
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Provides the ability to find specified {@code byte[]} patterns inside a larger {@code byte[]}.
public class KeywordScanner {
    private final int[] skip = new int[256];
    private int dataLength = -1;
    private byte[] data;
    private byte[] pattern;
    private int patternLength = -1;
    private int lastByte = 0;
    private int lastPosition = 0;
    private boolean caseSensitive = true;

    public KeywordScanner() {
        this(new byte[0]);

     * Initializes a new {@code KeywordScanner} object with the provided data bytes.
     * @param data the data to be scanned
    public KeywordScanner(final byte[] data) {

    public void resetData(String data) {
        resetData(data, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    public void resetData(String data, String charsetName) {
        resetData(data, Charset.forName(charsetName));

    public void resetData(String data, Charset charset) {

     * Reset the byte array. Use of this method avoids having to instantiate a new KeywordScanner.
     * @param data - bytes to match against
    public void resetData(@Nullable byte[] data) { = data;
        if (data != null) {
            this.dataLength = data.length;
        } else {
            this.dataLength = -1;

     * Returns the first occurrence of the provided pattern in the data.
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns -1
     * @return the index in the data where the pattern begins, -1 if not found
    public int indexOf(final byte[] patternArg) {
        return indexOf(patternArg, 0, this.dataLength);

     * Returns the first occurrence of the provided pattern in the data, starting from the specified index.
     * <p>
     * There is no restriction on the value of {@code start}. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero:
     * the entire data will be scanned. If it is greater than the length of the data, it has the same effect as if it were
     * equal to the length of the data: -1 is returned.
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns -1
     * @param start the index to start searching from, negative values treated as 0
     * @return the index in the data where the pattern begins, -1 if not found
    public int indexOf(final byte[] patternArg, final int start) {
        return indexOf(patternArg, start, this.dataLength);

     * Returns the first occurrence of the provided pattern in the data, starting from the specified index and stopping at
     * the specified index.
     * <p>
     * There is no restriction on the value of {@code start}. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero:
     * the entire data may be scanned. If it is greater than the length of the data, it has the same effect as if it were
     * equal to the length of the data: -1 is returned.
     * <p>
     * If the value of {@code stop} is negative, greater than the data length, or less than or equal to the start value, -1
     * is returned.
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns -1
     * @param start the index to start searching from, negative values treated as 0
     * @param stop the index to stop searching at, exclusive, negative value returns -1
     * @return the index in the data where the pattern begins, -1 if not found
    public int indexOf(@Nullable final byte[] patternArg, final int start, final int stop) {
        if ((start >= this.dataLength) || (stop > this.dataLength) || (patternArg == null)) {
            return -1;
        // Adjust the actual start index to 0 if a negative value is provided.
        final int actualStart = Math.max(start, 0);
        this.pattern = patternArg;
        this.patternLength = patternArg.length;
        final int position = match(actualStart, stop);
        this.lastPosition = position;
        return position;

     * Returns a list of occurrences of the provided pattern in the data.
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns empty list
     * @return index list of positions in the data where the pattern begins, empty list if not found
    public List<Integer> listIndexOf(final byte[] patternArg) {
        return listIndexOf(patternArg, 0, this.dataLength);

     * Returns a list of occurrences of the provided pattern in the data, starting from the specified index.
     * <p>
     * There is no restriction on the value of {@code start}. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero:
     * the entire data will be scanned. If it is greater than the length of the data, it has the same effect as if it were
     * equal to the length of the data: empty list returned.
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns empty list
     * @param start the index to start searching from, negative values treated as 0
     * @return index list of positions in the data where the pattern begins, empty list if not found
    public List<Integer> listIndexOf(final byte[] patternArg, final int start) {
        return listIndexOf(patternArg, start, this.dataLength);

     * Returns a list of occurrences of the provided pattern in the data, starting from the specified index and stopping at
     * the specified index.
     * <p>
     * There is no restriction on the value of {@code start}. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero:
     * the entire data may be scanned. If it is greater than the length of the data, it has the same effect as if it were
     * equal to the length of the data: an empty list is returned.
     * <p>
     * If the value of {@code stop} is negative, greater than the data length, or less than or equal to the start value, an
     * empty list is returned
     * @param patternArg the byte pattern to scan for, null returns empty list
     * @param start the index to start searching from, negative values treated as 0
     * @param stop the index to stop searching at, exclusive, negative value returns empty list
     * @return index list of positions in the data where the pattern begins, empty list if not found
    public List<Integer> listIndexOf(@Nullable final byte[] patternArg, final int start, final int stop) {
        List<Integer> matches = new ArrayList<>();
        if ((start >= this.dataLength) || (stop > this.dataLength) || (patternArg == null)) {
            return List.of();
        int newStart = start;
        int actualStart;
        int position = 0;
        this.pattern = patternArg;
        this.patternLength = patternArg.length;

        while (position > -1) {
            actualStart = Math.max(newStart, 0);
            position = match(actualStart, stop);
            this.lastPosition = position;
            if (position == -1) {
            } else {
                newStart = position + this.patternLength;

        return matches;

     * Find the next occurrence of the set pattern, stopping at the specified index.
     * <p>
     * If the value of {@code stop} is negative, greater than or equal to the data length, or less than the previously found
     * index: -1 is returned.
     * <p>
     * This method should follow a call to one of the {@code indexOf} methods. These methods will set the pattern and return
     * the index of the first occurrence of the provided pattern. Calls to this method will then return the index of
     * subsequent occurrences. Without first establishing a pattern in this way, -1 will be returned.
     * @param stop the index to stop searching at, exclusive, negative value returns -1
     * @return the index, less than the stop index, where the next occurrence of the pattern is found, -1 if not found
    public int findNext(final int stop) {
        if (stop >= this.dataLength) {
            return -1;
        if ((this.lastPosition > stop) || (this.lastPosition < 0)) {
            return -1;
        // if a pattern has not been set, just return -1
        if (this.pattern == null) {
            return -1;
        final int position = match((this.lastPosition + 1), stop);
        this.lastPosition = position;
        return position;

     * Find the next occurrence of the set pattern.
     * <p>
     * This method should follow a call to one of the {@code indexOf} methods. These methods will set the pattern and return
     * the index of the first occurrence of the provided pattern. Calls to this method will then return the index of
     * subsequent occurrences. Without first establishing a pattern in this way, -1 will be returned.
     * @return the index where the next occurrence of the pattern is found, -1 if not found
    public int findNext() {
        return findNext(this.dataLength - 1);

     * Sets the case sensitivity of the scanner.
     * @param theCase if set to false, the scanner will ignore case. Default is true.
    public void setCaseSensitive(final boolean theCase) {
        this.caseSensitive = theCase;

     * Returns the case sensitivity set for the scanner.
     * @return true if the scanner is case-sensitive, false otherwise
    public boolean isCaseSensitive() {
        return this.caseSensitive;

    private int get256Value(final byte b) {
        return caseSensitive ? Byte.toUnsignedInt(b) : lowercase(Byte.toUnsignedInt(b));

    private void analyze() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            this.skip[i] = this.patternLength;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.patternLength - 1; i++) {
            this.skip[get256Value(this.pattern[i])] = this.patternLength - i - 1;
        this.lastByte = get256Value(this.pattern[this.patternLength - 1]);

    private int match(final int start, final int stop) {

        int matchIndex = -1;
        int position = start + this.patternLength - 1;
        while (position < stop) {
            int currentByte = get256Value([position]);
            if (currentByte == this.lastByte && isSame(position)) {
                matchIndex = position + 1 - this.patternLength;

            position += this.skip[currentByte];

        return matchIndex;

    private static int lowercase(final int i) {
        if ((i >= 'A') && (i <= 'Z')) {
            return i + 32;
        } else {
            return i;

    private boolean isSame(final int pos) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.patternLength; i++) {
            int patternByte = this.pattern[i];
            int dataByte =[pos - this.patternLength + 1 + i];
            if (!this.caseSensitive) {
                patternByte = lowercase(patternByte);
                dataByte = lowercase(dataByte);
            if (patternByte != dataByte) {
                return false;
        return true;