* This place transforms \\uxxxx Json escape
* stuff into normal unicode (utf-8 characters)
package emissary.transform;
import emissary.core.Form;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.place.ServiceProviderPlace;
import emissary.transform.decode.JsonEscape;
import emissary.util.DataUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import static emissary.core.constants.Configurations.OUTPUT_FORM;
public class JsonEscapePlace extends ServiceProviderPlace {
* Can be overridden from config file
private String outputForm = Form.UNKNOWN;
* Configure one with specified location
* @param cfgInfo the name of the config file or resource
* @param dir the name of the controlling directory
* @param placeLoc the string name for this place
public JsonEscapePlace(String cfgInfo, String dir, String placeLoc) throws IOException {
super(cfgInfo, dir, placeLoc);
* Configure one with default location
* @param cfgInfo the name of the config file or resource
public JsonEscapePlace(String cfgInfo) throws IOException {
super(cfgInfo, "TestJsonEscapePlace.example.com:8001");
* Create with all defaults
public JsonEscapePlace() throws IOException {
* Take care of special place configuration
protected void configurePlace() {
outputForm = configG.findStringEntry(OUTPUT_FORM, outputForm);
* Consume a dataObject and return a modified one.
public void process(IBaseDataObject d) {
if (DataUtil.isEmpty(d)) {
logger.debug("empty data");
String incomingForm = d.currentForm();
logger.debug("JsonEscapePlace just got a {}", incomingForm);
byte[] newData = JsonEscape.unescape(d.data());
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(newData)) {
* due to emissary commit 72d9383 outputForm gets set to UNKNOWN which causes looping. This is a transform place, but
* it's only changing data, not currentForm. if (outputForm != null) { d.setCurrentForm(outputForm); }
} else {
logger.warn("error doing JsonEscape, unable to decode");