package emissary.util;
import emissary.config.Configurator;
import emissary.core.DiffCheckConfiguration;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObject;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObjectDiffHelper;
import emissary.core.IBaseDataObjectHelper;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Helper class to use during development of a major refactoring or replacement of a Place.
public class PlaceComparisonHelper {
private PlaceComparisonHelper() {}
// Config key to use in Place configuration to define another place to compare
public static final String CFG_PLACE_TO_COMPARE = "PLACE_TO_COMPARE";
* Given a config which contains a 'PLACE_TO_COMPARE' directive, instantiate the referenced place with its usual
* configuration
* @param configG from an existing place which is scanned for PLACE_TO_COMPARE, which should reference a place that the
* developer wants to compare against
* @return the instantiated place if configured
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if there is a problem.
public static ServiceProviderPlace getPlaceToCompare(final Configurator configG) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
if (configG == null) {
return null;
// Find the config line, which could be null if not defined
final String compareToPlaceCfg = StringUtils.trimToNull(configG.findStringEntry(CFG_PLACE_TO_COMPARE));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(compareToPlaceCfg)) {
final Class<? extends ServiceProviderPlace> clazz = Class
return clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class)
.newInstance(compareToPlaceCfg + ".cfg");
return null;
* Used to compare a 'new' place with another, usually during development aimed at replacing the 'old' place.
* @param newResults an empty list to add results into from running the newPlace
* @param ibdoForNewPlace the actual BDO being passed in for comparison
* @param newPlace the new place we're comparing 'from'
* @param newMethodName to use when comparing (e.g. processHeavyDuty)
* @param oldPlace to compare against
* @param oldMethodName to use when comparing (e.g. processHeavyDuty)
* @param options {@link DiffCheckConfiguration} to configure diffing options
* @return a readable string of differences to log or use elsewhere.
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if there is a problem.
public static String compareToPlace(final List<IBaseDataObject> newResults, final IBaseDataObject ibdoForNewPlace,
final ServiceProviderPlace newPlace, final String newMethodName, final ServiceProviderPlace oldPlace, final String oldMethodName,
final DiffCheckConfiguration options) throws ReflectiveOperationException {
Validate.notNull(newResults, "Required: newResults not null");
Validate.notNull(ibdoForNewPlace, "Required: ibdoForNewPlace not null");
Validate.notNull(newPlace, "Required: newPlace not null");
Validate.notNull(newMethodName, "newMethodName: newResults not null");
Validate.notNull(oldPlace, "Required: oldPlace not null");
Validate.notNull(oldMethodName, "Required: oldMethodName not null");
Validate.notNull(options, "Required: options not null");
// Generate an identifier from the simple class names, e.g. Comparison[ColorPlace==ColourPlace]
final String oldPlaceName = oldPlace.getClass().getSimpleName();
final String newPlaceName = newPlace.getClass().getSimpleName();
final String identifier = String.format("Comparison[%s==%s]", oldPlaceName, newPlaceName);
// Get the method to run (e.g. processHeavyDuty)
final Method oldProcess = oldPlace.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(oldMethodName, IBaseDataObject.class);
final Method newProcess = newPlace.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(newMethodName, IBaseDataObject.class);
// Clone the data before running old or new methods
final IBaseDataObject ibdoForOldPlace = IBaseDataObjectHelper.clone(ibdoForNewPlace, true);
// Actually run the places to get results
final List<IBaseDataObject> oldResults = (List<IBaseDataObject>) oldProcess.invoke(oldPlace, ibdoForOldPlace);
newResults.addAll((List<IBaseDataObject>) newProcess.invoke(newPlace, ibdoForNewPlace));
// Now generate the 'diff' for the results
return checkDifferences(ibdoForOldPlace, ibdoForNewPlace, oldResults, newResults, identifier, options);
* Given two BDOs and results from two processing place runs, compare them and log any differences.
* @param ibdoForOldPlace likely a cloned object of the 'new' place object
* @param ibdoForNewPlace the 'main' BDO that was originally passed in from upstream
* @param oldResults from the 'old' run with the 'ibdoForOldPlace' object
* @param newResults from the 'new' run with the 'ibdoForNewPlace' object
* @param identifier to highlight any differences in logs
* @param options {@link DiffCheckConfiguration} to configure diffing options
* @return the string of differences, or null if there aren't any
public static String checkDifferences(final IBaseDataObject ibdoForOldPlace, final IBaseDataObject ibdoForNewPlace,
final List<IBaseDataObject> oldResults, final List<IBaseDataObject> newResults, final String identifier,
final DiffCheckConfiguration options) {
Validate.notNull(ibdoForOldPlace, "Required: ibdoForOldPlace not null");
Validate.notNull(ibdoForNewPlace, "Required: ibdoForNewPlace not null");
Validate.notNull(oldResults, "Required: oldResults not null");
Validate.notNull(newResults, "Required: newResults not null");
Validate.notNull(identifier, "Required: identifier not null");
Validate.notNull(options, "Required: options not null");
final List<String> parentDifferences = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> childDifferences = new ArrayList<>();
// Runnables aren't compared for the diff
final List<Runnable> oldRunnables = DisposeHelper.get(ibdoForOldPlace);
final List<Runnable> newRunnables = DisposeHelper.get(ibdoForNewPlace);
try {
IBaseDataObjectDiffHelper.diff(ibdoForNewPlace, ibdoForOldPlace, parentDifferences,
IBaseDataObjectDiffHelper.diff(newResults, oldResults, identifier, childDifferences,
} finally {
// Make sure we put the runnables back on if an error occurs during the diff
ibdoForOldPlace.setParameter(DisposeHelper.KEY, oldRunnables);
ibdoForNewPlace.setParameter(DisposeHelper.KEY, newRunnables);
if (!parentDifferences.isEmpty() || !childDifferences.isEmpty()) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < parentDifferences.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.append(identifier).append(": PDiff: ");
if (!parentDifferences.isEmpty() && !childDifferences.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < childDifferences.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.append(identifier).append(": CDiff: ");
return sb.toString();
return null;