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TCP HTTP WebSocket


Timely is a time series database application that provides secure access to time series data. Timely is written in Java and designed to work with Apache Accumulo and Grafana.

Getting Started

Getting started with Timely requires that you:

Use the standalone server to get a test environment up and running quickly

  1. Install and configure a Timely server

  2. Install and configure the Timely app within Grafana

  3. Send metrics to Timely using CollectD, OpenTSDBs TCollector, etc.

Timely should accept data from TCollector with no changes. A plugin exists for sending data from CollectD.

Timely Server

Starting Timely

Note: The Timely server requires a Java 8 runtime. Timely utilizes iterators for Apache Accumulo, so your Accumulo instance will need to be run with Java 8 also.

If you are just starting out with Timely and want to see what it can do, then start up the standalone server using the bin/ script. This will start up the necessary HDFS, Accumulo, and Timely processes on your local machine. You can use the bin/insert-test-data*.sh scripts to push same fake data to the Timely server.

To deploy Timely with a running Accumulo instance you will need to modify the conf/timely.yml file appropriately. Then copy the lib/timely-client.jar, lib/timely-server.jar, lib/commons-lang3-*.jar, lib/commons-collections4-*.jar, and lib/guava-*.jar files to your Accumulo tablet servers. Finally, launch Timely using the bin/ script. Because Timely uses a newer version of Guava, you will need to configure a classloader for the Timely context, set it to use post-delegation, and then configure your tables to use the Timely context classloader. This can be done in the shell or in the accumulo-site.xml file.

In accumulo shell:
general.vfs.context.classpath.timely=<some location>

SSL Setup

To user Timely, both Timely and Grafana will need to use SSL certificates. Grafana requires a PEM encoded certificate file and an un-encrypted PEM private key file. Timely requires a PEM encoded certificate file and a PKCS#8 encoded private key file. Timely supports private keys with and without a password, just comment out the property if there is no password for your private key. In a successful setup, you should only need to add the Timely Certificate Authority to your web browser.

Creating your own SSL keys and certificates

There are plenty of resources on the Internet for doing this. This example is taken from instructions in the Accumulo user manual.

Create your Certificate Authority

Create a private key

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out CA.key 4096

Create a certificate request using the private key

openssl req -x509 -new -key CA.key -sha256 -subj '/C=US/ST=Confusion/L=Here/O=Timely/OU=CA/CN=localhost/emailAddress=noreply@localhost/subjectAltName=DNS.1=' -nodes -days 365 -out CA.pem

Create your SSL material for Grafana

Create the private key for the Grafana server

openssl genrsa -out grafana.key 4096

Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) with our Grafana private key

openssl req -new -key grafana.key -sha256 -subj '/C=US/ST=Confusion/L=Here/O=Grafana/OU=Server/CN=localhost/emailAddress=noreply@localhost/subjectAltName=DNS.1=' -nodes -out grafana.csr

Use the CSR and the CA to create a certificate for the server (a reply to the CSR)

openssl x509 -req -in grafana.csr -CA CA.pem -CAkey CA.key -CAcreateserial -out grafana.crt -days 365

Create your SSL material for Timely

Create the private key for the Timely server

openssl genrsa -out timely.key 4096

Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) with our Timely private key

openssl req -new -key timely.key -sha256 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=Confusion/L=Here/O=Timely/OU=Server/CN=localhost/emailAddress=noreply@localhost/subjectAltName=DNS.1=' > timely.csr

Use the CSR and the CA to create a certificate for the server (a reply to the CSR)

openssl x509 -req -in timely.csr -CA CA.pem -CAkey CA.key -CAcreateserial -out timely.crt -days 365

Convert the private key to pkcs#8 format

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in timely.key -out timely-pkcs8.key


       instance-name: MyInstanceName

The default configuration file type for Timely is a YAML. The configuration is read internally using Spring Boot, and therefore supports all of the configuration styles supported by Spring Boot. See here and here for more details. In YAML, a property such as timely.accumulo.instance-name=MyInstanceName (which can also be timely.accumulo.instanceName) would look like the example on the right.

The NUM_SERVER_THREADS variable in the script controls how many threads are used in the Netty event group for UPD, TCP, HTTP, and WebSocket operations. The different protocols each use a Netty event group, so if you set the value to 8, then you will have 4 thread groups of 8 threads each. The properties file in the conf directory supports the following properties:

Note: Each thread in the Timely server that is used for processing TCP put operations has its own BatchWriter. Each BatchWriter honors the timely.accumulo.write.latency and timely.accumulo.write.threads configuration property, but the buffer size for each BatchWriter is timely.accumulo.write.buffer-size divided by the number of threads. For example, if you have 8 threads processing put operations and the following settings, then you will have 8 BatchWriters each using 2 threads with a 30s latency and a maximum buffer size of 128M: timely.accumulo.write.latency=30s, timely.accumulo.write.threads=2 timely.accumulo.write.buffer-size=1G

Note: The timely.accumulo.scan.threads property is used for BatchScanners on a per query basis. If you set this to 32 and have 8 threads processing HTTP operations, then you might have 256 threads concurrently querying your tablet servers. Be sure to set your ulimits appropriately.

Note: The Timely server contains an object called the meta cache, which is a cache of the keys that would be inserted into the meta table if they did not already exist. This cache is used to reduce the insert load of duplicate keys into the meta table and to serve up data to the /api/metrics endpoint. The meta cache is an object that supports eviction based on last access time and can be tuned with the timely.meta-cache.* properties.

Property Description Default Value
timely.metrics-table The name of the metrics table timely.metrics
timely.meta-table The name of the meta table timely.meta
timely.metric-age-off-days A list of metric name prefix to age-off day pairs. The default prefix applies to every key that isn’t matched by another ageoff rule. default: 7
timely.metrics-report-ignored-tags Comma separated list of tags which will not be shown in the /api/metrics response
timely.accumulo.instance-name The name of your Accumulo instance
timely.accumulo.zookeepers The list of Zookeepers for your Accumulo instance
timely.accumulo.username The username that Timely will use to connect to Accumulo
timely.accumulo.password The password of the Accumulo user
timely.accumulo.write.latency The Accumulo BatchWriter latency 5s
timely.accumulo.write.threads The Accumulo BatchWriter number of threads default
timely.accumulo.write.buffer-size The Accumulo BatchWriter buffer size default
timely.accumulo.scan.threads Number of BatchScanner threads to be used in a query 4 Setting for max age of session cookie (in seconds) 86400 Allow anonymous access false Use a generated certificate/key pair - useful for testing false Public certificate to use for the Timely server (x509 pem format) Private key to use for the Timely server (in pkcs8 format) Password to the private key Certificate trust store (a concatenated list of trusted CA x509 pem certificates) Use OpenSSL (vs JDK SSL) true List of allowed SSL ciphers see
timely.server.ip The IP address where the Timely server is running
timely.server.tcp-port The port that will be used for processing TCP put requests
timely.server.udp-port The port that will be used for processing UDP put requests
timely.server.shutdown-quiet-period Time to wait (in seconds) during shutdown for existing connections to finish and ensure there are no new connections 5 Address for the Timely server, used for the session cookie domain
timely.http.ip The IP address where the Timely server is listening for HTTP query requests
timely.http.port The port that will be used for processing query requests
timely.http.redirect-path Path to use for HTTP to HTTPS redirect /secure-me
timely.http.strict-transport-max-age HTTP Strict Transport Security max age (in seconds) 604800
timely.http.cors.allow-any-origin Allow any origin in cross origin requests (true/false) false
timely.http.cors.allow-null-origin Allow null origins in cross origin requests (true/false) false
timely.http.cors.allowed-origins List of allowed origins in cross origin requests (can be null or comma separated list)
timely.http.cors.allowed-methods List of allowed methods for cross origin requests
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • PUT
  • POST
timely.http.cors.allowed-headers Comma separated list of allowed HTTP headers for cross origin requests content-type
timely.http.cors.allow-credentials Allow credentials to be passed in cross origin requests (true/false) true
timely.websocket.ip The IP address where the Timely server is listening for web socket requests
timely.websocket.port The port that will be used for processing web socket requests
timely.websocket.timeout Number of seconds with no client ping response before closing subscription 60
timely.websocket.subscription-lag Number of seconds that subscriptions should lag to account for latency 120
timely.websocket.scanner-batch-size Accumulo Scanner batch size 5000
timely.websocket.flush-interval-seconds Time in seconds that Timely will send a batch of subscription responses to the client 30
timely.websocket.scanner-read-ahead Accumulo Scanner Readahead threshold 1
timely.websocket.subscription-batch-size Maximum number of metric responses in a batch sent back to the client 1000
timely.meta-cache.expiration-minutes Number of minutes after which unaccessed meta information will be purged from the meta cache 60
timely.meta-cache.initial-capacity Initial capacity of the meta cache 2000
timely.meta-cache.max-capacity Maximum capacity of the meta cache 10000
timely.visibility-cache.expiration-minutes Column Visibility Cache Expiration (minutes) 60
timely.visibility-cache.initial-capacity Column Visibility Cache Initial Capacity 2000
timely.visibility-cache.max-capacity Column Visibility Cache Max Capacity 10000

Data Storage

Metrics sent to Timely are stored in two Accumulo tables, meta and metrics.

Meta Table Format

Row ColumnFamily ColumnQualifier Value
t:metric tagKey
v:metric tagKey tagValue

Metric Table Format

Row ColumnFamily ColumnQualifier Value
metric\timestamp tagKey=tagValue tagKey=tagValue,tagKey=tagValue,… metricValue

Data Storage Example

As an example, if you sent the following metric to the put api: sys.cpu.user 1447879348291 2.0 rack=r001 host=r001n01 instance=0 it would get stored in the following manner in the meta table:

Row ColumnFamily ColumnQualifier Value
t:sys.cpu.user host
t:sys.cpu.user instance
t:sys.cpu.user rack
v:sys.cpu.user host r001n01
v:sys.cpu.user instance 0
v:sys.cpu.user rack r001

and in the following manner in the metrics table

Note: Not shown in the examples is the encoding of the row. You can apply the Timely formatter to your metrics table using the Accumulo shell command: config -t timely.metrics -s table.formatter=timely.util.TimelyMetricsFormatter

Row ColumnFamily ColumnQualifier Value
sys.cpu.user\1447879348291 host=r001n01 instance=0,rack=r001 2.0
sys.cpu.user\1447879348291 instance=0 host=r001n01,rack=r001 2.0
sys.cpu.user\1447879348291 rack=r001 host=r001n01,instance=0 2.0

Accumulo Configuration

You can generate split points for the metrics table after sending data to Timely for a short amount of time. The bin/ script will print out a set of split points based on the metric names in the meta table. You can use this output in the Accumulo addsplits command.

You can lower the table.scan.max.memory property on your metrics table. This will send data back from the Tablet Servers to the Timely server at a faster rate.

If you don’t mind losing some metric data in the event of an Accumulo tablet server death, you can set the table.walog.enabled property to false and the table.durability property to none on your metrics table. This should speed up ingest a little.


Securing the Transport

Timely only exposes two operations over a non-secure transport, one to get the version of the server and the other to insert data. All other operations are protected by either HTTPS or WSS protocols. The server configuration allows the user to change many of the security settings such as: CORS origins, specific SSL/TLS ciphers, duration of the HTTP session cookie, and more.

HTTP Strict Transport Security

Timely returns a HTTP Strict Transport Security header to callers that attempt to use HTTP. The max age for this header can be set in the configuration.

Securing Data

Timely allows users to optionally label their data using Accumulo column visibility expressions. To enable this feature, users should put the expressions in a tag named viz. Timely will flatten this expression and store it in the column visibility of the data point in the metrics table. Column visibilities are not stored in the meta table, so anyone can see metric names, tag names, and tag values. Additionally, column visibilities are not returned with the data.

With anonymous access users that have not logged in will only see unlabeled data.

Timely uses Spring Security to configure user authentication and user role information. Users must call the /login endpoint for authentication and Timely will respond by setting a HTTP cookie with a session id. When anonymous access is disabled, a call to any operation that requires the session id will fail. When anonymous access is enabled, these calls will succeed but only unlabeled data will be returned. When using Grafana, it must be configured to use https also. For more information see the Quick Start documentation.

Standalone Quick Start

  1. Build Timely
    1. set JAVA_HOME to point to a JDK 8 installation
    2. run mvn clean package from the top level directory in the source tree
  2. Install latest version of Grafana that works with Timely (4.4.3)
  3. Create a grafana configuration file (e.g: conf/settings.ini)
    1. protocol = https
    2. http_addr = localhost
    3. cert_file= <path to PEM encoded certificate file>
    4. key_file= <path to PEM encoded un-encrypted private key file>
  4. Untar the timely-app distribution tarball located in grafana/target in the grafana plugins directory (default: /var/lib/grafana/plugins)
  5. Start Grafana (./bin/grafana-server -c conf/settings.ini)
    1. Visit https://localhost:3000 to verify Grafana is working
  6. Untar Timely server distribution (found in target/timely-server-(VERSION)-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz)
  7. Modify timely-standalone.yml:
    1. Use generated server side SSL certificates
    3. or, use your own SSL certificates - see SSL Setup
    5.<path to PEM encoded certificate file>
    6.<path to PKCS8 PEM encoded private key file>
    7.<private key password>
    8. (if openssl installed locally, else false)
    9.<list of ciphers> (comma-delimited list of ciphers to use if you do not want to use the default)
    10. Set Timely domain information, this is used for the HTTP Cookie
    12. Set Grafana login address, used for HTTP redirect after login
    13. grafana.http.address=https://localhost:3000/login
    14. Set Anonymous access for Timely
    15.<true or false>
  8. Start the Timely standalone server
    1. cd bin; ./
  9. Insert test data
    1. cd bin; ./
  10. Add the Timely datasource to Grafana
    1. Login to Grafana, go to ‘DataSources’
    2. Click 'Add data source’
    3. Enter the following information:
    4. Name: Timely Standalone
    5. Type: Timely
    6. Hostname: localhost
    7. HTTPS Port: 54322
    8. WS Port: 54323
    9. Basic Auths: check
    10. Click Browser Cert Check and accept the certificate
    11. Click Save & Test.
  11. Import Standalone Test dashboard into Grafana.

Notes on Security Options

  1. If anonymous access is disabled, then users will only be able to see unlabeled data.
  2. If anonymous access is enabled, then users must login before Grafana will work.
  3. Access control is configured in conf/security.xml and supports basic auth and SSL client certificates. Upon a successful login the response will include a HTTP Session Cookie. Once this is set, access to Timely from Grafana should work.
    1. For SSL client certificate auth, users should perform a GET request to the /login endpoint over HTTPS. The default conf/security.xml specifies a user with authorizations D,E,F. The username will be extracted from the certificate’s CN using the x509PrincipalExtractor bean.
    2. For basic password authentication users should perform a POST request to the /login endpoint.
    3. This can be done using Poster or HttpRequester with the content-type of “application/json” and the following content: { "username": "<>", "password": "<>" }
    4. The default conf/security.xml specifies a user test with password test1 that has the authorizations for A,B,C.
  4. The user specified in timely.accumulo.username must have authorizations compatible with the visibility values on your data to be able to return that data to a client. Use setauths in the Accumulo shell to configure this.
  5. will insert some data with visibilities, specifically sys.eth0.rx.* will have A,B or C and sys.eth0.tx.* will have D,E or F.


The grafana directory in the source tree contains the Timely application for Grafana.


For development, running grunt watch will watch for file changes and continuously rebuild everything.

Compiling the timely-app requrires NodeJS to be installed. Once installed, simply download the dependencies with npm and run grunt

cd grafana/timely-app

npm install


Note: for the grunt command to work, you must have the grunt-cli application installed on your system: npm install -g grunt-cli


Run mvn clean package


Take the resulting tar and unpack it in /var/lib/grafana/plugins on your Grafana server and restart Grafana.

Using the Timely App

Login to Grafana and the Home dashboard should show the Timely App is available.

App Available Home

Enable Timely App

Once installed, the Timely App must be enabled in Grafana. Clicking the Enable Now link on the Home Dashboard or navigate to the app list in the Grafana Plugins page.


These will both bring you to the enable page.


Once enabled, Timely should appear in Grafana menu.


Create Datasource

Go to the Grafana Data Sources menu and add a new Data Source. In the Type drop down menu, select Timely and the Timely Server settings UI will populate.

Server Settings

Fill in the timely server details as required. The Browser Test opens a new browser window to allow you to add an exception to the Timely server cert. This is only necessary if using self-signed certs.

Click Add, and the datasource will be tested and added.

Datasource Added

Clicking the Dashboards tab will allow you to import a dashboard to display Timely’s internal metrics. Depending on the security setup, the dashboard may not show any data until the Login process is completed.

Import Dashboard


From the Timely App menu, select the Login page. This will present you a login prompt to authenticate you with the Timely datasources. This will set a cookie in your Browser that will be passed with the dashboard queries and Timely will pass your Accumulo column visibilities during data scans.

Login View dashboard - this should now be working

If more than one Timely datasource is defined, multiple Login prompts will be available. Here, the top data source was defined with BasicAuths checked, and the second one assumes a valid Certificate is loaded in the browser and will be passed to Timely when Login is clicked.

Multi Login

Metrics Browser

To help browsing the data in Timely, the Timely menu also contains a Metrics link to take you to the Metrics Broswer

Metrics Browser

Timely data sources can be selected from the drop down menu and the results can be filtered by typing in the filter box.


Currently the imported dashboard has one plot for timely ingest metrics, and three other plots to display the artificial data inserted by the timely.util.InsertTestData program.


Plugins for CollectD

The source tree includes plugins for CollectD, an agent based system statistics collector. The CollectD plugins parse and transform the metrics and sends them to Timely.

CollectD plugin to send data to Timely

LoadPlugin java
<Plugin java>
        JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
        JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar:<path_to_jar>/collectd-timely-plugin.jar"
        JVMArg "-Xms128m"
        JVMArg "-Xmx128m"
        LoadPlugin "timely.collectd.plugin.WriteTimelyPlugin"
        <Plugin "timely.collectd.plugin.WriteTimelyPlugin">
          Host "<TimelyHost>"
          Port "<TimelyPutPort>"
          Tags "<comma separated list of additional key=value pairs>"

To build, run mvn clean package in the collectd-timely-plugin directory. Place the resulting jar file somewhere on the local filesystem and the plugin configuration to the right to the collectd configuration file.

CollectD plugin to send data to NSQ

LoadPlugin java
<Plugin java>
        JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
        JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/usr/share/collectd/java/collectd-api.jar:<path_to_jar>/collectd-nsq-plugin.jar"
        JVMArg "-Xms128m"
        JVMArg "-Xmx128m"
        LoadPlugin "timely.collectd.plugin.WriteNSQPlugin"
        <Plugin "timely.collectd.plugin.WriteNSQPlugin">
          Host "<NSQHost[,NSQHost]>"
          Port "<NSQHttpPort>"
          Tags "<comma separated list of additional key=value pairs>"

To build, run mvn clean package in the collectd-nsq-plugin directory. Place the resulting jar file somewhere on the local filesystem and add the plugin configuration to the right to the collectd configuration file.

Collecting Metrics from Hadoop and Accumulo

CollectD contains StatsD plugin that listens on a configured port for UDP traffic in the StatsD protocol. More recent versions of Hadoop contain a StatsD sink for the Hadoop Metrics2 framework. Accumulo also uses the Hadoop Metrics2 framework and when configured correctly can emit its metrics via the same mechanism.

Configuring Hadoop to use the StatsD sink


Uncomment and configure the *.period property, then append the content to the right to the file.

Configuring Accumulo to use the StatsD sink


Uncomment and configure the *.period property, then append the content to the right to the file.

API Overview

The Timely server supports clients sending requests over different protocols. Not all operations are supported over all protocols. The table below summarizes the protocols supported for each operation. The API documention is organized into sections that describe the general, time series, and subscription operations.

The TCP, UDP, HTTPS, and WebSocket ports can be specified in the Timely configuration properties.

The endpoint for the WebSocket protocol is /websocket

Operation UDP TCP HTTPS WebSocket
Version X X X
Login X
Put X X X X
Suggest X X
Lookup X X
Query X X
Aggregators X X
Metrics X X
Create X
Add X
Remove X
Close X

Timely Client

Java Timely client library was started in 0.0.4, it is not complete, but what is done does work. The client library includes classes for communicating over all the protocols (UDP, TCP, HTTPS, WSS).

General API

Version Operation

echo "version" | nc <host> <port>
GET /version HTTP/1.1
POST /version HTTP/1.1
  "operation" : "version"

Get the version of the Timely server. Returns a Version response.

Version Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Represents the version of the Timely server. Contents are a single string with the version.

Login Operation

GET /login HTTP/1.1
POST /login HTTP/1.1
  "username" : "user",
  "password" : "pass"

Timely uses Spring Security for user authentication. When successful, a HTTP Set-Cookie header is returned in the response with the name TSESSIONID. If a user does not log in, and anonymous access is enabled, then the user will only see data that is not marked. If a user does not log in, and anonymous access is disabled, then any operation that requires authentication will return an error. HTTP GET and POST methods are supported, the GET request is used when client SSL authentication is configured. When using the HTTP protocol, the TSESSIONID cookie should be sent along with the request. For the WebSocket protocol the client will need to add the TSESSIONID cookie value to the request in the sessionId property. If using the WebSocket protocol with anonymous access, then use a unique sessionId value for the duration of the client session. Returns a Login response.

Login Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie TSESSIONID=e480176b-b0d4-4c96-8437-55eef3f1f6d8; Max-Age=86400; Expires=Thu, 14 Jul 2016 13:57:20 GMT; Domain=localhost; Secure; HTTPOnly
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Login response contains an error or a HTTP cookie for use in subsequent calls.

Timeseries API

The Timeseries API contains operations for getting metadata about the time series, and retrieving the data points.

Put Operation

echo "put sys.cpu.user 1234567890 1.0 tag1=value1 tag2=value2" | nc <host> <tcp_port>
echo "put sys.cpu.user 1234567890 1.0 tag1=value1 tag2=value2" | nc -u <host> <udp_port>
POST /api/put HTTP/1.1
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "timestamp" : 1234567890,
  "value" : 1.0,
  "tags" : [
      "key" : "tag1",
      "value" : "value1"
      "key" : "tag2",
      "value" : "value2"
  "operation" : "put",
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "timestamp" : 1234567890,
  "value" : 1.0,
  "tags" : [
      "key" : "tag1",
      "value" : "value1"
      "key" : "tag2",
      "value" : "value2"

The put operation is used for sending time series data to Timely. A time series metric is composed of the following items:

Attribute Type Description
meric string The name of the metric
timestamp long The timestamp in ms
value double The value of this metric at this time
tags map (Optional) Pairs of K,V strings to associate with this metric

Suggest Operation

GET /api/suggest?type=metrics&q=sys.cpu.u&max=30 HTTP/1.1
POST /api/suggest HTTP/1.1
  "type" : "metrics",
  "q" : "sys.cpu",
  "max" : 30
  "operation" : "suggest",
  "sessionId" : "<value of TSESSIONID>",
  "type" : "metrics",
  "q" : "sys.cpu",
  "max" : 30

The suggest operation is used to find metrics, tag keys, or tag values that match the specified pattern. Returns a Suggest response. Input parameters are:

Attribute Type Description
type string one of metrics, tagk, tagv
q string the query string
max integer the maximum number of results

Suggest Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

The response to the suggest operation contains a list of suggestions based on the request parameters or an error. An HTTP 401 error will be returned on a missing or unknown TSESSIONID cookie. A TextWebSocketFrame will be returned on a successful WebSocket request, otherwise a CloseWebSocketFrame will be returned.

Lookup Operation

GET /api/search/lookup?m=sys.cpu.user{host=*}&limit=3000 HTTP/1.1
POST /api/search/lookup HTTP/1.1
  "metric": "sys.cpu.user",
  "limit": 3000,
      "key": "host",
      "value": "*"
  "operation" : "lookup",
  "sessionId" : "<value of TSESSIONID>",
  "metric": "sys.cpu.user",
  "limit": 3000,
      "key": "host",
      "value": "*"

The lookup operation is used to find information in the meta table associated with the supplied metric or tag input parameters. Returns a Lookup response.

Attribute Type Description
metric string metric name or prefix. Used in HTTP POST and WebSocket
m string metric name or prefix. Used in HTTP GET
limit int (Optional default:25) maximum number of results
tags map (Optional) Pairs of K,V strings to to match results against

Lookup Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The response to the lookup operation contains a set of metric names and tag set information that matches the request parameters. Response attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
type string constant value of LOOKUP
metric string copy of the metric input parameter
tags map copy of the tags input parameter
limit int copy of the limit input parameter
time int operation duration in ms
totalResults int number of results
results array array of result objects that contain matching metric names and tag sets

Query Operation

GET /api/query?start=1356998400&end=1356998460&m=sum:rate{false,100,0}:sys.cpu.user{host=*}{rack=r1|r2}&tsuid=sum:000001000002000042,000001000002000043 HTTP/1.1
POST /api/query HTTP/1.1
  "start": 1356998400,
  "end": 1356998460,
  "queries": [
      "aggregator": "sum",
      "metric": "sys.cpu.user",
      "rate": "true",
      "rateOptions": {
      "downsample" : "1m-max",
      "tags": {
           "host": "*",
           "rack": "r1"
      "filters": [
      "aggregator": "sum",
      "tsuids": [
  "operation" : "query",
  "sessionId" : "<value of TSESSIONID>",
  "start" : 1356998400,
  "end" : 1356998460,
  "queries" : [
      "aggregator" : "sum",
      "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
      "rate" : "true",
      "rateOptions" : {
          "counter" : false,
          "counterMax" : 100,
          "resetValue" : 0
      "downsample" : "1m-max",
      "tags" : {
           "host" : "*",
           "rack" : "r1"
      "filters" : [
           "type" : "wildcard",
           "tagk" : "host",
           "filter" : "*",
           "groupBy" : true
           "type" : "literal_or",
           "tagk" : "rack",
           "filter" : "r1|r2",
           "groupBy" : false

The query operation is used to find time series data that matches the submitted query parameters. Returns a Query response.

Attribute Type Description
start long start time in ms for this query
end long end time in ms for this query
queries array array of metric sub query types. Used in HTTP Post or WebSocket

Query Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "tags" :{
    "tag1" : "value1"
  "aggregatedTags"  :[],
  "dps" : {
    "1468954529" : 1.0,
    "1468954530" : 3.0
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "tags" :{
    "tag1" : "value1"
  "aggregatedTags"  :[],
  "dps" : {
    "1468954529" : 1.0,
    "1468954530" : 3.0

The response to the query operation contains a set of an array of time series data points. Each array element contains the metric and associated set of tags along with the metric values and associated timestamps. Reponse attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
metric string metric name for this time series
tags map tags associated with this time series
aggregatedTags map not used
dps map map of timestamp to metric value

Metric SubQuery Type


Aggregators Operation


Aggregators Response


Metrics Operation


Metrics Response


Subscription API

The subscription API allows the user to subscribe to metrics data using WebSockets. The create, add, remove, and close operations are expected to be Text frames and do not return a response for successful invocation. They return a Close frame with a message upon error condition. Each subscription is identified by a subscription id, a unique string, that the client will use to manipulate the subscription. This allows a client to create multiple subscriptions, using different subscription ids, on the same WebSocket channel.

Metric Response

  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "timestamp": 1469028728091,
  "value": 1.0,
      "key": "rack",
      "value": "r1"
      "key": "tag3",
      "value": "value3"
      "key": "tag4",
      "value": "value4"
  "subscriptionId": "<unique id>",
  "complete": false

The Metric response contains the metric name, tag set, value for the metric, and the timestamp. Unlike the timeseries api, the subscription responses will include the viz tag if it exists on the data.

Create Operation

  "operation" : "create",
  "subscriptionId" : "<unique id>"

Initialize this WebSocket connection for subscription requests. This method does not return a response.

Add Operation

  "operation" : "add",
  "subscriptionId" : "<unique id>",
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user",
  "tags" : null,
  "startTime" : null,
  "endTime" : null,
  "delayTime" : 1000

Subscribe to metrics that match the metric name and optional tag set. Only one subscription per metric is supported. The Timely server will return Metric responses over the WebSocket channel that match the metric and tags in the request. The Timely server will return metrics that are older than the startTime, which can be zero to return all currently stored data. When all data has been returned, the Timely server will either send a completed message, or wait delayTime ms before looking for new data, depending on the value of endTime. If endTime has been specified, then the Timely server will send a final message with complete set to true. Otherwise, the Timely server maintains a pointer to the last metric returned, so it will not return data that is newly inserted but older than the last returned metric. Use the timely.websocket.subscription-lag server configuration property to determine how close to current time the subscriptions will be. This will depend on your deployment. For example, if the timely.accumulo.write.latency configuration property is 30s, then you may want to set the lag to greater than 30s to ensure that all data has arrived.

Attribute Type Description
metric string metric name
tags map (Optional) Map of K,V strings to use in the query.
startTime long (Optional, default 0) Return metrics after this time (in ms)
endTime long (Optional, default 0) If specified, stop returning data at this time (in ms)
delayTime long Wait time to look for the arrival of new data.

Remove Operation

  "operation" : "remove",
  "subscriptionId" : "<unique id>",
  "metric" : "sys.cpu.user"

Remove the subscription for this metric. Data for this subscription will no longer be sent back to the user.

Attribute Type Description
metric string metric name

Close Operation

  "operation" : "close",
  "subscriptionId" : "<unique id>"

Remove all subscriptions associated with this WebSocket channel.

Developer Information

Building Timely

Timely requires a Java 8 and uses Maven for compiling source, running tests, and packaging distributions. To build the CollectD plugins, activate the collectd profile. Below are a set of useful Maven lifecyles that we use:

Command Description
mvn compile Compiles and formats the source
mvn test Runs unit tests
mvn package Runs findbugs and creates a distribution
mvn package -Pcollectd Runs findbugs and creates a distribution, includes the collectd plugins
mvn verify Runs integration tests
mvn verify site Creates the site

Netty Pipeline Design

Timely supports multiple protocols, each having their own Netty pipeline. Each pipeline is set up in and includes Netty transport specific handlers, followed by a Decoder (TcpDecoder, HttpRequestDecoder, WebSocketRequestDecoder) that transforms the input request to a Java object. Handlers for each request Java object then follow and will perform request type specific actions and may or may not emit a response to the client in the format required by the transport (bytes for TCP, HTTP message for HTTP, web socket frame for WebSocket).

A single request type (e.g. VersionRequest) can be used across different protocols. Annotations for the different transports are used in the different decoders to match a request type to an operation or path. For example “version” is matched to a VersionRequest in the TCP protocol and it’s matched to “/version” in the HTTP protocol. Request objects will typically also implement an interface for each protocol for which they have a corresponding annotation. The interface methods are called from the protocol decoder to deserialize the message sent across the wire to a Java object.

Adding a new operation / request object:

  1. Create the object in the timely.api.request package and apply appropriate transport annotations
  2. Add a Handler for your request type in the appropriate transport channels
  3. Add tests for each transport decoder to ensure that your object is deserialized properly
  4. Add test cases to the appropriate integration tests
  5. Update the README api section.

Maintaining the Documentation

This documentation is created using Slate. To build you will need to install some Ruby dependencies described here. Once you have the dependencies, then you will want to checkout the slate branch to modify the documentation.

Viewing your changes locally

From the slate branch, execute bundle exec middleman server and go to http://localhost:4567 in your browser

Pushing changes to gh-pages branch

From the slate branch, execute bundle exec middleman build --clean which will generate the static pages in a directory called build. Move the build directory somewhere and checkout the gh-pages branch. Copy the contents of the build directory into the gh-pages branch, commit, and push.

Updating Slate

The slate branch is a point-in-time copy of the master branch at You can update our slate branch to get new features using these instructions


WebSocket Example

Timely will serve up files located in the bin/webapp directory. The source of the index.html file contains an example of how to use the Subscription Api with WebSockets. For this example to work with the standalone server, you first need to create some user certificates signed by the certificate authority that Timely is using. If you followed the instructions in the SSL Setup section, then you just need to do the following:

Note: When prompted for input parameters during the certificate request creation, enter the value for the Common Name. In the default conf/security.xml file it is looking for this value in X509 login requests.

openssl genrsa -out timely-user.key 4096

openssl req -new -key timely-user.key -sha256 -nodes -out timely-user.csr

openssl x509 -req -in timely-user.csr -CA CA.pem -CAkey CA.key -CAcreateserial -out timely-user.crt -days 365

openssl pkcs12 -export -out timely-user.p12 -inkey timely-user.key -in timely-user.crt -certfile CA.pem

  1. Next, load the timely-user.p12 file into your web browser.
  2. Then, start the standalone server.
  3. Finally, navigate to https://localhost:54322/webapp/index.html in your web browser.

Release Notes












  1. This list of jars that are needed on the tablet server has increased and now includes:

Additionally, the Accumulo classloader has to be configured for post-delegation given that the version of Guava that we depend on is newer than what Accumulo and Hadoop uses.

  1. The counter checkbox in the Grafana U/I does nothing. We are looking to fix this up in the next release.