did not exist in nested InProcess area as " + hdf);
return null;
* Call back from queue server when a new bundle is dequeued for processing.
* @param paths the dequeued item
* @return true if the files in the WorkBundle were handled
protected boolean processBundle(WorkBundle paths) {
boolean success = true;
currentBundle = paths; // for use by callbacks
String outputRoot = fixFilePath(paths.getOutputRoot());
String prefix = "";
if (null != paths.getEatPrefix()) {
prefix = fixFilePath(paths.getEatPrefix());
for (String path : paths.getFileNameList()) {
boolean wasInHoldingArea = false;
String opath = path;
path = fixFilePath(path);
File f = new File(path);
String fixedName = fixFileName(f.getName());
// Ensure it exists
if (!f.exists()) {
// If the errorCount is > 0 look in the holding area
if (paths.getErrorCount() > 0) {
logger.debug("Looking for " + f + " in holding area using eatPrefix of " + prefix);
File holdFile = findFileInHoldingArea(f, prefix);
if (holdFile != null) {"Switching to found holdArea file " + holdFile);
wasInHoldingArea = true;
f = holdFile;
} else {
logger.debug("File was not found in holding area " + f + " using eatPrefix of " + prefix);
} else {
logger.debug("File does not exist but had errorCount of 0 so not looking in holding area");
if (!f.exists()) {
// Try to get the data from the workspace
logger.debug("Non-existent file " + opath);
// Ensure it can be read
if (!f.canRead()) {
logger.warn("Sorry, Cannot read file: " + f.getPath());
// Only process files here, but give a hook
// for subclasses to handle other things
if (!f.isFile()) {
processDirectoryEntry(outputRoot, prefix, paths.getCaseId(), f, paths.getSimpleMode());
// Make sure it is big enough to process
if (f.length() <= minimumContentLength) {
logger.warn("Sorry, This file is too small (" + f.length() + " <" + minimumContentLength + "): " + path);
// No record is made of too small items
// Make sure it is not too big to process
boolean isOversize = false;
if (maximumContentLength != -1 && f.length() > maximumContentLength) {
logger.warn("Sorry, This file is too large (" + f.length() + " <" + maximumContentLength + "): " + path);
isOversize = true;
// Let it continue on knowing it is too big
// as we may need a record of the file
// Possibly rename the file to a holding area
// if one is defined
File toProcess = getInProcessFileNameFor(f, wasInHoldingArea ? holdingArea : prefix);
if (holdingArea != null && toProcess != null && !wasInHoldingArea) {
if (!renameToInProcessAreaAs(f, toProcess)) {
logger.error("File: " + f.getPath() + " Could not be renamed to: " + toProcess.getPath());
} else {
toProcess = f;
// Start the processing. The file may be in the original
// location or may be in the holding area
try {
success = processDataFile(toProcess, fixedName, isOversize, paths.getSimpleMode(), outputRoot);
logger.debug("Finished with processDataFile on " + toProcess + " as " + fixedName);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Return false and let another
// processor have a try at this work bundle
// TODO: What is some files work and some fail?
handleErrorInBundledFile(toProcess, fixedName, isOversize, simpleMode, e);
success = false;
logger.debug("Finished processBundle " + paths.getBundleId() + " " + (success ? "success" : "failure"));
return success;
protected void handleErrorInBundledFile(File toProcess, String fixedName, boolean isOversize, boolean simpleMode, Exception e) {
// Error either way but louder if debug is on
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.error("Cannot complete " + toProcess.getPath() + " as " + fixedName + " [isOversize=" + isOversize + ", simpleMode="
+ simpleMode + "]", e);
} else {
logger.error("Cannot complete " + toProcess.getPath() + " as " + fixedName, e);
String errDir = getErrorArea();
// Move the problem file to the error area if there is one
if (errDir != null) {
if (!toProcess.renameTo(new File(errDir, toProcess.getName()))) {
logger.error("Cannot rename " + toProcess.getName() + " to the error location " + errDir);
} else {
logger.error("Moved " + toProcess + " to the errorArea " + errDir);
} else {
logger.error("There is no configured errorArea in which to drop failed input files like " + toProcess);
* Add incoming information to the queue of file names to process and notify anyone waiting on the queue
* @param paths the WorkBundle object containing files to queue up
* @return true if it was enqueued, false if we are too busy to handle it
public boolean enque(WorkBundle paths) {
return queServer.enque(paths);
* Return the size of the queue so push mode doesn't send us too much.
* @return available size on queue
public int getQueSize() {
return queServer.getQueSize();
* A little thread class to wake up once in a while and check the queue for data objects.
protected class FileQueServer extends QueServer {
public FileQueServer(IPickUpSpace space, PickupQueue queue, long pollingInterval) {
super(space, queue, pollingInterval, "FileQueServer");
* When taking an item from the queue process it our custom way
* @param path the bundle from the queue
public boolean processQueueItem(WorkBundle path) {
return processBundle(path);
* Add in a target bin parameter with user and date Override point for subclasses
* @param d the nascent data object from the SessionProducer
* @param f the file it came from
protected void dataObjectCreated(IBaseDataObject d, File f) {
super.dataObjectCreated(d, f);
String fixedDirName = fixFileName(f.getParent()).replace('\\', '/');
String eatPrefix = currentBundle.getEatPrefix();
boolean simpleParam = Boolean.parseBoolean(d.getStringParameter("SIMPLE_MODE"));
if (eatPrefix != null && eatPrefix.length() > 0 && fixedDirName.startsWith(eatPrefix)) {
fixedDirName = fixedDirName.substring(eatPrefix.length());
// payloadHandler.setup(d);
d.putParameter("TARGETBIN", fixedDirName);
d.putParameter(SessionParser.ORIG_DOC_SIZE_KEY, Integer.valueOf(d.dataLength()));
// Fix up the complete path
String ep = currentBundle.getEatPrefix();
String fn = f.getAbsolutePath();
if (ep != null && fn.startsWith(ep)) {
fn = fn.substring(ep.length());
if (simpleParam) {
d.putParameter(ORIGINAL_FILENAME, fn);
d.putParameter(INPUT_FILEDATE, TimeUtil.getDateAsISO8601(f.lastModified()));
d.putParameter(INPUT_FILENAME, f.getName());
// Fix up the case/project metadata, e.g. PROJECT:GERONIMO22
String cid = currentBundle.getCaseId();
if (cid != null && cid.indexOf(":") > 0) {
String[] parts = cid.split(":");
if (d.getParameter(parts[0]) == null) {
d.putParameter(parts[0], parts[1]);
if (simpleParam && fn != null && digest != null) {
final MessageDigest theDigest = this.digest;
synchronized (theDigest) {
byte[] hash = theDigest.digest(fn.getBytes());
d.setFilename(parts[1] + "-" + Hexl.toUnformattedHexString(hash));
} else {
// Take care of the caseid
String fixedCaseId = caseIdHook(cid, d.shortName(), f.toString(), d.getParameters());
if (fixedCaseId == null) {
// current yyyyjjj
fixedCaseId = TimeUtil.getCurrentDateOrdinal();
d.putParameter("DATABASE_CASE_ID", fixedCaseId);
* Generate a filename using the file's path and a prefix
* @param filePath the path of the file
* @param prefix a prefix to prepend to the resultant filename
* @return the generated filename
protected String createFilename(String filePath, String prefix) {
final MessageDigest theDigest = this.digest;
synchronized (theDigest) {
byte[] hash = theDigest.digest(filePath.getBytes());
return new File(prefix + "-" + Hexl.toUnformattedHexString(hash)).getName();
* Hook to allow derived classes to handle various aspects of caseId generation. This do-nothing impementation just
* returns the caseId argument unchanged.
* @param initialCaseId the initial case id
* @param sessionName name of the current session
* @param fileName path and name of file from File.path()
* @param metadata Map of data object metadata accumulated so far
* @return fixed up name of the caseId
protected String caseIdHook(String initialCaseId, String sessionName, String fileName, Map<String, Collection<Object>> metadata) {
return initialCaseId;
* Allow subclasses to do things with work bundles containing directory entries. This would be highly unusual.
* @param root the outputRoot of the current work bundle
* @param prefix the prefix of the current work bundle
* @param caseid the caseid of the current work bundle
* @param dir the directory entry encountered
* @param simpleMode true if the workBundle indicated simpleMode
protected void processDirectoryEntry(String root, String prefix, String caseid, @Nullable File dir, boolean simpleMode) {
if (dir != null) {
logger.warn("Entry " + dir.getName() + " ignored");