All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractFilter |
Provides the base mechanism for a drop off filter
AbstractJDOMUtil |
Utilities for dealing with JDOM documents
AbstractRollableFilter |
AbstractSeekableByteChannel |
Action |
Agent |
AgentList |
AgentPool |
Extends the GenericObjectPool to hold MobileAgents, each on it's own thread.
AgentPoolHealthCheck |
Agents |
The agents Emissary API endpoint.
AgentsCommand |
AgentsEmitter |
This class is used to write out agents status via a logger.
AgentsFormatter |
Formatter for Emissary MobileAgents.
AgentsFormatter.Builder |
AgentsNotSupportedPlace |
Marker interface to indicate that agents are not expected to visit this place and neither the process nor
processHeavyDuty methods are implemented
AgentsResponseEntity |
AgentThreadGroup |
Provide a ThreadGroup and an uncaught exception handler for our agents to be a part of
AllMaxTime |
Looks at the place that has been running for the least amount of time.
Analyzer |
Base class for analyzers
AnyMaxTime |
Looks at the place that has been running for the most amount of time.
ApiUtils |
BackwardsTreeScanner |
This class implements a tree state machine scanner that searches text backwards starting from the end.
Banner |
BaseCommand |
BaseDataObject |
Class to hold data, header, footer, and attributes
BaseDataObject.DataState |
BaseEntity |
BaseResponseEntity |
BufferedChannelFactory |
Creates a SeekableByteChannel cache of a defined size analogous to BufferedInputStream.
BufferedWriterOutputStream |
BufferedWriterOutputStream: a subclass to support writing bytes to a Writer.
ByteArrayPrecisionException |
Exception used within the magic package - external clients never encounter this exception
ByteMatcher |
This class provides some simple string matching functions on byte arrays
ByteTokenizer |
The byte tokenizer class allows an application to break a byte buffer into tokens.
ByteUtil |
Common place for the logic to glue byte arrays back together.
CachePlace |
This place just keeps a reference to the last 10 payload objects it has seen.
CaseInsensitiveMap<K,V> |
Be a HashMap that doesn't care about the case of the keys
CharacterCounterSet |
A set of named counters for keeping counts on various classes of characters encountered
CharsetUtil |
A collection of utilities for dealing with different character sets in Java.
ChecksumCalculator |
ChecksumCalculator is a utility class which computes checksums and message digests.
ChecksumResults |
This class is a value object to store the results of both a CRC32 and a message digest computation.
ClassComparator |
ClassLocationVerificationProvider |
ClassLookupCache |
ComparisonPlace |
This place takes two other places, gives each place a copy of the received IBDO and compares the output of the two
ConcatenateChannelFactory |
This class creates a SeekableByteChannelFactory that concatenates two other SeekableByteChannelFactories.
Config |
ConfigCommand |
ConfigEntry |
ConfigEntry class stores key-value pairs of configuration info.
ConfigList |
Configs |
ConfigsResponseEntity |
ConfigSyntaxException |
This exceptionis used for tracking internal configuration errors
Configurations |
Configurator |
Interface for dealing with configured properties
ConfigUtil |
This configuration utility collection helps to find configuration for various classes and objects.
ConstructorLookupCache |
This implements a simple caching mechanism for Constructor lookups.
CoordinationPlace |
This place will coordinate service to several lower level service places.
CounterSet |
A set of named counters that can be easily incremented
CustomRolloverLogbackAppender<E> |
DataByteArraySlicer |
DataByteBufferSlicer |
DataFilter |
Filter that writes unadorned data as raw bytes
DataIdentifier |
A simple base class for doing data type identification This simple implementation can only match constant strings
against data.
DataObjectFactory |
Factory implementation to provide an instance of whichever BaseDataObject implementation is configured for the system
DataUtil |
DateFilterFilenameGenerator |
Creates a Filename Generator that contains a timestamp (julian day), uuid, node name/host, and filter name.
DateStampFilenameGenerator |
Create a filename generator that uses a datestamp as the name
DateTimeFormatParser |
Class for Parsing Dates using DateTimeFormatter.
DateTimeFormatParserLegacy |
Deprecated. |
DecomposedSession |
Representation of a fully built session with metadata, header, footer, classification, initial forms, and data
DelayPlace |
This place performs no action other than holding everything it processes for a configurable amount of milliseconds
DependencyCheck |
Class that performs simple checks to determine if an executable, directory, and/or file exists on the host machine.
DeregisterPlaceAction |
DevNullPlace |
This place is a sink hole for everything it registers for
DiffCheckConfiguration |
DiffCheckConfiguration.DiffCheckBuilder |
DiffCheckConfiguration.DiffCheckOptions |
Possible configuration options
Directories |
Directory |
DirectoryAdapter |
This class implements all of the observer interfaces with null implementations so
that it is easy to extend and just provide behaviour for the methods of interest.
DirectoryAdapter |
Stuff for adapting the Directory calls to HTTP All the outbound methods supply the TARGET_DIRECTORY parameter that
matches the machine/port they are going to.
DirectoryCommand |
DirectoryEntry |
This class is container object for storing directory entry information such as the service name and type, the
location, the cost and quality and description of a place.
DirectoryEntryComparator |
Comparator class for DirectoryEntry objects by expense Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent
with equals.
DirectoryEntryList |
Hold a set of Directory keys (four-tuples) in sorted order by expense, cheapest first, no duplicates
DirectoryEntryMap |
Keep a map of DataID to DirectoryEntryList for the Directory Extensible to use other things for the key if desired,
just override the methods that figure out the key automatically from the DirectoryEntry or DirectoryEntryList.
DirectoryList |
DirectoryObserver |
This interface is a marker interface to give a common base to all of the types of interfaces that can participate in
emissary directory activities.
DirectoryObserverManager |
This class is used by DirectoryPlace to manage the interaction with the different types of observers that need to be
called on the various observable change events.
DirectoryObserverManager.Action |
The types of actions that observers can register for
DirectoryPlace |
The DirectoryPlace class is used to store information relating to Places/Services in the Emissary Agent-Based
DirectoryResponseEntity |
DirectoryXmlContainer |
This class acts as a container and producer for turning a directory entry list into a full xml document
DisposeHelper |
Helper methods to ease handling of Dispose objects
Dispose objects are added to BDOs to handle clean-up after a
SeekableByteChannelFactory is finished with
DropOffPlace |
DropOffPlace manages the output from the system It has evolved into a controller of sorts with way too many options,
that controls which types of output are desired and called the appropriate output helper for the desired output.
DropOffUtil |
DropOffUtil.FileTypeCheckParameter |
DumpDirectoryAction |
DumpDirectoryAction.DirectoryEntryInfo |
DumpDirectoryAction.DirectoryInfo |
DumpDirectoryAction.PeerInfo |
EditDistance |
A java port of the ssdeep code for "fuzzy hashing". There are a number of ports out
there that all look basically the same.
Emissary |
Main entry point of the jar file
Parses command line arguments and delegates commands
EmissaryClient |
Base class of all the actions that use HttpClient.
EmissaryCommand |
EmissaryException |
This is the top of the exception hierarchy for Emissary All emissary exceptions extend from here
EmissaryNode |
Hold some details about being a P2P node in the emissary network The order of preference to find the node
configuration for an emissary node is
EmissaryNode.Mode |
EmissaryObjectTracingProvider |
EmissaryResponse |
EmissaryResponse.EmissaryResponseHandler |
EmissaryRuntimeException |
This is the top of the exception hierarchy for Emissary All emissary exceptions extend from here
EmissaryServer |
EmptyFormPlace |
Marker interface to force the framework to allow an empty current form stack after calling
IServiceProviderPlace#process without registering it as an error.
Engine |
An interface between and Identification place and the engine that does the work
Entropy |
Env |
The env Emissary API endpoint that returns key=value pairs of config info for the running node
EnvCommand |
EnvironmentAction |
Executrix |
This class wraps up things related to exec-ing of external processes and reading and writing disk files.
Executrix.OUTPUT_TYPE |
Exit |
Try to terminate the JVM
ExtractedRecord |
ExtractResource |
This class assists users and integrators by extracting the named resource and putting it into the config directory
Factory |
Factory.create() is one of the main methods that Emissary uses.
FailDirectoryAction |
Family |
Family holds constants and methods related to the association between BaseDataObjects.
FastBoyerMoore |
FastBoyerMoore.BackwardsTreeScanner |
This class implements a tree state machine scanner that searches text backwards starting from the end.
FastStringBuffer |
This buffer implementation attempts to improve file creation performance by preventing conversion from byte array to
string and then back to byte array for writing to a stream.
FeedCommand |
FileChannelFactory |
Provide a file-backed implementation for streaming data to a consumer
FileDataServer |
Thread to monitor a directory for files
FileExistsConverter |
FileFind |
Implements the unix 'find' command.
FileManipulator |
A class of utility methods for manipulating files.
FileNameGenerator |
Interface to generate unique filenames to be used in classes as needed.
FilePickUpClient |
Pull bundles of file info from a WorkSpace and process as a normal FilePickUp.
FilePickUpPlace |
Monitor one or more directories and pickup files for the system
FilePickUpPlaceHealthCheck |
A health check that warns if the input data queue is larger than a given threshold or if the aggregate file size is
larger than a given threshold.
FillChannelFactory |
This class creates a SeekableByteChannel of the designated size with each element having the designated value.
FillingNIOParser |
Encapsulate the behavior necessary to slide a window through a channel and parse sessions from it. nextChunkOrDie
will load the next region.
FlexibleDateTimeParser |
Attempt to parse a date in an unknown format.
Form |
Keep a list of common current form and filetype values These could be built into some ontological interrelated
monstrosity in the future.
GitRepositoryState |
POJO for parsing and returning values from a git properties file.
HDMobileAgent |
This mobile agent carries around an ArrayList of payload that can be added onto instead of sprouting.
HealthCheckAction |
HeartbeatAction |
HeartbeatAdapter |
Stuff for adapting the Directory heartbeat calls to HTTP
HeartbeatManager |
Facility for directory instances to check up on each other by sending a heartbeat message
HelpCommand |
Hexl |
Pretend to be Emacs hexl mode
Hit |
Reportable result from MultiKeywordScanner
HitList |
List of reportable results from MultiKeywordScanner
HtmlEntityMap |
Map HTML entities
HtmlEscape |
Deprecated. |
HtmlEscapePlace |
Deprecated. |
HtmlEscaper |
Methods for dealing with escaped HTML as bytes and strings
HttpCommand |
Abstract command used to set up config options for both servers and clients.
HTTPConnectionFactory |
Emissary HTTP Connection Factory.
HttpPostParameters |
Hold onto fielded data that should be posted to a URL in x-www-urlencoded format.
IBaseDataObject |
IBaseDataObject.MergePolicy |
Define the merge policy values for parameter handling
IBaseDataObjectDiffHelper |
IBaseDataObjectHelper |
Utility methods that assist with working with IBaseDataObject's.
IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs |
This class contains the interfaces and implementations used to convert an IBDO->XML and XML->IBDO.
IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.ElementDecoder |
Interface for decoding an element value.
IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.ElementDecoders |
Class that contains the element decoders.
IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.ElementEncoder<T> |
Interface for encoding an element value.
IBaseDataObjectXmlCodecs.ElementEncoders |
Class that contains the element encoders.
IBaseDataObjectXmlHelper |
This class helps convert IBaseDataObjects to and from XML.
IbdoMethodNames |
IbdoXmlElementNames |
ICoalescer |
All Journals are identified and their outputs are combined into a destination filename.
Identification |
Response object from an identification engine.
IDirectoryPlace |
Interface for normal directory operations
IdPlace |
Abstract class that is the parent of all places that operate in the ID phase of the workflow.
IDropOffFilter |
Interface for drop off filter.
IExtractedRecord |
IFilterCondition |
Defines a simple interface for accepting a filter condition
IJniRepositoryPlace |
IJournaler |
A Rollable implementation that uses a journal to record offsets of completed writes to a pool of outputs.
ImmutableChannelFactory |
IMobileAgent |
Interface to the MobileAgent
IMultiFileServerPlace |
A Marker interface for multi file server places
IMultiFileUnixCommandPlace |
A marker interface for multi-file command places
IMultiKeywordScanner |
InitializationProvider |
SPI to initialize the Emissary server.
InitializeContext |
Initialize the application from inside the webapp context This initializer performs the following actions
Create and fill the emissary.pool.AgentPool
Create the emissary.pool.MoveSpool
Initialize the Charset conversion subsystem
Initialize the Metadata Dictionary subsystem
Deploy any places configure to run on this instance This is determined by looking for an appropriate config file
or stream based on the following preferences:
node-ENV{ "" -ENV{
"emissary.node.port" .cfg
node-ENV{ "" .cfg
InMemoryChannelFactory |
Provide an in-memory backed implementation for streaming data to a consumer
InputSession |
Detailed session information as it is parsed This class just records offsets and length of various things using lists
of PositionRecord.
InputStreamChannelFactory |
InputStreamFactory |
A repeatable way to obtain an InputStream from an object.
InterruptedByTimeoutException |
InterruptibleCharSequence |
IPausable |
IPickUp |
IPickUpPlace |
IPickUpSpace |
The portions of an interface related to the PickupSpace, that is, dealing with a remote space that would like to feed
data to us if only we would take it when there are availalbe processing resources on this node.
IRemoteDirectory |
Interface for inter-directory operations over http These methods are designed to only be called by the remote
inter-directory communications layer
IRemoteDirectory.Lookup |
Helper class to look up an instance of the local directory cast to this interface if possible
IServiceProviderPlace |
JavaCharSet |
Convert any charset to a Java Charset name that a JDK 1.1 and up will understand.
JavaCharSetInitializationProvider |
JavascriptEscape |
Deprecated. |
JavascriptEscapePlace |
Deprecated. |
JDOMUtil |
Utilities for dealing with JDOM documents.
JMXUtil |
Utility class for JMX operations.
Provide methods for retrieving native libraries from the repository The main entry point is loadLibrary.
JniRepositoryPlace |
Journal |
Tracks written progress of a corresponding file.
JournaledChannel |
Wrapper class to allow for use of underlying channel in either OutputStream code or WritableChannel.
JournaledChannelPool |
Pool implementation that utilizes a Journal to durably track state out written data.
JournaledCoalescer |
The Rollable implemenation that uses a journal to record offsets of completed writes to a pool of outputs.
JournalEntry |
Journal Entry containing a value, generally a file name, and an offset.
JournalReader |
Encapsulates logic to read/deserialize a BG Journal file.
JournalWriter |
BG Write ahead log to track progress, often files, that have been successfully flushed to disk.
JsonEscape |
Deprecated. |
JsonEscapePlace |
Deprecated. |
JsonOutputFilter |
JSON Output filter using Jackson
KeyedOutput |
Lightweight wrapper holding reference to a pooled object and the pool, which returns the channel to the pool on
KeyManipulator |
A class of utility methods for manipulating dictionary keys.
KeywordScanner |
Provides the ability to find specified byte[] patterns inside a larger byte[] .
KffChain |
Keep a list of hash algorithm names and compute them and compare the results to the ordered chain of KFF filter when
data is submitted.
KffChainLoader |
Loads a chain of file filter specified by the configuration subsystem Expects to find a configuration file with a
list containing class names that implement known or dupe type filter working either against file stores of hashes or
database tables of hashes, plus a list of the algorithms that are desired to use.
KffDataObjectHandler |
A helpful class to set and evaluate the KFF details of a BaseDataObject
KffFile |
KffFile provides access to the known file filter data.
KffFilter |
Interface for a KFF Implementation to follow
KffFilter.FilterType |
Types of filter
KffHashPlace |
Hashing place to hash payload unless hashes are set or skip flag is set.
KffMemcached |
KffMemcached checks Emissary hashes against a set of external memcached servers.
KffQuincyFile |
KffQuincyFile compares files against the Quincy KFF dataset.
KffResult |
Provide results of a KFF check including the details of the hash or cryptographic sum or sums that were used.
Kill |
Force a shutdown of the system
LineTokenizer |
Used the default way, this is equivalent to StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(new String(theData),"\n",false);
except that a token is returned for blank lines as well.
ListOpenFiles |
LoggingChannelFactory |
This class creates a SeekableByteChannelFactory for logging accesses to every method on the SeekableByteChannel.
LoggingInputStream |
This InputStream wraps another InputStream and logs all methods calls.
LoggingInputStreamFactory |
This class creates a InputStreamFactory for logging accesses to every method on the InputStream.
LoggingPrintStream |
This class is designed to be put in place of StdOut and StdErr in order to log anything that is sent there.
MagicMath |
MagicNumber |
MagicNumberFactory |
MagicNumberUtil |
Magic entry rules when using the Java utility, MagicNumberUtil
MapResponseEntity |
MDCConstants |
MetricsAction |
MetricsFormatter |
Formatter for metrics data, following the existing format emissary format, established previously.
MetricsFormatter.Builder |
MetricsManager |
Manages the interactions with CodaHale's Metrics package, including configuration
MobileAgent |
An autonomous hunk of software
MobileAgentFactory |
MobileAgentMBean |
MBean interface that exposes attributes/methods to JConsole
ModeConverter |
MonitorCommand<T extends BaseResponseEntity> |
MoveSpool |
Provide a storage area for incoming "moveTo(here)" payloads so that the http transfer can become more asnychronous.
MoveSpool.Method |
MoveSpool.SpoolItem |
Non-public encapsulation of what we need to hold on the spool
MultiFileServerPlace |
A hybrid of the MultiFileServerPlace and the FilePickupPlace.
MultiFileUnixCommandPlace |
MultiFileUnixCommandPlace.FileNameComparator |
MultiKeywordScanner |
Namespace |
This class is used by Emissary core to manage named classes.
NamespaceAction |
NamespaceException |
An exception in the namespace mechanism
NavAction |
NavAction.EmissaryNav |
NavAction.EmissaryNav.NavItem |
NIOSessionParser |
Provide a basic NIO-based session parser that reads data in chunks from the underlying channel.
Notify |
Log the problem agents/threads
ObjectTracing |
ObjectTracing.Stage |
ObjectTracingService |
OSReleaseUtil |
Pair |
Pair of string,object
Parameters |
ParseException |
Exception used within the magic package - external clients never encounter this exception
ParserEOFException |
Exception thrown when parsing has fully completed
ParserException |
Exceptions thrown during input parsing
ParserFactory |
Provide a factory for getting the proper type of input parser Provide the implementing classes for that match the
configured Data Identifier Engine in PARSER_NIO_IMPL_[type] variants if available.
ParserNextChunkException |
Exception thrown when parsing needs a new block of data
PathExistsConverter |
PathExistsReadableConverter |
Pausable |
Pause |
PauseAction |
PayloadLauncher |
Launch an incoming payload the best way possible.
PayloadUtil |
Utilities for dealing with IBaseDataObject and Lists thereof
PeerList |
PeerObserver |
This interface can be implemented by any class wishing to subscribe to peer group changes in an emissary
Peers |
The peers Emissary API endpoint.
PeersCommand |
PeersResponseEntity |
PickUpPlace |
This class is the base class of those places that inject data into the system.
PickupQueue |
A size limited queue for holding data to process.
PickUpSpace |
Implementation of a pick up place that talks to a one or more WorkSpace instances for obtaining distributed work.
PkiUtil |
PlaceComparisonHelper |
Helper class to use during development of a major refactoring or replacement of a Place.
PlaceList |
PlaceObserver |
This interface can be implemented by any class wishing to subscribe to place changes in an emissary DirectoryPlace.
Places |
The agents Emissary API endpoint.
PlacesResponseEntity |
PlaceStarter |
Static methods to start places in the system.
Pool |
The agents Emissary API endpoint.
PoolCommand |
PositionRecord |
Record offset and length of something in an array
Priority |
PriorityDirectory |
Hold the name of a directory path along with the priority at which things should be processed from that source
PriorityDirectoryConverter |
ProcessReader |
ProjectBaseConverter |
Protocol |
This protocol buckets places that are running in mobile agents and then looks at max and min time in place and the
number of agents that are potentially "stuck."
Protocol.PlaceAgentStats |
QueServer |
Monitor thread for a PickupQueue and return items for processing.
ReadBinaryOutputBuffer |
ReadOutput |
ReadOutputBuffer |
ReadOutputLogger |
Recover |
Attempts to recover the mobile agents by interrupting the thread
RegisterPeerAction |
RehashingPlace |
Marker interface to force ServiceProvider impl to recompute hash checksum after processing
RequestUtil |
Utilities for dealing with request parameters
ResourceException |
This exception is used for resource management within the emissary framework
ResourceReader |
This class reads a resource with utilities to read those with common names
ResourceWatcher |
Track mobile agents and make them obey resource limitations
Rollable |
Interface for objects that need to take action on various intervals.
RollableFileOutputStream |
Allows for use within the Emissary Rolling framework.
Roller |
Stateful object for the RollManager to track progress of a provided Rollable.
RollManager |
RollManager handles all incremental rolls for configured objects within the framework
RollOutputsAction |
RollScheduledExecutor |
Scheduled Executor to support unhandled execution Exceptions.
RollUtil |
Util class to grab known parameters from configs to help configure Rollable objects.
Rule |
SaferJDOMUtil |
Utilities for dealing with JDOM documents.
SafeUsageChecker |
Utility for validating that Places safely interact with IBDO payloads in byte array form.
SeekableByteChannelFactory |
Interface to provide a consistent experience dealing with streaming data.
SeekableByteChannelHelper |
SegmentChannelFactory |
This class creates a SeekableByteChannelFactory which represents a segment of another SeekableByteChannelFactory.
Sentinel |
Track mobile agents and take action on suspicious behavior
Sentinel.Tracker |
ServerCommand |
ServiceCommand |
Abstract command to control service components (stop/pause/unpause)
ServiceConfigGuide |
This class implements the Configurator interface for services within the Emissary framework.
ServiceProviderPlace |
Concrete instances of ServiceProviderPlace can be created by the emissary.admin.PlaceStarter and registered with the to make their respective services available and a specified cost and quality
throughout the system.
ServiceProviderPlaceMBean |
MBean interface that exposes attributes/methods to JConsole
SessionParser |
Base for all session parsers returned from ParserFactory
SessionProducer |
This class takes a SessionParser and produces data objects from the sessions coming out of the session parser.
ShortNameComparator |
Allow a Collection or Array of IBaseDataObject to be sorted by shortName such that all attachments come in order and
all parents are immediately followed by their children and all siblings are in numerical (i.e. not string) order.
Shutdown |
ShutdownAction |
SimpleFileNameGenerator |
SimpleNioParser |
A very simple minded parser implementation that assumes each input channel is one session.
SizeIdPlace |
Id place that sets the current form based on size of the data
SizeUtil |
This class provides routines for approximating the RAM size of Emissary objects - primarily the
IBaseDataObject .
SocketUtils |
SpamSumSignature |
A java port of the ssdeep code for "fuzzy hashing". There are a number of ports out
there that all look basically the same.
SPILoader |
Load SPI implementations to support initialization of the Emissary server.
Ssdeep |
A java port of the ssdeep code for "fuzzy hashing". There are a number of ports out
there that all look basically the same.
Startup |
Stop |
Attempt a graceful shutdown of the system
StringUtil |
TempFileNames |
A related set file and directory path names suitable for operations that require temporary disk-backed files.
TemplatePlace |
This is the main Xxx program.
ThreadDumpAction |
ThreadDumpAction.ThreadDumpInfo |
TimedResource |
Class to help track the things we are interested in monitoring
TimeUtil |
ToLowerPlace |
This is the main ToLower program.
TopologyCommand |
ToUpperPlace |
This is the ToUpper program.
TransferDirectoryAction |
TransformHistory |
TransformHistory.History |
TypeEngine |
Help determine type of data from various data file mappings The name of the file gives some context to the mappings
it provides.
UnixCommandPlace |
Run a command external to the Emissary JVM to process data
UnixFile |
UnixFilePlace |
Accesses emissary.util.UnixFile to perform file identification tests using emissary.util.UnixFile
Url |
UrlData |
The consolidated output from a web page retrieval
UrlRequestProperty |
Provides a way to group Request properties either going into the emissary.util.Url class to override headers on the
connection (e.g.
Version |
The version Emissary API endpoint.
Version |
VersionCommand |
VersionPlace |
WatcherThread |
WildcardEntry |
Handle the details of a wildcard directory entry including iterating through the possible directory match strings A
dataId will be wildcarded like this, based on dash and paren markings in the dataType.
WindowedSeekableByteChannel |
This class provides a seekable channel for a portion, or window, within the provided ReadableByteChannel.
WorkBundle |
Used to communicate between the TreePickUpPlace and TreeSpace about a set of files to process.
WorkBundleCompletedAction |
Web-tier worker to call into the TreeSpace with notification that a work bundle was completed
WorkSpace |
Recursively process input and distribute files to one or more remote PickUp client instances when they ask for a
bundle of work to do.
WorkSpace.WorkSpaceStats |
Collect per pickup statistics for this run
WorkSpaceAdapter |
Stuff for adapting the WorkSpace remote call to HTTP
WorkSpaceClientOpenWorkSpaceAction |
Web-tier worker to call the WorkSpaceClientPlace.openSpace coming in on a remote request
WorkSpaceClientSpaceTakeAction |
WorkspaceSortModeConverter |
WorkspaceSortModeConverter.LargestFirstComparator |
Order the queue by the largest work bundle (in aggregate file size).
WorkspaceSortModeConverter.OldestFirstComparator |
Order the queue by the oldest file modification time in the bundles.
WorkspaceSortModeConverter.SmallestFirstComparator |
Order the queue by the smallest work bundle (in aggregate file size).
WorkspaceSortModeConverter.YoungestFirstComparator |
Order the queue by the youngest/most-recent file modification time in the bundles.
WorkUnit |
Basic unit of communication between an IdPlace and an IdEngine
WorkUnit |
A WorkUnit is a unit of work a worker will process.
XmlOutputFilter |
Filter that writes unadorned data as utf-8.