package emissary.roll;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.Factory;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Util class to grab known parameters from configs to help configure Rollable objects.
public class RollUtil {
* returns the time period from the current Configurator using the value from ROLLABLE_TIME_PERIOD. Defaults to 10L
* @return the configured rollable time period
public static long getPeriod(Configurator configG) {
return configG.findLongEntry("ROLLABLE_TIME_PERIOD", 10L);
* Returns the TimeUnit by extracting the value from ROLLABLE_TIME_PERIOD. The time unit value must be one that exactly
* matches those defined in the TimeUnit enum. Defaults to MINUTES.
* @return the configured rollable TimeUnit
public static TimeUnit getTimeUnit(Configurator configG) {
return getUnit(configG.findStringEntry("ROLLABLE_TIME_UNIT", "MINUTES"));
* Builds a Roller from a map of options. Specifically, this method looks for the keys<br>
* CLASS - the fully qualified Rollable class name to instantiate <br>
* TIME_UNIT - The time unit to roll on (MINUTES, SECONDS, etc) <br>
* TIME_PERIOD - A long value for the TimeUnit multiplier. <br>
* PROGRESS_MAX - A long value for progress based rolls
* @param config a map containing expected configuration values
* @return a newly configured Roller
public static Roller buildRoller(Map<String, String> config) {
String clz = config.get("CLASS");
// assumes a no-arg constructor and a Rollable instance
Rollable r = (Rollable) Factory.create(clz);
TimeUnit t = getUnit(config.get("TIME_UNIT"));
long period = getLong(config.get("TIME_PERIOD"));
long max = getLong(config.get("PROGRESS_MAX"));
return new Roller(max, t, period, r);
// convert a long from a string or return 0
private static long getLong(@Nullable String l) {
return l == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(l);
// attempt to parse time unit.
private static TimeUnit getUnit(@Nullable String unit) {
return unit == null ? null : TimeUnit.valueOf(unit);
/** This class is not meant to be instantiated. */
private RollUtil() {}