package emissary.util;
import emissary.config.ConfigUtil;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.Family;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.TransformHistory;
import emissary.util.xml.JDOMUtil;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Utilities for dealing with IBaseDataObject and Lists thereof
public class PayloadUtil {
public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PayloadUtil.class);
private static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final Pattern validFormRegex = Pattern.compile("^[\\w-)(/+]+$");
protected static final Map<String, String> historyPreference = new HashMap<>();
protected static final String REDUCED_HISTORY = "REDUCED_HISTORY";
protected static final String NO_URL = "NO_URL";
protected static boolean compactHistory;
static {
protected static void configure() {
Configurator configG = null;
try {
configG = ConfigUtil.getConfigInfo(PayloadUtil.class);
compactHistory = configG.findBooleanEntry("COMPACT_HISTORY", false);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Cannot open default config file", e);
// fill lists with data from PayloadUtil.cfg for transform itinerary/history
if (configG != null) {
for (String fileType : configG.findEntries(REDUCED_HISTORY)) {
setFileTypeHistoryPreference(fileType, REDUCED_HISTORY);
for (String fileType : configG.findEntries(NO_URL)) {
setFileTypeHistoryPreference(fileType, NO_URL);
* Check if fileType is already mapped to history preference. If not, set fileType -$gt; preference in map
* @param fileType current fileType pulled from cfg
* @param preference preference associated with current cfg fileType
protected static void setFileTypeHistoryPreference(String fileType, String preference) {
if (historyPreference.containsKey(fileType)) {
if (historyPreference.get(fileType).equals(preference)) {
// log if filetype is assigned in the same preference more than once
logger.warn("FileType {} is assigned to {} in cfg more than once.", fileType, preference);
} else {
// log if filetype already has previous preference assignment
logger.warn("FileType {} already has history preference {} assigned. {} will be ignored.", fileType,
historyPreference.get(fileType), preference);
} else {
historyPreference.put(fileType, preference);
* Try really hard to get a meaningful name for a payload object
public static String getName(final Object o) {
String payloadName = o.getClass().getName();
if (o instanceof IBaseDataObject) {
payloadName = ((IBaseDataObject) o).shortName();
} else if (o instanceof Collection) {
final Iterator<?> pi = ((Collection<?>) o).iterator();
if (pi.hasNext()) {
payloadName = ((IBaseDataObject) + "(" + ((Collection<?>) o).size() + ")";
return payloadName;
* Generate a string about the payload object
* @param payload the payload to describe
* @param oneLine true for a condensed one-line string
public static String getPayloadDisplayString(final IBaseDataObject payload, final boolean oneLine) {
return oneLine ? getPayloadOneLineString(payload) : getPayloadDisplayString(payload);
* Generate a string about the payload object
* @param payload the payload to describe
public static String getPayloadDisplayString(final IBaseDataObject payload) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final TransformHistory th = payload.getTransformHistory();
final String fileName = payload.getFilename();
final String fileType = payload.getFileType();
final List<String> currentForms = payload.getAllCurrentForms();
final Instant creationTimestamp = payload.getCreationTimestamp();
sb.append("\n").append("filename: ").append(fileName).append("\n").append(" creationTimestamp: ").append(creationTimestamp).append("\n")
.append(" currentForms: ").append(currentForms).append("\n").append(" filetype: ").append(fileType).append("\n")
.append(" transform history (").append(th.size(true)).append(") :").append("\n");
// transform history output
String historyCase = configureHistoryCase(fileType);
if (historyCase.equals(REDUCED_HISTORY)) {
// found reduced history match, output only dropoff
sb.append(" ** reduced transform history **").append("\n").append(" dropOff -> ")
} else if (compactHistory) {
for (String history : th.format()) {
sb.append(" ").append(history).append("\n");
} else {
for (final TransformHistory.History h : th.getHistory()) {
sb.append(" ").append(h.getKey(historyCase.equals(NO_URL))).append("\n");
for (final String coord : h.getCoordinated(historyCase.equals(NO_URL))) {
sb.append(" ").append(coord).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
* Check if fileType in PayloadUtil.cfg matches current payload fileType
* @param fileType current payload fileType
* @return string for output case
public static String configureHistoryCase(String fileType) {
if (historyPreference.containsKey(fileType)) {
return historyPreference.get(fileType);
// no match for current fileType, return empty string
return "";
* Generate a one-line string about the payload object
* @param payload the payload to describe
public static String getPayloadOneLineString(final IBaseDataObject payload) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String fn = payload.getFilename();
final int attPos = fn.indexOf(Family.SEP);
if (attPos != -1) {
sb.append(fn.substring(attPos + 1)).append(" ");
final List<String> th = payload.transformHistory(true);
String prev = "";
for (final String h : th) {
final int pos = h.indexOf(".");
if (pos > 0) {
final String prefix = h.substring(0, pos);
if (!prev.equals(prefix)) {
if (prev.length() != 0) {
prev = prefix;
return sb.toString();
* Turn the payload into an xml jdom document
* @param d the payload
public static Document toXml(final IBaseDataObject d) {
final Element root = new Element("payload");
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.protectedElement("name", d.getFilename()));
final Element cf = new Element("current-forms");
for (final String c : d.getAllCurrentForms()) {
cf.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("current-form", c));
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("encoding", d.getFontEncoding()));
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("filetype", d.getFileType()));
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("classification", d.getClassification()));
final Element th = new Element("transform-history");
for (final String s : d.transformHistory(true)) {
th.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("itinerary-step", s));
if (d.getProcessingError() != null) {
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.simpleElement("processing-error", d.getProcessingError()));
final Element meta = new Element("metadata");
for (final String key : d.getParameters().keySet()) {
final Element m = JDOMUtil.protectedElement("param", d.getStringParameter(key));
m.setAttribute("name", key);
if (d.header() != null) {
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.protectedElement("header", d.header()));
if (d.dataLength() > 0) {
if (d.footer() != null) {
root.addContent(JDOMUtil.protectedElement("footer", d.footer()));
// Alt views
if (d.getNumAlternateViews() > 0) {
final Element views = new Element("views");
for (final String av : d.getAlternateViewNames()) {
final Element v = JDOMUtil.protectedElement("view", d.getAlternateView(av));
v.setAttribute("name", av);
logger.debug("Produced xml document for {}", d.shortName());
return new Document(root);
* Turn a list of payload into an xml jdom ocument
* @param list the payload list
public static Document toXml(final List<IBaseDataObject> list) {
final Element root = new Element("payload-list");
for (final IBaseDataObject d : list) {
final Document doc = toXml(d);
logger.debug("Adding xml content for {} to document", d.shortName());
return new Document(root);
* Turn the payload into an xml string
* @param d the payload
public static String toXmlString(final IBaseDataObject d) {
return JDOMUtil.toString(toXml(d));
* Turn the payload list into an xml string
* @param list the payload list
public static String toXmlString(final List<IBaseDataObject> list) {
return JDOMUtil.toString(toXml(list));
* Print formatted metadata key:value pairs
private static final String SEP = ": ";
public static String printFormattedMetadata(final IBaseDataObject payload) {
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for (final Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : payload.getParameters().entrySet()) {
return out.toString();
* Checks whether the form complies with form rules established by a regex
* Approved forms can contain alpha-numerics, '-', '_', '()', '/', '+'
* @param form The form to be tested
* @return Whether the form is Emissary compliant
public static boolean isValidForm(String form) {
return validFormRegex.matcher(form).find();
/** This class is not meant to be instantiated. */
private PayloadUtil() {}