
import emissary.config.ConfigEntry;
import emissary.config.ConfigUtil;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.EmissaryException;
import emissary.core.Family;
import emissary.core.Form;
import emissary.core.HDMobileAgent;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.MobileAgent;
import emissary.core.Namespace;
import emissary.core.NamespaceException;
import emissary.core.ResourceException;
import emissary.core.ResourceWatcher;
import emissary.kff.KffDataObjectHandler;
import emissary.log.MDCConstants;
import emissary.parser.SessionParser;
import emissary.server.EmissaryServer;
import emissary.server.mvc.adapters.DirectoryAdapter;
import emissary.util.JMXUtil;

import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.MDC;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.PLACE_NAME;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.PLACE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_MILLIS;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_COST;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_KEY;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_NAME;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_PROXY;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_PROXY_DENY;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_QUALITY;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.SERVICE_TYPE;

 * Concrete instances of ServiceProviderPlace can be created by the emissary.admin.PlaceStarter and registered with the
 * to make their respective services available and a specified cost and quality
 * throughout the system.
public abstract class ServiceProviderPlace implements IServiceProviderPlace,
        ServiceProviderPlaceMBean {

     * Container for all configuration parameters read from the configuration file for this place. The net result is that
     * many name value pairs are loaded from one or more files. See ServiceConfigGuide for details.
     * @see emissary.config.ServiceConfigGuide
    protected Configurator configG;

     * A <i><b>local</b></i> reference to the directory that this place resides in. Every JVM that contains 'places' must
     * have a local directory
     * @see
    protected String dirPlace;
    protected IDirectoryPlace localDirPlace = null;

     * set of keys for this place read from configG. Each of the values defined by
     * SERVICE_PROXY.SERCVICE_TYPE.SERVICE_NAME.PLACE_LOCATION$EXPENSE from the config file or KEY values from the config
     * file.
    protected List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();

     * List of denied places in SERVICE_PROXY_DENY
    protected List<String> denyList = new ArrayList<>();

    // Items that are going to be deprecated, but here now to
    // make the transition easier, for compatibility
    protected String myKey = null;
    protected int serviceCost = -1;
    protected int serviceQuality = -1;
    protected String placeName = null;

     * Text description of what the place does, usually from config file
    protected String serviceDescription;

     * Static context logger
    protected static final Logger slogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceProviderPlace.class);

     * Dynamic context logger uses run-time classname as category
    protected Logger logger;

     * Set up handler for rehashing
    protected KffDataObjectHandler kff = null;

    private static final String DOT = ".";
    private static final String UNUSED_PROXY = "UNUSABLE-XyZZy";

     * These are used to track process vs processHD implementations to know whether one can proxy for the other one
    protected boolean processMethodImplemented = false;
    protected boolean heavyDutyMethodImplemented = false;

     * Create a place and register it in the local directory. The default config must contain at least one SERVICE_KEY
     * element used to know where that is and how to name it. If the old style config with SERVICE_PROXY etc is used then
     * the PlaceName becomes the runtime class name of the instance without the package.
    public ServiceProviderPlace() throws IOException {
        String placeLocation = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
        configG = loadConfigurator(placeLocation);
        setupPlace(null, placeLocation);

     * Create a place and register it at the location specified. The location key contains the name of the place which is
     * used to configure it. The local directory instance is found in the local Namespace.
     * @param thePlaceLocation string name of our location
    public ServiceProviderPlace(String thePlaceLocation) throws IOException {
        configG = loadConfigurator(thePlaceLocation);
        setupPlace(null, thePlaceLocation);

     * Create the place the normal way
     * @param configFile file name for config data
     * @param theDir string name of our directory
     * @param thePlaceLocation string name of our location
    protected ServiceProviderPlace(String configFile, @Nullable String theDir, String thePlaceLocation) throws IOException {
        configG = loadConfigurator(configFile, thePlaceLocation);
        setupPlace(theDir, thePlaceLocation);

     * Construct with config data from a stream
     * @param configStream stream of config data
     * @param theDir string name of our directory
     * @param thePlaceLocation string name of our location
    protected ServiceProviderPlace(InputStream configStream, @Nullable String theDir, String thePlaceLocation) throws IOException {
        configG = loadConfigurator(configStream, thePlaceLocation);
        setupPlace(theDir, thePlaceLocation);

     * Construct with config data from a stream on the local directory
     * @param configStream stream of config data
    protected ServiceProviderPlace(InputStream configStream) throws IOException {
        String placeLocation = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
        configG = loadConfigurator(configStream, placeLocation);
        setupPlace(null, placeLocation);

     * Create the place with no directory
     * @param configFile string name of config data file
     * @param placeLocation string name of our location
    protected ServiceProviderPlace(String configFile, String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        this(configFile, null, placeLocation);

     * Create the place with no directory
     * @param configStream stream of config data
     * @param placeLocation string name of our location
    protected ServiceProviderPlace(InputStream configStream, String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        this(configStream, null, placeLocation);

     * Load the configurator
     * @param configStream the stream to use or null to auto configure
    protected Configurator loadConfigurator(@Nullable InputStream configStream, String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        // Read the configuration stream
        if (configStream != null) {
            // Use supplied stream
            return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(configStream);
        return loadConfigurator(placeLocation);

     * Load the configurator
     * @param configFileName the file name to use or null to auto configure
    protected Configurator loadConfigurator(@Nullable String configFileName, String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        // Read the configuration stream
        if (configFileName != null) {
            // Use supplied stream
            return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(configFileName);
        return loadConfigurator(placeLocation);

     * Load the configurator, figuring out whence automatically
    protected Configurator loadConfigurator(@Nullable String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        if (placeLocation == null) {
            placeLocation = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

        // Extract config data stream name from place location
        // and try finding config info with and without the
        // package name of this class (in that order)
        String myPackage = this.getClass().getPackage().getName();
        List<String> configLocs = new ArrayList<>();
        // Dont use KeyManipulator for this, only works when hostname/fqdn has dots
        int pos = placeLocation.lastIndexOf("/");
        String serviceClass = (pos > -1 ? placeLocation.substring(pos + 1) : placeLocation);
        configLocs.add(myPackage + DOT + serviceClass + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
        configLocs.add(serviceClass + ConfigUtil.CONFIG_FILE_ENDING);
        return ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(configLocs);

     * Help the constructor get the place running
     * @param theDir name of our directory
    protected void setupPlace(@Nullable String theDir, String placeLocation) throws IOException {

        // Customize the logger to the runtime class
        logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

        // The order of the following initialization calls
        // is touchy. NPE all over if you mess up here.

        // Set ServicePlace config items

        // Backwards compatibility setup items
        DirectoryEntry firstentry = new DirectoryEntry(keys.get(0));
        myKey = firstentry.getKey();
        serviceCost = firstentry.getCost();
        serviceQuality = firstentry.getQuality();
        placeName = firstentry.getServiceLocation();

        // configure directory references
        if (!(this instanceof DirectoryPlace)) {
            logger.debug("Our localizedDirectory is {}", dirPlace);
        } else {
            logger.debug("Not localizing directory since we are a directory");

        // Set up kff if we need it
        if (this instanceof RehashingPlace || this instanceof MultiFileServerPlace) {

        // Bind to the namespace before registering
        // our keys. This allows incoming traffic to find
        // us as soon as they see the keys
        for (String key : keys) {
            String bindKey = KeyManipulator.getServiceLocation(key);
            logger.debug("Binding myself into the namespace as {}", bindKey);
            Namespace.bind(bindKey, this);

        // Register with the directory
        // This pushes all our keys out to the directory which
        // sends them on in turn to peers, &c. in the p2p network

        // register MBean with JMX

        // Verify and warn of incorrect process/processHeavyDuty implementation

     * Get a local reference to the directory.
     * @param theDir key for the directory to use, if null will look up default name
     * @return true if it worked
    private boolean localizeDirectory(@Nullable String theDir) {
        // Get a local (non-proxy) copy of the directory if possible!
        // Looking up both if nothing is provided
        if (theDir == null) {
            try {
                localDirPlace = DirectoryPlace.lookup();
                dirPlace = localDirPlace.toString();
            } catch (EmissaryException ex) {
                if (EmissaryServer.getInstance().isServerRunning() && !(this instanceof DirectoryPlace)) {
                    logger.warn("Unable to find DirectoryPlace in local namespace", ex);
                    return false;
        } else {
            dirPlace = theDir;
            localDirPlace = null;
            try {
                String myUrl = KeyManipulator.getServiceHostUrl(keys.get(0));
                String dirUrl = KeyManipulator.getServiceHostUrl(dirPlace);
                if (StringUtils.equals(dirUrl, myUrl)) {
                    localDirPlace = (IDirectoryPlace) Namespace.lookup(KeyManipulator.getServiceLocation(theDir));
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Not localizing directory since dirPlace {} is not equal to myUrl {}", dirPlace, myUrl);
            } catch (EmissaryException ex) {
                logger.error("Exception attempting to get local reference to directory", ex);
                return false;
        return true;

     * Initialize the Kff Handler with our policy settings
    protected synchronized void initKff() {
        kff =
                new KffDataObjectHandler(KffDataObjectHandler.TRUNCATE_KNOWN_DATA, KffDataObjectHandler.SET_FORM_WHEN_KNOWN,

     * Set the logger to use, allows easier mocking among other things
     * @param l the logger instance to use
    public void setLogger(Logger l) {
        this.logger = l;

     * Return an encapsulation of our key and cost structure Only good for the top key on the list
     * @return a DirectoryEntry for this place
    public DirectoryEntry getDirectoryEntry() {
        return new DirectoryEntry(keys.get(0), serviceDescription, serviceCost, serviceQuality);

     * Configuration items read here are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>PLACE_NAME: place name portion of key, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_NAME: service name portion of key, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_TYPE: service type portion of key, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_DESCRIPTION: description of place, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_COST: cost of service provided, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_QUALITY: quality of service provided, required</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_PROXY: list of service proxy types for key</li>
     * <li>SERVICE_KEY: full 4 part keys with expense</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param placeLocation the specified placeLocation or a full four part key to register with
    protected void configureServicePlace(@Nullable String placeLocation) throws IOException {
        serviceDescription = configG.findStringEntry(SERVICE_DESCRIPTION);
        if (serviceDescription == null || serviceDescription.length() == 0) {
            serviceDescription = "Description not available";

        if (placeLocation == null) {
            placeLocation = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

        String locationPart = placeLocation;
        if (KeyManipulator.isKeyComplete(placeLocation)) {
            keys.add(placeLocation); // save as first in list
            locationPart = KeyManipulator.getServiceLocation(placeLocation);
        } else if (!placeLocation.contains("://")) {
            EmissaryNode node = EmissaryServer.getInstance().getNode();
            locationPart = "http://" + node.getNodeName() + ":" + node.getNodePort() + "/" + placeLocation;

        // Build keys the old fashioned way from parts specified in the config
        String placeName = configG.findStringEntry(PLACE_NAME);
        String serviceName = configG.findStringEntry(SERVICE_NAME);
        String serviceType = configG.findStringEntry(SERVICE_TYPE);
        int serviceCost = configG.findIntEntry(SERVICE_COST, -1);
        int serviceQuality = configG.findIntEntry(SERVICE_QUALITY, -1);

        // Bah.
        if (placeName != null && placeName.length() == 0) {
            placeName = null;
        if (serviceName != null && serviceName.length() == 0) {
            serviceName = null;
        if (serviceType != null && serviceType.length() == 0) {
            serviceType = null;

        if (placeName != null && serviceName != null && serviceType != null && serviceCost > -1 && serviceQuality > -1) {
            // pick up the proxies(save full 4-tuple keys!)
            for (String sp : configG.findEntries(SERVICE_PROXY)) {
                DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(sp, serviceName, serviceType, locationPart, serviceDescription, serviceCost, serviceQuality);
            // pick up the denied proxies(save full 4-tuple keys!)
            for (String sp : configG.findEntries(SERVICE_PROXY_DENY)) {
                DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(sp, serviceName, serviceType, locationPart, serviceDescription, serviceCost, serviceQuality);
        } else {
            // May be configured the new way, but warn if there is a mixture of
            // null and non-null items using the old-fashioned way. Perhaps the
            // user just missed one of them
            int nullCount = 0;
            if (placeName == null) {
            if (serviceName == null) {
            if (serviceType == null) {
            if (serviceCost == -1) {
            if (serviceQuality == -1) {

            if (nullCount > 0 && nullCount < 5) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Missing configuration items. Please check SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_TYPE, PLACE_NAME, SERVICE_COST, SERVICE_QUALITY");


        // Now build any keys the new way
        for (String k : configG.findEntries(SERVICE_KEY)) {
            if (KeyManipulator.isKeyComplete(k)) {
            } else {
                logger.warn("SERVICE_KEY '{}' is missing parts and cannot be used", k);

        // Make sure some keys were defined one way or the other
        if (keys.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException("NO keys were defined. Please configure at least one "

     * Delegate nextKey to our directory
     * @param dataId key to entryMap in directory, dataType::serviceType
     * @param lastEntry place agent visited last, this is not stateless
     * @return List of DirectoryEntry with next places to go
    public List<DirectoryEntry> nextKeys(final String dataId, final IBaseDataObject payload, final DirectoryEntry lastEntry) {
        if (localDirPlace != null) {
            return localDirPlace.nextKeys(dataId, payload, lastEntry);
        logger.error("No local directory in place {} with dir={}", keys.get(0), dirPlace);
        return null;

     * The ServiceProviderPlace facade for visiting agents
     * @param payload dataobject from a MobileAgent
    public void agentProcessCall(IBaseDataObject payload) throws ResourceException {
        try {
        } catch (ResourceException r) {
            throw r;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            logger.error("Place.process exception", e);

     * "HD" agent calls this method when visiting the place. If you use emissary.core.MobileAgent this method is never
     * called. Should be overridden by concrete places that wish to process bulk data in a different manner than one payload
     * at a time.
     * @param payloadList list of IBaseDataObject from an HDMobileAgent
     * @return list of IBaseDataObject "sprouts"
    public List<IBaseDataObject> agentProcessHeavyDuty(List<IBaseDataObject> payloadList) throws Exception {

        logger.debug("Entering agentProcessHeavyDuty with {} payload items", payloadList.size());

        List<IBaseDataObject> list = new ArrayList<>();

        // For each incoming payload object
        for (IBaseDataObject dataObject : payloadList) {
            try {
                // Process the payload item
                List<IBaseDataObject> l = agentProcessHeavyDuty(dataObject);
                if (!l.isEmpty()) {
                    dataObject.setNumChildren(dataObject.getNumChildren() + l.size());

                // Accumulate results in a list to return
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Place.process exception", e);
                dataObject.addProcessingError("agentProcessHD(" + keys.get(0) + "): " + e);

        // Some debug output
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            for (IBaseDataObject d : list) {
                logger.debug("Returning child {} -> {}", d.shortName(), d.getAllCurrentForms());

        return list;

     * "HD" method called only by HDMobileAgent for a single incoming payload
     * @param payload data object to process
     * @return List of IBaseDataObject "sprouts"
    public List<IBaseDataObject> agentProcessHeavyDuty(IBaseDataObject payload) throws Exception {
        MDC.put(MDCConstants.SHORT_NAME, payload.shortName());
        MDC.put(MDCConstants.SERVICE_LOCATION, this.getKey());
        try {
            List<IBaseDataObject> l = processHeavyDuty(payload);
            return l;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Place.process threw:", e);
            throw e;

     * Rehash the payload if this is a rehashing place
     * @param payload the payload to evaluate and rehash
    protected void rehash(@Nullable IBaseDataObject payload) {
        // Recompute hash if marker interface is enabled
        if (this instanceof RehashingPlace && kff != null && payload != null) {
            payload.setParameter(SessionParser.ORIG_DOC_SIZE_KEY, "" + payload.dataLength());

     * Convenience method to process a single payload when there is no expecation of decomposing any new payload objects
     * from what was provided
    public void process(IBaseDataObject payload) throws ResourceException {
        if (heavyDutyMethodImplemented) {
            List<IBaseDataObject> children = processHeavyDuty(payload);
            if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) {
                logger.error("Sprouting is no longer supported, lost {} children", children.size());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Neither process nor processHeavyDuty appears to be implemented");

     * Process a payload and return a list of new items decomosed from it (or an empty list) What happens here and what is
     * ultimately expected depends on the workflow stage of the place registration, and the type of job it is expected to
     * do.
     * @param payload the BaseDataObject to process
     * @return list of BaseDataObject that represent the children (if any)
    public List<IBaseDataObject> processHeavyDuty(IBaseDataObject payload) throws ResourceException {
        if (processMethodImplemented) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Neither process nor processHeavyDuty appears to be implemented");

     * This method must be called during setup of the place to ensure that one of the two implementations is provided by the
     * declaring class.
    protected void verifyProcessImplementationProvided() {

        Class<?> c = this.getClass();
        while (!c.isAssignableFrom(ServiceProviderPlace.class)) {
            for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                String mname = m.getName();
                String rname = m.getReturnType().getName();
                Class<?>[] params = m.getParameterTypes();

                if (params.length == 1 && params[0].isAssignableFrom(IBaseDataObject.class)) {
                    if (mname.equals("process") && rname.equals("void")) {
                        processMethodImplemented = true;
                    } else if (mname.equals("processHeavyDuty") && rname.equals(List.class.getName())) {
                        heavyDutyMethodImplemented = true;

            if (heavyDutyMethodImplemented || processMethodImplemented) {
                logger.debug("Found enough process implementation at level {}", c.getName());
            } else {
                c = c.getSuperclass();

        if (!processMethodImplemented && !heavyDutyMethodImplemented && !(this instanceof AgentsNotSupportedPlace)) {
            logger.error("It appears that neither process nor processHeavyDuty is implemented. "
                    + "If that is incorrect you can directly set one of the corresponding "
                    + "boolean flags or override verifyProcessImplementationProvided or "
                    + "implement AgentsNotSupported to turn this message off");

     * Convenience method a lot of places use. Removes all items from the current form stack that this place has proxies for
     * @param d a data object whose current form will be expunged of my proxies
     * @return count of how many items removed
    protected int nukeMyProxies(IBaseDataObject d) {
        List<String> nukem = new ArrayList<>();
        int sz = d.currentFormSize();
        Set<String> serviceProxies = getProxies();

        if (serviceProxies.contains("*")) {
            d.replaceCurrentForm(null); // clear it out
            return sz;

        // listem
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            String form = d.currentFormAt(i);
            if (serviceProxies.contains(form)) {
            } else {
                // cardem
                WildcardEntry wc = new WildcardEntry(form);
                if (!Collections.disjoint(wc.asSet(), serviceProxies)) {

        // nukem
        for (String f : nukem) {
            int pos = d.searchCurrentForm(f);
            if (pos != -1) {

        return nukem.size();

     * Return a set of the service proxies
     * @return set of string values
    public Set<String> getProxies() {
        Set<String> s = new TreeSet<>();
        for (String k : keys) {
        return s;

     * Get the keys that this place instance is registered with
    public Set<String> getKeys() {
        Set<String> s = new TreeSet<>();
        for (String k : keys) {
            if (!k.startsWith(UNUSED_PROXY)) {
        return s;

     * Return the first service proxy on the list
     * @return SERVICE_PROXY value from first key on list
    public String getPrimaryProxy() {
        String s = KeyManipulator.getDataType(keys.get(0));
        if (s.equals(UNUSED_PROXY)) {
            s = "";
        return s;

     * Key for string form
    public String toString() {
        return keys.get(0) + "[" + keys.size() + "]";

     * Fulfill IServiceProviderPlace
    public String getKey() {
        return KeyManipulator.removeExpense(keys.get(0));

     * Add a service proxy to a running place. Duplicates are ignored.
     * @param serviceProxy the new proxy string to add
    public void addServiceProxy(String serviceProxy) {
        // Add new one to the top key in the list
        DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(keys.get(0));
        boolean keyAdded = false;
        if (!de.getDataType().equals(serviceProxy)) {
            // Clear out the placeholder
            if (de.getDataType().equals(UNUSED_PROXY)) {


            if (!keys.contains(de.getFullKey())) {

                // Register the new proxy in the directory
                logger.debug("Registering new key {}", de.getKey());
                keyAdded = true;

        if (!keyAdded) {
            logger.debug("Duplicate service proxy {} ignored", serviceProxy);

     * Add another key to the place
     * @param key the key to add
    public void addKey(String key) {
        if (KeyManipulator.isValid(key)) {
            DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(keys.get(0));
            if (de.getDataType().equals(UNUSED_PROXY)) {

            logger.debug("Adding and registering new key {}", key);
        } else {
            logger.warn("Invalid key cannot be added: {}", key);

     * Register a single service proxy key
     * @param key the new key to register
    protected void register(String key) {
        logger.debug("Registering key {}", key);
        // Cannot register if we have no directory
        // If we are the directory, its no problem though
        if (dirPlace == null) {
            if (!(this instanceof IDirectoryPlace)) {
                logger.debug("Directory is null: cannot register anything. Illegal configuration.");

        // Register place and all proxies by building up a list
        // of our interests to send to the directory
        List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();

     * Register our interest in all of our serviceProxies Sends only one message to the directory to cover all service
     * proxies (a scalability issue for large systems)
    protected void register() {
        logger.debug("Registering: {}", this);

        // Cannot register if we have no directory
        // If we are the directory, its no problem though
        if (dirPlace == null) {
            if (!(this instanceof IDirectoryPlace)) {
                logger.debug("Directory is null: cannot register anything. Illegal configuration.");

        // Register place and all proxies by building up a list
        // of our current interests to send to the directory
        registerWithDirectory(new ArrayList<>(keys));

     * Register keys with the directory
     * @param keylist the keys to register
    protected void registerWithDirectory(List<String> keylist) {
        try {
            if (localDirPlace == null) {
                // This should never happen, we require a local
                // directory on every JVM...
                logger.error("Key registration requires a DirectoryPlace in every Emissary Node");
            } else {
                logger.debug("Registering my {} keys {}", keylist.size(), keylist);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            logger.warn("Register ERROR for keys {}", keylist, e);

     * Deregister keys from the directory
     * @param keys the keys to register
    protected void deregisterFromDirectory(List<String> keys) {
        try {
            if (localDirPlace == null && dirPlace != null) {
                // This should never happen, we require a local
                // directory on every JVM...
                logger.debug("Deregistering my {} proxies {} from remote dir {}", keys.size(), keys, dirPlace);
                DirectoryAdapter da = new DirectoryAdapter();
                da.outboundRemovePlaces(dirPlace, keys, false);
            } else if (localDirPlace != null) {
                logger.debug("Deregistering my {} proxies {}", keys.size(), keys);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            logger.warn("Deregister ERROR keys={}", keys, e);

     * Remove a service proxy from the running place. Proxy strings not found registered will be ignored Will remove all
     * keys that match the supplied proxy
     * @param serviceProxy the proxy string to remove
    public void removeServiceProxy(String serviceProxy) {
        // List of keys to deregister
        List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();

        // nb. no enhanced for loop due to remove
        for (Iterator<String> i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String k =;
            String kproxy = KeyManipulator.getDataType(k);
            if (kproxy.equals(serviceProxy)) {
        if (!keylist.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            logger.debug("Unknown service proxy {} ignored", serviceProxy);

        // Make sure we leave something on the keys list
        if (keys.isEmpty() && !keylist.isEmpty()) {
            DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(keylist.get(0));

     * Remove and deregister a key
     * @param key the full key (with expense) to deregister
    public void removeKey(String key) {
        String keyWithOutExpense = KeyManipulator.removeExpense(key);

        if (keys.remove(key)) {
            List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();

            if (keys.isEmpty()) {
                DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(key);
        } else {
            logger.debug("Key specified for removal not found: {}", key);

     * Stop all threads if any. Can be overridden by, deregister from directory, and remove from the namespace. derived
     * classes if needed
    public void shutDown() {
        logger.debug("Called shutDown()");

        // Remove from directory a list of keys without expense

        // Unbind from namespace

    protected void unbindFromNamespace() {;

     * Return the place name
     * @return string key of this place
    public String getPlaceName() {
        return KeyManipulator.getServiceClassname(keys.get(0));

     * Get custom resource limitation in millis if specified
     * @return -2 if not specified, or long millis if specified
    public long getResourceLimitMillis() {
        return configG.findLongEntry(PLACE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_MILLIS, -2L);

     * Get the agent that is currently responsible for this thread
     * @return the live instance of the mobile agent thread
    public MobileAgent getAgent() throws NamespaceException {
        return (MobileAgent) Namespace.lookup(Thread.currentThread().getName());

    public List<String> getRunningConfig() {
        List<String> runningConfigList = new ArrayList<>();

        if (configG != null) {
            for (ConfigEntry c : configG.getEntries()) {
                runningConfigList.add("Key: " + c.getKey() + " Value: " + c.getValue());
        return runningConfigList;

    public String getPlaceStats() {
        ResourceWatcher resource;
        Timer placeStats;
        String placeStatStr = "UNAVAILABLE";
        try {
            resource = ResourceWatcher.lookup();
            String statsKey = getPlaceName();
            placeStats = resource.getStat(statsKey);

            if (placeStats != null) {
                placeStatStr = placeStats.getSnapshot().toString();
        } catch (NamespaceException ne) {
            logger.error("Exception occurred while trying to lookup resource", ne);
        return placeStatStr;

    public void dumpRunningConfig() {"Dumping Running Config for {}:", placeName);"===============");"{}", getRunningConfig());"===============");

    public void dumpPlaceStats() {"Dumping Places Stats for {}:", placeName);"===============");"{}", getPlaceStats());"===============");

     * Leverage our insider knowledge of how emissary MobileAgents work in conjunction with the namespace to reach around
     * the back door of the system and get the TLD for the current payload You should only call this if
     * payload.shortName().indexOf(Family.SEP) &gt; -1
    protected IBaseDataObject getTld() {
        try {
            MobileAgent agent = getAgent();

            if (agent instanceof HDMobileAgent) {
                Object payload = ((HDMobileAgent) agent).getPayloadForTransport();
                if (payload instanceof List) {
                    List<?> familyTree = (List<?>) payload;
                    for (Object familyMember : familyTree) {
                        if (familyMember instanceof IBaseDataObject) {
                            IBaseDataObject member = (IBaseDataObject) familyMember;
                            if (!member.shortName().contains(Family.SEP)) {
                                return member;
                        } else {
                            logger.debug("Family members are not the right class - {}", familyMember.getClass().getName());
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Agent is transporting unknown data type - {}", payload.getClass().getName());
            } else {
                logger.debug("System is operating with {} so there is no hope of getting the family tree", agent.getClass().getName());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.debug("Could not get controlling agent", ex);

        // Nothing found?
        return null;

    public boolean isDenied(String s) {
        return denyList.contains(s);

     * This method should return a list of all the parameters that a subclass Place will potentially modify (this includes
     * adding, removing, or changing the value of).
     * Currently, this implementation in ServiceProviderPlace will return an empty List, but subclass implementers (i.e.
     * Place authors) are urged to override this method. Ultimately, this body of this method will be removed and it will
     * become abstract.
     * @return a List&lt;String&gt; of all parameter names that a Place will add, remove, or change the value of
    protected List<String> getParametersModified() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * This method should return a list of all the alternate views that a subclass Place will potentially modify (this
     * includes adding, removing, or changing the value of).
     * Currently, this implementation in ServiceProviderPlace will return an empty List, but subclass implementers (i.e.
     * Place authors) are urged to override this method. Ultimately, this body of this method will be removed and it will
     * become abstract.
     * @return a List&lt;String&gt; of all alternate view names that a Place will add, remove, or change the value of
    protected List<String> getAlternateViewsModified() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * This method should return a list of all the output forms that a subclass Place will potentially output
     * Currently, this implementation in ServiceProviderPlace will return an empty List, but subclass implementers (i.e.
     * Place authors) are urged to override this method. Ultimately, this body of this method will be removed and it will
     * become abstract.
     * @return a List&lt;String&gt; of all output forms that a Place may output
    protected List<String> getOutputForms() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * This method should return a list of all the file types that a subclass Place will potentially output
     * Currently, this implementation in ServiceProviderPlace will return an empty List, but subclass implementers (i.e.
     * Place authors) are urged to override this method. Ultimately, this body of this method will be removed and it will
     * become abstract.
     * @return a List&lt;String&gt; of all file types that a Place may output
    protected List<String> getFileTypes() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * This method should return true if the Place may alter the IBaseDataObject data[] (i.e.PrimaryView) in any way, and
     * false otherwise
     * @return true if the data[] member may be altered by the Place, false otherwise
    protected boolean changesPrimaryView() {
        return false;

     * This method should return true if the Place may create any "extracted" records, and false otherwise
     * @return true if the Place may create "extracted" records, false otherwise
    protected boolean createsExtractedRecords() {
        return false;

     * This method should return true if the Place may sprout "child" IBaseDataObjects, and false otherwise
     * @return true if the Place may sprout children, false otherwise
    protected boolean sproutsChildren() {
        return false;
