package emissary.pickup;
import emissary.core.DataObjectFactory;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.Form;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.IMobileAgent;
import emissary.core.NamespaceException;
import emissary.core.channels.InMemoryChannelFactory;
import emissary.log.MDCConstants;
import emissary.parser.ParserEOFException;
import emissary.parser.ParserException;
import emissary.parser.ParserFactory;
import emissary.parser.SessionParser;
import emissary.parser.SessionProducer;
import emissary.place.AgentsNotSupportedPlace;
import emissary.place.IServiceProviderPlace;
import emissary.place.ServiceProviderPlace;
import emissary.pool.AgentPool;
import emissary.spi.ObjectTracing;
import emissary.spi.ObjectTracingService;
import emissary.util.ClassComparator;
import emissary.util.TimeUtil;
import emissary.util.shell.Executrix;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static emissary.core.constants.Parameters.FILE_DATE;
import static emissary.core.constants.Parameters.FILE_NAME;
* This class is the base class of those places that inject data into the system. This place knows a lot about
* processing files of input, including files of sessions that must be identified and parsed using a ParserFactory. It
* knows nothing about where the data comes from, though. The method of input, either a directory or set of directories
* to monitor, a socket, a WorkSpace provider, or something else, comes from classes that extend this one.
public abstract class PickUpPlace extends ServiceProviderPlace implements IPickUpPlace, AgentsNotSupportedPlace {
// Any data picked up with less/more bytes than this will be
// set to ERROR initially, can be overridden in config files
// for pickup places.
protected int minimumContentLength = 10;
protected long maximumContentLength = 1048567;
protected String oversizeArea = "OversizeData";
// Directory store original data while processing
protected String holdingArea;
// Where to move data that has an error
protected String errorArea;
// Where to move data when done
protected String doneArea;
// Our parser factory
protected ParserFactory parserFactory = new ParserFactory();
// True turns off data identification engine to just favor
// the simple parsers
protected boolean simpleMode = false;
// Reference to global agent pool for out payloads
protected AgentPool agentPool;
// Initial forms for new data, read from config file
protected List<String> initialFormValues = Collections.emptyList();
// Metadata items that should always be copied to children
protected Set<String> alwaysCopyMetadataVals = new HashSet<>();
protected boolean useObjectTraceLogger = false;
public PickUpPlace() throws IOException {
public PickUpPlace(InputStream configStream) throws IOException {
* Create a pick up place
* @param configInfo the config location
* @param placeLocation the place key
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public PickUpPlace(String configInfo, String placeLocation) throws IOException {
this(configInfo, null, placeLocation);
* Create a pick up place
* @param configInfo the config location
* @param dir the key of the controlling directory
* @param placeLoc the place key
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public PickUpPlace(String configInfo, @Nullable String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);
* Create a pick up place
* @param configStream the config stream
* @param dir the key of the controlling directory
* @param placeLoc the place key
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public PickUpPlace(InputStream configStream, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configStream, dir, placeLoc);
* Create a pick up place
* @param configStream the config stream
* @param placeLoc the place key
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public PickUpPlace(InputStream configStream, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configStream, placeLoc);
* Configure the place specific items
* <ul>
* <li>MINIMUM_DATA_SIZE: min size in bytes of a file</li>
* <li>MAXIMUM_DATA_SIZE: max size in bytes of a file, -1 for unlimited</li>
* <li>OVERSIZE_DATA_HOLDING_AREA: where to put oversize data</li>
* <li>HOLDING_AREA: where to put data while inprocess</li>
* <li>ERROR_DATA: where to put things that have errors</li>
* <li>DONE_DATA: where it goes when done</li>
* <li>SIMPLE_MODE: boolean when true turns off DataIdentification engine</li>
* <li>INITIAL_FORM: one or more forms for new payloads</li>
* </ul>
protected void configurePickUpPlace() {
minimumContentLength = configG.findIntEntry("MINIMUM_DATA_SIZE", minimumContentLength);
maximumContentLength = configG.findSizeEntry("MAXIMUM_DATA_SIZE", maximumContentLength);
oversizeArea = configG.findStringEntry("OVERSIZE_DATA_HOLDING_AREA", oversizeArea);
simpleMode = configG.findBooleanEntry("SIMPLE_MODE", false);
holdingArea = configG.findCanonicalFileNameEntry("HOLDING_AREA", null);
doneArea = configG.findCanonicalFileNameEntry("DONE_DATA", doneArea);
errorArea = configG.findCanonicalFileNameEntry("ERROR_DATA", "errorArea");
if (doneArea != null && doneArea.equals("")) {
doneArea = null;
logger.info("Alert: Completed data will be deleted from the system due to DONE_AREA setting");
logger.debug("Pickup Canonical HOLD => {}, Pickup Canonical DONE => {}, Pickup Canonical ERROR => {}", holdingArea, doneArea, errorArea);
initialFormValues = configG.findEntries("INITIAL_FORM");
if (initialFormValues.isEmpty()) {
// Grab the default pool
try {
agentPool = AgentPool.lookup();
} catch (NamespaceException e) {
logger.warn("Cannot find agent pool!");
alwaysCopyMetadataVals = configG.findEntriesAsSet("ALWAYS_COPY_METADATA");
// Whether or not to use the objectTrace logger
useObjectTraceLogger = configG.findBooleanEntry("USE_OBJECT_TRACE_LOGGER", useObjectTraceLogger);
* Return the value of the inprocess area, usually a directory path
* @return holdingArea string
public String getInProcessArea() {
return holdingArea;
* Return the value of the error area, usually a directory path
* @return errorArea string
public String getErrorArea() {
return errorArea;
* Return the value of the done area, usually a directory path
* @return doneArea string
public String getDoneArea() {
return doneArea;
* Return the maximum content size for a file that can be handled by this place
* @return maximumContentLength string
public long getMaximumContentLength() {
return maximumContentLength;
* Return the minumum content size for a file that can be handled by this place
* @return minimumContentLength string
public int getMinimumContentLength() {
return minimumContentLength;
* Return the value of the oversize area, usually a directory path
* @return path to the oversize area
public String getOversizeArea() {
return oversizeArea;
* Add metadata as the data objects are created Can be overridden to customize behavior
* @param d the nascent data object
* @param f the file it came from
protected void dataObjectCreated(IBaseDataObject d, File f) {
d.putParameter(FILE_DATE, TimeUtil.getDateAsISO8601(f.lastModified()));
d.putParameter(FILE_NAME, f.getName());
* Call back from a data server or queue server when a new file is ready to process. This method is called for raw
* files, not work bundles, so the simpleMode determination is made by this Place configuration.
* @param f file to process
* @return true if it worked
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public boolean processDataFile(File f) throws IOException, EmissaryException {
boolean isOversize = false;
if (maximumContentLength != -1 && f.length() > maximumContentLength) {
logger.warn("Sorry, This file is too large ({} < {}): {}", f.length(), maximumContentLength, f.getPath());
isOversize = true;
// Let it continue on knowing it is too big
// as we may need a record of the file
String fixedName = fixFileName(f.getName());
return processDataFile(f, fixedName, isOversize, simpleMode, getDoneArea());
* Call back from a data server or queue server when a new file is ready to process
* @param theFile file to process
* @param fixedName the good short name of the file
* @param isOversize true if the content is too big by configuration
* @param simpleMode true if no session parsing is desired
* @param outputRoot the done area
* @return true if it worked
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public boolean processDataFile(File theFile, String fixedName, boolean isOversize, boolean simpleMode, String outputRoot) throws IOException,
EmissaryException {
boolean success = true;
logger.debug("Starting processDataFile in PickUpPlace for {}", theFile);
ObjectTracingService.emitLifecycleEvent(null, fixedName, ObjectTracing.Stage.PICK_UP, useObjectTraceLogger);
// Handle oversize data quickly without reading the file
if (isOversize) {
handleOversizePayload(theFile, fixedName, simpleMode);
// Handle it without session parsing if simple mode is on
else if (simpleMode) {
handleSimplePayload(theFile, fixedName);
// Parse sessions out of the file
else {
try {
logger.debug("Starting processSessions on {}", theFile);
processSessions(theFile, fixedName);
logger.debug("Finished with processSessions on {}", theFile);
} catch (ParserException ex) {
logger.error("Cannot parse {}", theFile.getName(), ex);
success = false;
if (success) {
handleFileSuccess(theFile, outputRoot);
} else {
logger.debug("Ending processDataFile {} {} {}", theFile, (success ? "success" : "failure"), (simpleMode ? "simple" : ""));
return success;
* Handle oversize payload item
* @param theFile the file with the oversize data
* @param fixedName name to use for the object
* @param simpleMode simple flag from the input
* @return true
protected boolean handleOversizePayload(File theFile, String fixedName, boolean simpleMode) throws EmissaryException {
// Send it away, blocks until an agent is ready
IBaseDataObject dataObject =
DataObjectFactory.getInstance(new Object[] {("The file is oversize at " + theFile.length() + " bytes").getBytes(), fixedName,
dataObject.setParameter("SIMPLE_MODE", Boolean.toString(simpleMode));
dataObjectCreated(dataObject, theFile);
logger.info("**Deploying an agent for oversized {} and object {} simple={}", fixedName, dataObject.getInternalId(),
(simpleMode ? "simple" : ""));
assignToPooledAgent(dataObject, -1L);
return true;
* Action to handle a simple mode File
* @param theFile the file that contains the data
* @param fixedName name to use for the dataObject
* @return true if the file is processed successfully
protected boolean handleSimplePayload(File theFile, String fixedName) throws EmissaryException {
byte[] theContent = Executrix.readDataFromFile(theFile.getAbsolutePath());
return processDataObject(theContent, fixedName, theFile, true);
* Action to move th file to the done area when successfully processed
* @param theFile the file that was processed
* @return true if the file was renamed
protected boolean renameFileToDoneArea(File theFile) {
return renameFileToDoneArea(theFile, getDoneArea());
* Action to move th file to the done area when successfully processed using the specified outut area
* @param theFile the file that was processed
* @param outputRoot a specified output root
* @return true if the file was renamed
protected boolean renameFileToDoneArea(File theFile, @Nullable String outputRoot) {
String base = theFile.getPath();
boolean renamed = false;
if (holdingArea != null) {
base = base.substring(holdingArea.length());
if (outputRoot != null) {
File dest = new File(outputRoot + "/" + base);
renamed = theFile.renameTo(dest);
if (renamed) {
logger.info("{} processed and moved to done area {}", theFile.getName(), outputRoot);
} else {
logger.warn("{} processed but could not be moved to done area as {}", theFile.getName(), dest);
return renamed;
* Get the endpoint file name for when the file is move to inProcess
* @param theFile the file to be considered
* @param eatPrefix optional prefix strip from the work bundle
* @return null if no holdingArea, else the new File endpoint
protected File getInProcessFileNameFor(File theFile, @Nullable String eatPrefix) {
String base = theFile.getPath();
if (eatPrefix != null) {
base = base.substring(eatPrefix.length());
logger.debug("Using base of {} due to eatPrefix of {} chopped from incoming {}", base, eatPrefix, theFile);
if (holdingArea != null) {
return new File(holdingArea + "/" + base);
return null;
* Action to move the file to inProcess area when taking ownership
* @param source the file to be renamed
* @param dest where it should end up, or use the holdingArea if nil
* @return true if renamed, false if not
protected boolean renameToInProcessAreaAs(File source, @Nullable File dest) {
if (holdingArea == null && dest == null) {
logger.warn("Holding area not configured, cannot rename {}", source);
return false;
if (dest == null) {
dest = getInProcessFileNameFor(source, null);
} else {
boolean renamed = source.renameTo(dest);
if (renamed) {
logger.debug("{} moved to inProcess area as {}", source.getName(), dest);
} else {
logger.warn("{} could not be moved to inProcess area {}", source.getName(), dest);
return renamed;
* Action to move the file to the error area due to failure to process
* @param theFile the file to move
* @return true if the rename was successful
protected boolean renameFileToErrorArea(File theFile) {
boolean renamed = theFile.renameTo(new File(errorArea, theFile.getName()));
if (renamed) {
logger.warn("{} failed and is moved to the error area", theFile.getName());
} else {
logger.error("{} failed and could not be moved to the error area", theFile.getName());
return renamed;
* Action to delete the file from the holding area
* @param theFile file to delete
protected void deleteFileFromHoldingArea(File theFile) {
boolean deleted = theFile.delete();
if (deleted) {
logger.info("{} processed and deleted", theFile.getName());
} else {
logger.warn("{} processed but could not be deleted", theFile.getName());
* File was successfully processed, take appropriate action
* @param theFile the file that was processed
protected void handleFileSuccess(File theFile) {
handleFileSuccess(theFile, getDoneArea());
* File was successfully processed, take appropriate action using specified done area
* @param theFile the file that was processed
* @param outputRoot the specified output done area
protected void handleFileSuccess(File theFile, @Nullable String outputRoot) {
if (outputRoot != null) {
logger.debug("Handling file success by moving to doneArea {}", theFile);
renameFileToDoneArea(theFile, outputRoot);
} else if (holdingArea != null) {
logger.debug("Handling file success by deleting from holdingArea {}", theFile);
} else {
logger.debug("Neither Done nor Holding areas defined, leaving file as {}", theFile.getName());
* File failed to process, take appropriate action
* @param theFile the file that failed
protected void handleFileError(File theFile) {
if (errorArea != null) {
logger.debug("Handling file error case for {}", theFile);
} else {
logger.warn("There is no error location defined and the file did not process. It is stuck at {}", theFile.getName());
* Build a data object and handle the data bytes
* @param theContent the data bytes
* @param fixedName good short name for the data
* @param theFile where it came from
* @param simpleMode simple flag from the input
* @return true if it works
protected boolean processDataObject(byte[] theContent, String fixedName, File theFile, boolean simpleMode) throws EmissaryException {
IBaseDataObject d = DataObjectFactory.getInstance(new Object[] {theContent, fixedName});
return processDataObject(d, fixedName, theFile, simpleMode);
* Set up the dataobject and send it on the way
* @param d the nascent data object
* @param fixedName the short name of it
* @param theFile where it came from
* @param simpleMode simple flag from the input
* @return true if it works
protected boolean processDataObject(IBaseDataObject d, String fixedName, File theFile, boolean simpleMode) throws EmissaryException {
String currentForm = d.popCurrentForm();
if (currentForm == null) {
// Add our stuff to the form stack if none is set (e.g from DecomposedSession)
for (int j = initialFormValues.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
} else {
d.setParameter("SIMPLE_MODE", Boolean.toString(simpleMode));
dataObjectCreated(d, theFile);
logger.info("**Deploying an agent for {} and object {} forms={} simple={}", fixedName, d.getInternalId(), d.getAllCurrentForms(),
(simpleMode ? "simple" : ""));
assignToPooledAgent(d, -1L);
return true;
* Parse out sessions and process data from a file
* @param theFile file to process
* @param fixedName the good short name of the file
* @return count of sessions parsed
* @throws IOException If there is some I/O problem.
public int processSessions(File theFile, String fixedName) throws IOException, ParserException {
// We are going to prefer a RAF parser if one
// is available so start by getting the file opened
logger.debug("PickUpPlace: Starting on {}", theFile.getName());
int sessionNum = 0;
try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(theFile, "r")) {
// Get the right type of session parser
SessionParser sp = parserFactory.makeSessionParser(raf.getChannel());
logger.debug("Using session parser from raf ident {}", sp.getClass().getName());
// ... and a session producer to crank out the data objects...
SessionProducer dof = new SessionProducer(sp, myKey, null);
long fileStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long totalSize = 0;
// For each session get a data object from the producer
boolean isParserComplete = false;
while (!isParserComplete) {
long sessionStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
// Use filename-xx for default name
String sessionName = fixedName + "-" + (sessionNum + 1);
IBaseDataObject dataObject = dof.getNextSession(sessionName);
logger.debug("Pulled session {} from {} shortName={}", sessionName, theFile.getName(), dataObject.shortName());
long sessionEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
totalSize += dataObject.data().length;
logger.info("sessionParseMetric:{},{},{},{},{},{}", sessionEnd - sessionStart, sp.getClass().getName(), theFile, sessionName,
sessionNum, dataObject.data().length);
processDataObject(dataObject, sessionName, theFile, false);
} catch (ParserEOFException eof) {
// expected at end of file
isParserComplete = true;
long fileEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.info("fileParseMetric:{},{},{},{},{}", fileEnd - fileStart, sp.getClass().getName(), theFile, sessionNum, totalSize);
} catch (EmissaryException ex) {
logger.error("Could not dispatch {}", theFile.getName(), ex);
throw new ParserException("Could not process" + theFile.getName(), ex);
logger.debug("Done processing {} sessions from {}", sessionNum, theFile.getName());
return sessionNum;
* Parse out sessions and process data from a byte array
* @param data the bytes to process
* @param fixedName the good short name of the file
* @param theFile file object representing path data belongs to
* @return count of sessions parsed
public int processSessions(byte[] data, String fixedName, File theFile) {
// We are going to prefer a byte array parser since
// the data is already in memory
logger.debug("PickUpPlace: Starting on {}", theFile.getName());
int sessionNum = 0;
// Get the right type of session parser
SessionParser sp = parserFactory.makeSessionParser(InMemoryChannelFactory.create(data).create());
// .. and a session producer to crank out the data objects...
SessionProducer dof = new SessionProducer(sp, myKey, null);
// For each session get a data object from the producer
boolean isParserComplete = false;
while (!isParserComplete) {
try {
// Use filename-xx for default name
String sessionName = fixedName + "-" + (sessionNum + 1);
IBaseDataObject dataObject = dof.getNextSession(sessionName);
processDataObject(dataObject, sessionName, theFile, false);
} catch (ParserEOFException eof) {
// expected at end of file
isParserComplete = true;
} catch (EmissaryException ex) {
logger.error("Could not dispatch {}", fixedName, ex);
logger.debug("Done processing {} sessions from {}", sessionNum, theFile.getName());
return sessionNum;
* Produce a legal tracking filename from the disk filename
* @return fixed filename
protected String fixFileName(@Nullable String v) {
if (v == null) {
return null;
String s = v.replace(' ', '_');
s = s.replace('\t', '_');
s = s.replace('\n', '_');
s = s.replace('\r', '_');
s = s.replace('\f', '_');
s = s.replace(':', '_');
if (s.startsWith(".")) {
s = "_dot_" + s.substring(1);
return s;
* Retrieve and agent from the pool and assign the payload to it
* @param payload the payload for the agent
* @param timeoutMs maximum time in millis to wait for an agent from the pool. Set to -1 to wait forever. The specified
* time will not be strictly observed because the pool itself blocks for a configurable amount of time when
* requesting an agent. We will wait no more than the specified timeoutMs + the configured pool timeout value.
* @throws EmissaryException when an agent cannot be obtained
public void assignToPooledAgent(IBaseDataObject payload, long timeoutMs) throws EmissaryException {
assignToPooledAgent(payload, agentPool, this, timeoutMs);
* Retrieve and agent from the specified pool and assign the payload to it
* @param payload the payload for the agent
* @param agentPool the pool of agents
* @param startingLocation the agent launch point
* @param timeoutMs maximum time in millis to wait for an agent from the pool. Set to -1 to wait forever. The specified
* time will not be strictly observed because the pool itself blocks for a configurable amount of time when
* requesting an agent. We will wait no more than the specified timeoutMs + the configured pool timeout value.
* @return mobile agent assigned to pool
* @throws EmissaryException when an agent cannot be obtained
public static IMobileAgent assignToPooledAgent(IBaseDataObject payload, @Nullable AgentPool agentPool, IServiceProviderPlace startingLocation,
long timeoutMs) throws EmissaryException {
IMobileAgent agent = null;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean warningGiven = false;
int loopCount = 0;
MDC.put(MDCConstants.SHORT_NAME, payload.shortName());
try {
if (agentPool == null) {
agentPool = AgentPool.lookup();
do {
try {
agent = agentPool.borrowAgent();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!warningGiven) {
slogger.debug("Cannot get agent from pool, trying again ", e);
warningGiven = true;
} while (agent == null && (timeoutMs < 0 || (startTime + timeoutMs) < System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (agent == null) {
throw new EmissaryException("No agent found for " + payload.shortName() + " after " + loopCount + " tries.");
} else if (loopCount > 1) {
slogger.info("Found agent after {} tries", loopCount);
agent.go(payload, startingLocation);
} finally {
return agent;
public static boolean implementsPickUpPlace(Class<? extends Object> clazz) {
return ClassComparator.isaImplementation(clazz, IPickUpPlace.class);