package emissary.place;
import emissary.core.Form;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.ResourceException;
import emissary.directory.KeyManipulator;
import emissary.util.shell.Executrix;
import emissary.util.shell.TempFileNames;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.NEW_FORM;
* Run a command external to the Emissary JVM to process data
public class UnixCommandPlace extends ServiceProviderPlace {
protected boolean doSynchronized;
protected String newForm;
protected String newFormOnError;
protected String metaDataTag = null;
protected String alternateView = null;
protected boolean addAsMetaData = false;
protected boolean perlChop = false;
protected boolean nukeAllProxies = false;
protected boolean keepFilesDebug = false;
protected String charset = "8859_1";
protected String logfilename;
protected Executrix executrix;
* Create the place from the specified config file or resource
* @param configInfo the config file or resource to use
public UnixCommandPlace(String configInfo) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, "UnixCommandPlace.foo.bar.com:8001");
* Create the place from the specified config file or resource
* @param configInfo the config file or resource to use
* @param dir the name of the controlling directory to register with
* @param placeLoc string name of this place
public UnixCommandPlace(String configInfo, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);
* Create the place from the specified config stream data
* @param configInfo the config file or resource to use
* @param dir the name of the controlling directory to register with
* @param placeLoc string name of this place
public UnixCommandPlace(InputStream configInfo, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(configInfo, dir, placeLoc);
* Create the place from the specified config stream data
* @param configInfo the config file or resource to use
public UnixCommandPlace(InputStream configInfo) throws IOException {
* Configure the instance
* <ul>
* <li>SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESS: true if you want to synchronize in java, default is false</li>
* <li>NEW_FORM: new current form on success, default UNKNOWN</li>
* <li>NEW_FORM_ON_ERROR: new current form on error, default ERROR</li>
* <li>ADD_AS_ALTERNATE_VIEW: add output as an alt view using name provided as view name</li>
* <li>ADD_AS_META_DATA: add output as metadata value using name provided as key</li>
* <li>PERL_CHOP: if true chomp data returned, default false</li>
* <li>NUKE_ALL_PROXIES: if true remove all of this places proxies from current form stack when done, default false</li>
* <li>OUTPUT_CHARSET: charset of the process output, default 8859_1</li>
* <li>KEEP_FILES_DEBUG: when true don't clean up after exec is finished, default false</li>
* <li>LOG_FILE_NAME: name of output file to translate into logger commands, default: [servicename].log from key</li>
* </ul>
* Also all of the config values read by emissary.util.shell.Executrix are needed here
protected void configurePlace() {
doSynchronized = configG.findBooleanEntry("SYNCHRONIZED_PROCESS", false);
newForm = configG.findStringEntry(NEW_FORM, Form.UNKNOWN);
if (newForm == null && keys.get(0).indexOf(".ID.") > -1) {
newForm = Form.UNKNOWN;
if ("<null>".equals(newForm)) {
newForm = null;
newFormOnError = configG.findStringEntry("NEW_FORM_ON_ERROR", Form.ERROR);
alternateView = configG.findStringEntry("ADD_AS_ALTERNATE_VIEW", null);
metaDataTag = configG.findStringEntry("ADD_AS_META_DATA", null);
if (metaDataTag != null) {
addAsMetaData = true;
perlChop = configG.findBooleanEntry("PERL_CHOP", false);
nukeAllProxies = configG.findBooleanEntry("NUKE_ALL_PROXIES", false);
keepFilesDebug = configG.findBooleanEntry("KEEP_FILES_DEBUG", false);
charset = configG.findStringEntry("OUTPUT_CHARSET", charset);
executrix = new Executrix(configG);
logfilename = configG.findStringEntry("LOG_FILE_NAME", KeyManipulator.getServiceName(keys.get(0)) + ".log");
logger.debug("Configured {} type process with charset {}", executrix.getOutput(), charset);
* Set a custom executrix, allows easier mocking among other things
* @param e the new executrix instance to use
public void setExecutrix(Executrix e) {
executrix = e;
* Set the output type programatically
public void setStdOutputCommand() {
logger.debug("Output type set to STD");
* Set the output type programatically
public void setFileOutputCommand() {
logger.debug("Output type set to FILE");
* get the log file name
public String getLogFileName() {
return logfilename;
* Log the messages found in the log file
* @param tempDir the directory where the command executed
protected void logMessages(String tempDir) {
// if there is a log file, read it and log the messages
try {
String lfn = tempDir + "/" + logfilename;
byte[] logdata = Executrix.readDataFromFile(lfn, true);
if (logdata != null) {
for (String message : new String(logdata, charset).split("\n")) {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
logger.debug("Error logging messages", ignore);
* Run the file process
public byte[] fileProcess(String[] cmd, String outputFile) {
logger.debug("fileProcess({})", Arrays.asList(cmd));
StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder();
int result = executrix.execute(cmd, (StringBuilder) null, errbuf);
if (result != 0) {
logger.warn("exec error in fileProcess: {} produced STDERR {}", Arrays.asList(cmd), errbuf.toString());
return null;
return Executrix.readDataFromFile(outputFile);
* Run the stdout process
* @param cmd command with arguments
* @param chop if true chomp CRLF from output
* @return bytes of output from command execution
public byte[] stdOutProcess(String[] cmd, boolean chop) {
logger.debug("stdOutProcess({},{}) with charset {}", Arrays.asList(cmd), chop, charset);
StringBuilder outbuf = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder();
int result = executrix.execute(cmd, outbuf, errbuf, charset);
if (result != 0) {
logger.warn("exec error in stdOutProcess: {} produced STDERR {}", Arrays.asList(cmd), errbuf.toString());
return null;
if (chop) {
while (outbuf.length() > 0) {
char c = outbuf.charAt(outbuf.length() - 1);
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
outbuf.setLength(outbuf.length() - 1);
} else {
try {
return outbuf.toString().getBytes(charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
logger.error("UnixCommandPlace.stdOutProcess charset problem", e);
return outbuf.toString().getBytes();
* Validate that we should process this data
protected boolean validDataHook(@Nullable IBaseDataObject d) {
return d != null;
* Process the data coming from MobileAgent
* @param theDataObject payload to process
public void process(IBaseDataObject theDataObject) throws ResourceException {
if (validDataHook(theDataObject)) {
if (doSynchronized) {
} else {
* Process the data in a synchronized wrapper
* @param theDataObject payload to process
protected synchronized void synchronizedProcess(IBaseDataObject theDataObject) throws ResourceException {
* Process the data in an un-synchronized wrapper
* @param theDataObject payload to process
protected void unSynchronizedProcess(IBaseDataObject theDataObject) throws ResourceException {
* Helper routine to run command on data
* @param data the bytes to run the command on
* @return byte array of output
protected byte[] runCommandOn(byte[] data) throws ResourceException {
TempFileNames names = executrix.createTempFilenames();
String tempDirName = names.getTempDir();
String inputFileName = names.getInputFilename();
String outputFileName = names.getOutputFilename();
File tempDir = new File(tempDirName);
byte[] outputData = null;
try {
if (!tempDir.mkdirs()) {
logger.warn("Could not create temp directory for process {}", tempDirName);
return outputData;
boolean written = Executrix.writeDataToFile(data, inputFileName, true);
if (written) {
String[] cmd = executrix.getCommand(names);
if (executrix.getOutput().equals("FILE")) {
outputData = fileProcess(cmd, outputFileName);
} else if (executrix.getOutput().equals("STD")) {
outputData = stdOutProcess(cmd, perlChop);
} else {
logger.error("No output type specified");
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("Bad execution of commands", ex);
if (ex instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw new ResourceException(ex); // framework notification to stop
} finally {
if (!keepFilesDebug) {
// delete all files here!!!
return outputData;
* Hook to add command ouput as an alternate view
* @param tData the data object we ran the command on
* @param newForm the name of the alternate view or null
* @param outputData the result of running the command
protected void asAlternateViewHook(IBaseDataObject tData, String newForm, byte[] outputData) {
tData.addAlternateView(newForm != null ? newForm : tData.currentForm(), outputData);
* Hook to add command output as metadata
* @param tData the data object we ran the command on
* @param tag the configured name of the new metadata item
* @param outputData the result of running the command
protected void asMetaDataHook(IBaseDataObject tData, String tag, byte[] outputData) {
tData.putParameter(metaDataTag, new String(outputData));
if (keys.get(0).indexOf(".TRANSFORM.") == -1 && newForm != null) {
* Hook to set command output as the current form
* @param tData the data object the command was run on
* @param outputData the results of running the command
protected void asCurrentFormHook(IBaseDataObject tData, byte[] outputData) {
tData.setCurrentForm(new String(outputData));
* Hook to add command output as the data element
* @param tData the data object the command was run on
* @param outputData the results of running the command
protected void asDataHook(IBaseDataObject tData, byte[] outputData) {
* Hook to handle error or null output from command
* @param tData the data object the command was run on
protected void errorHook(IBaseDataObject tData) {
if (newFormOnError != null) {
tData.addProcessingError("" + keys.get(0) + ": command produced null or no output");
* Hook for services not coded in this implementation
* @param serviceType the configured service type
* @param tData data object the command was run on
* @param outputData results of the command that was run
protected void serviceHook(String serviceType, IBaseDataObject tData, byte[] outputData) {
logger.warn("Unknown service type: {}", serviceType);
* Run the command and process the results
* @param tData the data object to process
protected void processData(IBaseDataObject tData) throws ResourceException {
byte[] outputData = runCommandOn(findPreferredData(tData));
String serviceType = KeyManipulator.getServiceType(keys.get(0));
if (serviceType.equals("ID") || serviceType.equals("ANALYZE")) {
if (outputData == null || outputData.length == 0) {
} else if (addAsMetaData) {
asMetaDataHook(tData, metaDataTag, outputData);
} else if (alternateView != null) {
asAlternateViewHook(tData, alternateView, outputData);
} else {
asCurrentFormHook(tData, outputData);
} else if (serviceType.equals("TRANSFORM")) {
if (outputData == null || outputData.length == 0) {
} else if (alternateView != null) {
asAlternateViewHook(tData, alternateView, outputData);
} else if (addAsMetaData) {
asMetaDataHook(tData, metaDataTag, outputData);
} else {
asDataHook(tData, outputData);
if (nukeAllProxies) {
if (newForm != null) {
} else if (newForm != null) {
} else {
serviceHook(serviceType, tData, outputData);
* Get data to process
* @param tData the data object
* @return the data to process
protected byte[] findPreferredData(IBaseDataObject tData) {
return tData.data();