package emissary.pickup;

import emissary.client.EmissaryResponse;
import emissary.command.BaseCommand;
import emissary.command.FeedCommand;
import emissary.command.ServerCommand;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.Namespace;
import emissary.core.NamespaceException;
import emissary.pool.AgentPool;
import emissary.server.EmissaryServer;
import emissary.server.mvc.adapters.WorkSpaceAdapter;
import emissary.util.Version;

import org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Recursively process input and distribute files to one or more remote PickUp client instances when they ask for a
 * bundle of work to do.
 * <p>
 * The work bundles, emissary.pickup.WorkBundle objects, are placed on a queue for sending to consumers by the producer
 * here. Once a WorkBundle has been requested and sent to a consumer (i.e. FilePickUpClient) it is placed on a pending
 * queue tagged with the consumer id until the consumer notifies this WorkSpace that the work has been completed. If the
 * consumer goes away without notification, then the work is moved back to the outbound queue and given to another
 * consumer.
public class WorkSpace implements Runnable {
    /** Our logger */
    protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkSpace.class);

    protected FeedCommand feedCommand;

     * Pickup places we will send to, loaded and modified by directory observation during runtime
    protected List<String> pups = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

     * Initial pattern for finding pickup places
    protected String pattern = System.getProperty(CLZ + ".clientPattern", "*.FILE_PICK_UP_CLIENT.INPUT.*");

    /** The directory observer for the pattern */
    protected WorkSpaceDirectoryWatcher watcher;

    // Process control
    protected static final String CLZ = WorkSpace.class.getName();
    protected boolean wantDirectories = Boolean.getBoolean(CLZ + ".includeDirectories");
    protected boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean(CLZ + ".debug");
    protected boolean simpleMode = false;
    protected String outputRootPath = System.getProperty("outputRoot", null);
    protected String eatPrefix = System.getProperty("eatPrefix", null);
    protected int numberOfBundlesToSkip = Integer.getInteger(CLZ + ".skip", 0);
    protected boolean skipDotFiles = Boolean.getBoolean(CLZ + ".skipDotFiles");
    protected boolean loop = false;
    protected boolean useRetryStrategy = false;
    protected static final int MAX_BUNDLE_RETRIES = 5;
    protected PriorityQueue<PriorityDirectory> myDirectories = new PriorityQueue<>();

    // Stats tracking, map of stats per remote pick up place
    protected WorkSpaceStats stats = new WorkSpaceStats();

    // Thread to notify clients that there is work to do
    protected ClientNotifier notifier = null;

    // Process control for collector thread
    protected boolean timeToQuit = false;
    protected boolean collectorThreadHasQuit = false;
    protected boolean jettyStartedHere = false;
    protected static final float MEM_THRESHOLD = 0.80f;
    protected long loopPauseTime = 60000L;
    protected long pendingHangTime = 600000L;
    protected static final long NOTIFIER_PAUSE_TIME = 1000L;
    protected int retryCount = 0;
    protected boolean useFileTimestamps = false;
    protected String projectBase = null;

     * How many file names to send per remote message, should be 10% or less of the size of the PickUpPlace.MAX_QUE Helps
     * prevent blocking if it's not a factor of the PickUpPlace.MAX_QUE size
    protected int filesPerMessage = Integer.getInteger(CLZ + ".filesPerBundle", 5);

    protected long maxBundleSize = Long.getLong(CLZ + ".maxSizePerBundle", -1);

    // Metrics collection
    protected long filesProcessed = 0;
    protected long bundlesProcessed = 0;
    protected long bytesProcessed = 0;

    // Data tracking
    protected String dataCaseId = System.getProperty("caseId", null);
    protected boolean caseClosed = false;

    // List of WorkBundle objects we are going to distribute
    protected PriorityQueue<WorkBundle> outbound = new PriorityQueue<>();

    // List of WorkBundle objects that are pending completion notice
    // Keyed by bundleId to quickly remove items that are processed
    // normally (the expected case)
    protected Map<String, WorkBundle> pending = new HashMap<>();

    // Keep track of files we have seen that are either outbound or pending
    // so that we can avoid using file timestamps in the collector loop
    protected Map<String, Long> filesSeen = new HashMap<>();
    protected Map<String, Long> filesDone = new HashMap<>();

    // Used to synchronize access to the pending and outbound queues
    // One lock to rule them all
    protected final Object QLOCK = new Object(); // NOSONAR

    // How we register in the namespace and advertise ourselves
    protected static final String DEFAULT_WORK_SPACE_NAME = "WorkSpace";
    protected String workSpaceName = DEFAULT_WORK_SPACE_NAME;

    protected String workSpaceUrl;
    protected String workSpaceKey;

     * Command line entry point for sending files to a list of remote TreePickUpPlaces
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
            final WorkSpace ws = new WorkSpace(BaseCommand.parse(FeedCommand.class, args));
  "Workspace has completed the mission [ +1 health ].");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Bad commandline arguments, check the FeedCommand help", e);

     * Construct the space
    public WorkSpace() throws Exception {


    public WorkSpace(FeedCommand feedCommand) {
        this.feedCommand = feedCommand;
        // TODO make setting of all parameters use setters
        this.loop = this.feedCommand.isLoop();
        this.workSpaceName = this.feedCommand.getWorkspaceName();
        this.simpleMode = this.feedCommand.isSimple();
        this.projectBase = this.feedCommand.getProjectBase().toAbsolutePath().toString();
        this.pattern = this.feedCommand.getClientPattern();
        this.outputRootPath = this.feedCommand.getOutputRoot();
        this.eatPrefix = this.feedCommand.getEatPrefix();
        this.filesPerMessage = this.feedCommand.getBundleSize();
        this.dataCaseId = this.feedCommand.getCaseId();
        this.wantDirectories = this.feedCommand.isIncludeDirs();

        if (null != this.feedCommand.getSort()) {
            this.outbound = new PriorityQueue<>(11, this.feedCommand.getSort());


    protected void startJetty() {
        if (!EmissaryServer.isInitialized() || !EmissaryServer.getInstance().isServerRunning()) {
            // TODO investigate passing the feedCommand object directly to the serverCommand
            List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
            args.add("1"); // feed don't need agents
            // feed doesn't make sense in standalone
            if (this.feedCommand.isSslEnabled()) {
            if (this.feedCommand.isSniHostCheckDisabled()) {
            try {
                // To ensure the feed command starts correctly, depends on a node-{feedCommand.getPort}.cfg file
                ServerCommand cmd = BaseCommand.parse(ServerCommand.class, args);
                Server server = EmissaryServer.init(cmd).startServer();
                final boolean jettyStatus = server.isStarted();
                if (!jettyStatus) {
                    logger.error("Cannot start the Workspace due to EmissaryServer not starting!");
                } else {
          "Workspace is up and running");
                    this.jettyStartedHere = true;
            } catch (EmissaryException e) {
                logger.error("Error starting EmissaryServer! WorkSpace will not start!", e);
        } else {
  "EmissaryServer is already running, Workspace should be up.");

    protected void initializeService() {
        // Load existing pickup client list
        try {
  "Found {} initial clients using {} in {}", this.pups.size(), this.pattern, getKey());
            logger.debug("Initial pickups : {}", this.pups);
        } catch (EmissaryException ex) {
            logger.error("Cannot lookup pickup places using pattern {} in {}", this.pattern, getKey(), ex);

        // Hook our observer onto the local directory,
        // so we keep in sync with any changes to the clients
        this.watcher = new WorkSpaceDirectoryWatcher(this.pattern);
        try {
        } catch (EmissaryException ex) {
            logger.error("Cannot register directory observer", ex);

        // Must be before we start processing files and directories

     * Start collection of files and monitoring system progress
    public void run() {
        // Start the collection of files

        // Start client notifier

        // Start monitoring the system until all work is done

        logger.debug("Ending the WorkSpace run method");

     * Stop the work space
    public void stop() {
        this.timeToQuit = true;

     * Shut down services that were started here
    public void shutDown() {
        if (this.jettyStartedHere) {
            final EmissaryNode node = EmissaryServer.getInstance().getNode();
            if (node.isValid()) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.error("Jetty cannot be shutdown", ex);
            try {
            } catch (NamespaceException ex) {
                logger.debug("Agent pool namespace lookup failed", ex);

     * Set the pending hang time, how long to wait after outbound queue is empty
     * @param pendingHangTime in millis
    public void setPendingHangTime(final long pendingHangTime) {
        this.pendingHangTime = pendingHangTime;

     * Set the loop pause time when loop is true
     * @param pauseTimeMillis pause interval in millis
    public void setPauseTime(final long pauseTimeMillis) {
        this.loopPauseTime = pauseTimeMillis;

     * Set or unset looping
    public void setLoop(final boolean on) {
        this.loop = on;

     * Get the value of the loop indicator
    public boolean getLoop() {
        return this.loop;

     * Set the use of file timestamps to control whether a file is new enough to be added to the queue
    public void setFileTimestampUsage(final boolean value) {
        this.useFileTimestamps = value;

     * Return whether fileTimestamps can be used for collector queue control
    public boolean getFileTimestampUsage() {
        return this.useFileTimestamps;

     * Set Retry strategy on or off
    public void setRetryStrategy(final boolean on) {
        this.useRetryStrategy = on;

     * Get value of the retry strategy indicator
     * @return true if retry strategy in use
    public boolean getRetryStrategy() {
        return this.useRetryStrategy;

     * Add directory at specified priority to be monitored
    public void addDirectory(final String dir, final int priority) {
        addDirectory(new PriorityDirectory(dir, priority));

     * Add specified PriorityDirectory object to be monitored
    public void addDirectory(final PriorityDirectory dir) {
        logger.debug("Adding input directory {}", dir);

    public List<String> getDirectories() {
        final List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
        final PriorityDirectory[] pds = this.myDirectories.toArray(new PriorityDirectory[0]);
        for (final PriorityDirectory pd : pds) {
        return l;

     * Set directory processing flag. When true directory entries are retrieved from the input area just like normal files.
     * @see
     * @param on the new value for directory retrieval
    public void setDirectoryProcessing(final boolean on) {
        this.wantDirectories = on;

     * Reset the eatprefix for this workspace
     * @param prefix the new prefix
    public void setEatPrefix(final String prefix) {
        logger.debug("Reset eatPrefix to {}", prefix);
        this.eatPrefix = prefix;

     * Make sure the eatPrefix is in canonical form
    protected void normalizeEatPrefix() {
        if (this.eatPrefix != null && this.eatPrefix.contains("//")) {
            this.eatPrefix = this.eatPrefix.replaceAll("/+", "/");

     * Reset the outputRoot
     * @param value the new outputRoot value
    public void setOutputRoot(final String value) {
        logger.debug("Reset outputRoot to {}", value);
        this.outputRootPath = value;

     * Get the value of the configured outputRoot
    public String getOutputRoot() {
        return this.outputRootPath;

     * Reset the case id
     * @param value the new value for caseId
    public void setCaseId(final String value) {
        logger.debug("Reset caseId to {}", value);
        this.dataCaseId = value;

     * Reset the skipDotFiles flag
     * @param value the new value for the skipDotFiles flag
    public void setSkipDotFiles(final boolean value) {
        this.skipDotFiles = value;

     * Set the debug flag
     * @param value the new value for the debug flag
    public void setDebugFlag(final boolean value) {
        this.debug = value;

     * Set the simple mode flag
     * @param value the new value for the flag
    public void setSimpleMode(final boolean value) {
        this.simpleMode = value;

     * Get the value of the simple mode flag
    public boolean getSimpleMode() {
        return this.simpleMode;

     * Set the pattern for finding pickup clients
     * @param thePattern the new pattern
     * @see,String)
    public void setPattern(@Nullable final String thePattern) throws Exception {

        if ((this.pattern != null) && this.pattern.equals(thePattern)) {
            logger.debug("The pattern is already set to {}", thePattern);

        this.pattern = thePattern;

        // Clear out old pick up clients
        logger.warn("Clearing client list so we can look for new pattern {} in {}", thePattern, getKey());

        // Find new ones

        // Set up a new observer on the directory
        if (this.watcher != null) {
        this.watcher = new WorkSpaceDirectoryWatcher(this.pattern);

     * Configure the Processor. The *.cfg file is optional
    protected void register() {
        final EmissaryNode node = EmissaryServer.getInstance().getNode();
        if (node.isValid()) {
            this.workSpaceUrl = node.getNodeScheme() + "://" + node.getNodeName() + ":" + node.getNodePort() + "/" + this.workSpaceName;
        } else {
            this.workSpaceUrl = "http://localhost:8001/" + this.workSpaceName;
            logger.warn("WorkSpace is not running in a valid emissary node. Using URL {}", this.workSpaceUrl);
        this.workSpaceKey = "WORKSPACE.WORK_SPACE.INPUT." + this.workSpaceUrl;


        // Need to bind so WorkSpaceTakeWorker can find us on the callback
        // The url we use to bind is in the advertisement to clients
        Namespace.bind(this.workSpaceUrl, this);

     * Get the initial list of pickup client places from the local directory. Our observer will keep us in sync after this
     * initial pull. This method does not cause clients to be notified.
     * @param thePattern the key pattern to match for places of interest
    protected Set<String> getPickUpClients(final String thePattern) throws EmissaryException {
        final Set<String> thePups = new HashSet<>();
        final IDirectoryPlace dir = DirectoryPlace.lookup();
        final List<DirectoryEntry> list = dir.getMatchingEntries(thePattern);
        for (final DirectoryEntry d : list) {
  "Adding pickup client {}", d.getKey());
        logger.debug("Found {} initial pickup client entries", thePups.size());
        return thePups;

     * Start the file collector threads, one per directory
    public void startCollector() {
        for (final PriorityDirectory pd : this.myDirectories) {
            final WorkSpaceCollector collector = new WorkSpaceCollector(pd);
            final Thread collectorThread = new Thread(collector, "WorkSpace Collector " + pd);
            logger.debug("Started WorkSpace Collector thread on {}", pd);

     * Start the client notification Thread*
    public void startNotifier() {
        this.notifier = new ClientNotifier();
        final Thread notifierThread = new Thread(this.notifier, "WorkSpace Client Notifier");
        logger.debug("Started Client Notifier thread");

     * Rotate the list of pickups so that the same old one isn't always first on the list.
    protected void rotatePickUps() {
        // Move element(0) to the tail and shift all to the left
        Collections.rotate(this.pups, -1);

     * Notify pick up place that data is available
     * @return number of successful notices
    protected int notifyPickUps() {
        int successCount = 0;
        for (final String pup : this.pups) {
            final boolean status = notifyPickUp(pup);
            if (status) {
            if (getOutboundQueueSize() == 0) {
        logger.debug("Notified {} of {} pickup places", successCount, this.pups.size());
        return successCount;

     * Add one pickup and notify of work to be done
    protected void addPickUp(final String pup) {
        if (!this.pups.contains(pup)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Adding pickup {}, new size={}: {}", pup, this.pups.size(), this.pups);
        } else {
            logger.debug("Not adding {} already on list size {}", pup, this.pups.size());

     * Notify one pickup
     * @param pup the key of the one to notify
    protected boolean notifyPickUp(final String pup) {
        final WorkSpaceAdapter tpa = new WorkSpaceAdapter();
        logger.debug("Sending notice to {}", pup);

        boolean notified = false;
        int tryCount = 0;

        while (!notified && tryCount < 5) {
            final EmissaryResponse status = tpa.outboundOpenWorkSpace(pup, this.workSpaceKey);

            // TODO Consider putting this method in the response
            if (status.getStatus() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                logger.warn("Failed to notify {} on try {}: {}", pup, tryCount, status.getContentString());
                try {
                    Thread.sleep((tryCount + 1) * 100L);
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
            } else {
                notified = true;

        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "Notified {} in {} attempts: {}", pup, tryCount, (notified ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED"));

        return notified;

     * Return the registration key for this work space
    public String getKey() {
        return this.workSpaceKey;

     * Return the workspace name
    public String getNamespaceName() {
        return this.workSpaceName;

     * Remove a pickup, if it had work bundles pending completion transfer them back to the outbound queue
     * @param remoteKey the directory observer string key that was removed
    protected void removePickUp(final String remoteKey) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Removed pickup {}, size={}: {}", remoteKey, this.pups.size(), this.pups);
        int pendCount = 0;
        final String remoteName = KeyManipulator.getServiceHost(remoteKey);
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            // NB: no enhanced for loop with Iterator.remove()
            for (Iterator<String> i = this.pending.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                final String id =;
                final WorkBundle wb = this.pending.get(id);
                if (remoteName.equals(wb.getSentTo())) {
                    i.remove(); // remove from pending
                    wb.setSentTo(null); // clear in progress indicator
                    if (wb.incrementErrorCount() <= MAX_BUNDLE_RETRIES) {
                        logger.debug("Removing pending bundle {} from pending pool, re-adding to outbound with errorCount={}", wb.getBundleId(),
                        addOutboundBundle(wb); // send to outbound again

                        // Set overall counts back to normal
                    } else {
                        logger.error("Bundle {} associated with too many failures, permanently discarding", wb);
        if (pendCount > 0) {
  "Moved {} items back to outbound queue from {}", pendCount, remoteName);

     * Method called by remote PickUp client instances when they are ready to receive data from this WorkSpace Access via
     * emissary.comms.http.WorkSpaceApapter
     * @param remoteKey key of the requesting PickUp place
     * @return WorkBundle at the head of the list or null if empty
    public WorkBundle take(final String remoteKey) {
        final String remoteName = KeyManipulator.getServiceHost(remoteKey);
        WorkBundle item;
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            if (getOutboundQueueSize() == 0) {
                // Empty WorkBundle will let them know to stop asking us
      "Sent shutdown msg to {}", remoteName);
                item = new WorkBundle();
            } else {
                // transfer from outbound to pending list and
                // record who the work was given to track
                // completion status
                item = this.outbound.poll();
                this.pending.put(item.getBundleId(), item);
      "Gave bundle {} to {}", item, remoteName);
                final WorkBundle nextItem = this.outbound.peek();
                if (nextItem != null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "After take: new top differs to prior by [oldest/youngest/size]=[{}/{}/{}]",
                            nextItem.getOldestFileModificationTime() - item.getOldestFileModificationTime(),
                            nextItem.getYoungestFileModificationTime() - item.getYoungestFileModificationTime(),
                            nextItem.getTotalFileSize() - item.getTotalFileSize());
        return item;

     * Add a new bundle of work to the pending queue
     * @param wb the new bundle
    protected void addOutboundBundle(final WorkBundle wb) {
        int sz;
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            sz = this.outbound.size();

        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "Adding workbundle {} size {} filesSeen {}", wb, (sz + 1), this.filesSeen.size());

     * Show items that are pending completion (debug)
     * @deprecated use {@link #showPendingItemsList()}
    public String[] showPendingItems() {
        return showPendingItemsList().toArray(new String[0]);

     * Show items that are pending completion (debug)
    public List<String> showPendingItemsList() {
        final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, WorkBundle> entry : this.pending.entrySet()) {
        return list;

     * Clear the pending queue
     * @return number of items removed
    public int clearPendingQueue() {
        final int size = getPendingQueueSize();

        if (size > 0) {
            synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
                logger.debug("Clearing pending queue of {} items", size);
                for (final Map.Entry<String, WorkBundle> entry : this.pending.entrySet()) {
                logger.debug("Cleared filesSeen leaving {} items", this.filesSeen.size());
        return size;

     * Receive notice that a bundle was completed Normally called from emissary.server.mvc.adapters.WorkSpaceAdapter when a
     * bundle completion message is received from the remote client doing the processing.
     * @param remoteName the name of the place that did the processing
     * @param bundleId the unique id of the bundle that was completed
     * @param itWorked true if processed normally
     * @return true if the item was removed from the pending list
    public boolean workCompleted(final String remoteName, final String bundleId, final boolean itWorked) {
        WorkBundle item;

        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            item = this.pending.remove(bundleId);
            if (item != null) {
                logger.debug("Removed {} from filesSeen leaving {}", item.size(), this.filesSeen.size());
        if (item == null) {
  "Unknown bundle completed: {}", bundleId);
        } else if (!itWorked) {
            item.setSentTo(null); // clear in progress indicator
            if (item.incrementErrorCount() > MAX_BUNDLE_RETRIES) {
                logger.error("Bundle {} has too many errors, permanently discarded", item);
            } else {
                addOutboundBundle(item); // send to outbound again
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Bundle {} completed by {}{}", bundleId, remoteName,
                    (itWorked ? "" : (" but failed for the " + (item != null ? item.getErrorCount() : -1) + " time")));
        return item != null;

     * begin the case processing, does nothing in this implementation
    protected void initializeCase() {
        // Don't care in this implementation
        logger.debug("In base initializeCase implementation (do nothing)");

     * end the case processing does nothing in this implementation
    protected void closeCase() {
        // Don't care in this implementation
        this.caseClosed = true;
        logger.debug("In base closeCase implementation (do nothing)");

     * handle getting a directory in the recursive descent
     * @param dir File for which isDirectory returns true
    protected void processDirectory(final File dir) {
        // We don't care in this implementation
        logger.debug("got a directory processDirectory({})", dir);

     * Add each fileName and its respective lastModifiedDate to the filesSeen list
     * @param fileNames the collection of file name strings to add
    protected void addFilesSeen(final Collection<String> fileNames) {
        for (final String fn : fileNames) {
            this.filesSeen.put(fn, getFileModificationDate(fn));

     * Add each fileName and its respective lastModifiedDate to the filesDone list
     * @param fileNames the collection of file name strings to add
    protected void addFilesDone(final Collection<String> fileNames) {
        for (final String fn : fileNames) {
            this.filesDone.put(fn, getFileModificationDate(fn));

     * Remove each fileName from the filesSeen list without regard to the timestamp
     * @param fileNames the collection of file name strings to remove
    protected void removeFilesSeen(final Collection<String> fileNames) {
        for (final String fn : fileNames) {

     * Lookup a lastModified date for a file
     * @param fn the filename
     * @return the long representing the date of last modification or 0L if an error, or it does not exist
    protected long getFileModificationDate(final String fn) {
        return new File(fn).lastModified();

    protected long getFileSize(final String fn) {
        return new File(fn).length();

     * Monitoring progress of the WorkSpace. Indicate some stats once in a while and do not let the foreground thread
     * terminate while there is still work on the outbound queue or the pending lists.
    protected void monitorProgress() {
        long outboundEmptyTimestamp = -1L;

        // Do while outbound or pending work exists or collector is
        // still running
        while (true) {
            final int outboundSize = getOutboundQueueSize();
            int pendingSize = getPendingQueueSize();
            final boolean reallyQuit = this.timeToQuit && (outboundSize == 0) && (pendingSize == 0);

            // Rmember when outbound becomes empty
            if (outboundSize == 0 && outboundEmptyTimestamp == -1L) {
                outboundEmptyTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
            } else if (outboundSize > 0 && outboundEmptyTimestamp > 0L) {
                outboundEmptyTimestamp = -1L;

            // See if it is time to give up on pending items
            if ((outboundSize == 0) && !this.loop && ((outboundEmptyTimestamp + this.pendingHangTime) < System.currentTimeMillis())) {
                if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "Giving up on {} items due to timeout", pendingSize);
                    for (final Map.Entry<String, WorkBundle> entry : this.pending.entrySet()) {
              "Pending item {}: {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                pendingSize = 0;

            // All work is done and collector has finished
            if (outboundSize + pendingSize == 0) {
                if (reallyQuit) {

            // Else sleep a while
            try {
                for (int si = 0; si < 3000; si++) {
                    if (reallyQuit) {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

            if (!this.timeToQuit) {

        // Case closing actions

     * Output some information to the logger on what we have been doing lately
    public void publishStats() {;
        for (Iterator<String> i = this.stats.machinesUsed(); i.hasNext();) {
            final String machine =;
  "Machine {} took {} bundles", machine, this.stats.getCountUsed(machine));

     * Return the current stats to the caller
    public String getStatsMessage() {
        final int outboundSize = getOutboundQueueSize();
        final int pendingSize = getPendingQueueSize();

        return "WorkSpace has outbound=" + outboundSize + ", pending=" + pendingSize + ", total bundles / files / bytes = " + this.bundlesProcessed
                + " / " + this.filesProcessed + " / " + this.bytesProcessed + " , #clients=" + getPickUpPlaceCount();

     * Return how many files processed so far
    public long getFilesProcessed() {
        return this.filesProcessed;

     * Return how many bytes processed so far
    public long getBytesProcessed() {
        return this.bytesProcessed;

     * Return how many pickup places are being fed
    public int getPickUpPlaceCount() {
        return this.pups.size();

     * Return how many bundles processed so far
    public long getBundlesProcessed() {
        return this.bundlesProcessed;

     * Return size of outbound queue
    public int getOutboundQueueSize() {
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            return this.outbound.size();

    public int getRetriedCount() {
        return this.retryCount;

     * Return size of pending completion queue
    public int getPendingQueueSize() {
        synchronized (this.QLOCK) {
            return this.pending.size();

     * Overridable point to get the version string for output periodically when looping
     * @return the version info
    protected String getVersionString() {
        return "Emissary version: " + new Version();

    public class ClientNotifier implements Runnable {
         * Create the notifier Runnable
        public ClientNotifier() {}

        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                final int qsize = getOutboundQueueSize();
                if (qsize > 0) {
                    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("ClientNotification starting with #clients={} outbound={}", getPickUpPlaceCount(), qsize);
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        logger.debug("ClientNotification took {}s for #clients={}", (end - start) / 1000.0, getPickUpPlaceCount());

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {

                final int outboundSize = getOutboundQueueSize();
                final int pendingSize = getPendingQueueSize();
                if (WorkSpace.this.timeToQuit && (outboundSize == 0) && (pendingSize == 0) && WorkSpace.this.collectorThreadHasQuit) {

            logger.debug("Off the end of the ClientNotifier run loop");

     * A runnable to collect files into WorkBundles and put them on the outbound queue
    public class WorkSpaceCollector implements Runnable {

        protected PriorityDirectory myDirectory;

         * Create the collector runnable
        public WorkSpaceCollector(final PriorityDirectory myDirectory) {
            this.myDirectory = myDirectory;

         * Pull all the files into bundles, emit some stats, and notify the PickUp client instances to start work. When the list
         * of file bundles is empty we can quit or loop around again.
        public void run() {
            long versionOutputTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long start;
            long stop;
            long minFileTime = 0L;

            // Run the processing
            long lastFileCollect = 0L;
            int loopCount = 0;

  "Running Workspace from {}", getVersionString());

            do {
                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                // every hour
                if (start - versionOutputTime > 3600000) {
          "Continuing Workspace from {}", getVersionString());
                    versionOutputTime = start;

                final WorkBundle paths = new WorkBundle(WorkSpace.this.outputRootPath, WorkSpace.this.eatPrefix);

                logger.debug("Processing files in {}", this.myDirectory.getDirectoryName());

                final int collectCount =
                        collectFiles(this.myDirectory, WorkSpace.this.wantDirectories, paths, WorkSpace.this.numberOfBundlesToSkip, minFileTime,

                // Set times, so we don't redistribute files next loop
                // if configured to use timestamps
                if (WorkSpace.this.useFileTimestamps) {
                    lastFileCollect = System.currentTimeMillis();
                stop = System.currentTimeMillis();

                // We can only skip bundles on the first time through
                WorkSpace.this.numberOfBundlesToSkip = 0;

      "Collected {} file bundles in {}s in loop iteration {}, {} items in outbound queue", collectCount,
                        ((stop - start) / 1000.0), loopCount, WorkSpace.this.outbound.size());

                if ((collectCount == 0) && WorkSpace.this.loop) {
                    // Wait pause time seconds and try again if looping
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ioex) {

                // time shift for next loop if configured to use tstamps
                if (WorkSpace.this.useFileTimestamps) {
                    minFileTime = lastFileCollect;

            } while (WorkSpace.this.loop && !WorkSpace.this.timeToQuit);

            logger.debug("Off the end of the WorkSpaceCollector run method");
            WorkSpace.this.collectorThreadHasQuit = true;

         * Load WorkBundle objects into our linked list of bundles Also process all directories if so instructed
         * @return count of how many bundles collected for outbound queue
        protected int collectFiles(final PriorityDirectory dir, final boolean wantDirectories, final WorkBundle basePath,
                final int numberOfBundlesToSkipArg, final long minFileTime, final boolean skipDotFilesArg) {
            int skipped = 0;
            int collected = 0;
            int fileCount = 0;
            long bytesInBundle = 0;

            try {
                int ffOptions = FileFind.FILES_FLAG;
                if (wantDirectories) {
                    ffOptions |= FileFind.DIRECTORIES_FLAG;
                final FileFind ff = new FileFind(ffOptions);
                final Iterator<?> f = ff.find(dir.getDirectoryName());

                WorkBundle paths = new WorkBundle(basePath);

                while (f.hasNext()) {
                    // If the outbound queue has a lot of stuff pending
                    // and memory is getting tight, just to sleep until
                    // the situation eases

                    final File next = (File);
                    final String fileName = next.getPath();

                    // We should only be getting these if we asked for them.
                    // We should only use them if we are not resuming a previous run.
                    if (next.isDirectory() && numberOfBundlesToSkipArg == 0) {
                        logger.debug("Doing directory {}", fileName);

                    // Can we read the file?
                    if (!next.isFile() && !next.canRead()) {
                        logger.debug("Cannot access file: {}", fileName);

                    // Skip dot files possibly
                    // TODO Maybe we want to change this to explicitly look for "." instead of isHidden
                    if (skipDotFilesArg && Files.isHidden(Paths.get(fileName))) {
                        logger.debug("Skipping dot file {}", fileName);

                    // Is file too old? (If we aren't configured to use
                    // tstamps minFileTime will always be 0L
                    if (next.lastModified() < minFileTime) {

                    synchronized (WorkSpace.this.QLOCK) {
                        if (WorkSpace.this.filesDone.containsKey(fileName)) {
                        } else if (WorkSpace.this.filesSeen.containsKey(fileName)
                                && WorkSpace.this.filesSeen.get(fileName) == next.lastModified()) {
                            logger.debug("Skipping file already seen {}, touch file to force add", fileName);

                    logger.debug("Adding filename to bundle {}", fileName);

                    // add file to workbundle (at least 1)
                    if (workbundleHasRoom(paths, bytesInBundle)) {
                        logger.debug("Added file to workbundle: {}", fileName);
                        paths.addFileName(fileName, getFileModificationDate(fileName), getFileSize(fileName));
                        bytesInBundle += next.length();
                        WorkSpace.this.filesProcessed++; // overall
                        fileCount++; // this loop
                        WorkSpace.this.bytesProcessed += next.length(); // overall
                    // if bundle is full, create a new empty and
                    // move it to the outbound queue.
                    if (!workbundleHasRoom(paths, bytesInBundle)) {
                        logger.debug("Workbundle full, adding it to outbound queue");
                        if (skipped < numberOfBundlesToSkipArg) {
                        } else {
                        // create new empty work bundle
                        paths = new WorkBundle(basePath);
                        bytesInBundle = 0;

                } // end while f.hasNext()

                // Send residual files, not a complete set perhaps
                if (paths.size() > 0) {
                    if (skipped < numberOfBundlesToSkipArg) {
              "Skipping last bundle");
                    } else {
                // clear the files done list
                synchronized (WorkSpace.this.QLOCK) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("System error", e);
                return collected;

            if (!WorkSpace.this.outbound.isEmpty()) {
      "Processed {} files into {} bundles, skipping {} bundles.", fileCount, collected, skipped);
            return collected;

         * Convenience method to check if there is room in the work bundle to add more files.
         * @param bundle the bundle to check
         * @param bytesInBundle the current count of bytes in the bundle.
         * @return true if bundle does not exceed max byte size, or max file count.
        private boolean workbundleHasRoom(final WorkBundle bundle, final long bytesInBundle) {

            // must have a min size of 1 file, but cannot be over the
            // max byte size, or max file count
            boolean bReturn = (bundle.size() <= 0)
                    || (((WorkSpace.this.maxBundleSize <= -1) || (bytesInBundle < WorkSpace.this.maxBundleSize))
                            && ((WorkSpace.this.filesPerMessage <= -1) || (bundle
                                    .size() < WorkSpace.this.filesPerMessage)));

            logger.debug("workbundle has room = {}", bReturn);
            return bReturn;

         * Check memory (heap) usage and wait for it to go below the threshold. We must be able to collect at least 500 file
         * bundles to trigger this mechanism.
        protected void pauseCollector() {
            final int initialQueueSize = getOutboundQueueSize();
            if (initialQueueSize < 500) {
            final long intv = 30000;
            final MemoryMXBean mbean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
            MemoryUsage heap = mbean.getHeapMemoryUsage();
            int count = 0;
            while ((((double) heap.getUsed() / (double) heap.getCommitted()) > MEM_THRESHOLD) && (getOutboundQueueSize() > 500)) {
                logger.debug("Collection memory threshold exceeded {}", heap);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                heap = mbean.getHeapMemoryUsage();

            if (count > 0 && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Paused collector {} times for {}s waiting for memory usage to go below threshold {} resuming at {}, queueSize was/is={}/{}",
                        count, (intv / 1000), MEM_THRESHOLD, heap, initialQueueSize, getOutboundQueueSize());

     * Collect per pickup statistics for this run
    public static class WorkSpaceStats {
        final Map<String, Integer> remoteMap = new HashMap<>();
        final Set<String> shutDownSent = new HashSet<>();

         * Increment the bundle count for the machine when it takes one
         * @param machine the remote pickup
        public void bump(final String machine) {
            Integer count = this.remoteMap.get(machine);
            if (count == null) {
                count = 1;
            } else {
                count = count + 1;
            this.remoteMap.put(machine, count);

         * Indicate that shutdown msg was sent to machine
         * @param machine the remote name
        public void shutDownSent(final String machine) {

         * Count how many machines got shut down msg
        public int getShutDownCount() {
            return this.shutDownSent.size();

         * Iterate over set of machines used
        public Iterator<String> machinesUsed() {
            return this.remoteMap.keySet().iterator();

         * Count of machines used
        public int getCountUsed(final String machine) {
            final Integer count = this.remoteMap.get(machine);
            return (count == null) ? 0 : count;

     * Watch the directory for changes to pickup up client places
    public class WorkSpaceDirectoryWatcher extends DirectoryAdapter {
         * Watch the directory for registrations that match pattern
         * @param pattern the pattern to match
        public WorkSpaceDirectoryWatcher(final String pattern) {
            logger.debug("PickupClient pattern is {}", pattern);

         * Accept registration notices that match our pattern
         * @param observableKey the reporting directory
         * @param placeKey the key of the matching registered place
        public void placeRegistered(final String observableKey, final String placeKey) {
            final String k = KeyManipulator.removeExpense(placeKey);
            logger.debug("Registration message from {}", k);
            if (WorkSpace.this.pups.contains(k) && WorkSpace.this.useRetryStrategy) {
                // This covers the case where the pickup dies and restarts
                // before the Heartbeat mechanism figures out there was
                // a problem.
      "Already known pickup {} must be reinitialized to clear pending work.", k);

            if (!WorkSpace.this.pups.contains(k)) {
      "New pickup place {}", k);

            // add to list and maybe send open msg. Dup places
            // will not be added but might be re-notified


         * Accept deregistration notices that match our pattern
         * @param observableKey the reporting directory
         * @param placeKey the key of the matching deregistered place
        public void placeDeregistered(final String observableKey, final String placeKey) {
            final String k = KeyManipulator.removeExpense(placeKey);
            logger.debug("DeRegistration message from {}", k);
            if (!WorkSpace.this.pups.contains(k)) {
      "Unknown pickup deregistered {}", k);
            } else {
      "Pickup place {} is gone", k);
                if (WorkSpace.this.useRetryStrategy) {