View Javadoc
1   package emissary.test.util;
3   import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
4   import org.slf4j.Logger;
5   import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
7   import java.util.List;
8   import java.util.regex.Matcher;
9   import java.util.regex.Pattern;
10  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
12  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
13  import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
14  import static;
16  /**
17   * A utility class for testing regular expressions.
18   */
19  public final class RegularExpressionTestUtil {
20      private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegularExpressionTestUtil.class);
22      private RegularExpressionTestUtil() {}
24      /**
25       * A method to test a list of values that should and should not match a particular regular expression. One of the two
26       * lists may be empty, but not both.
27       * 
28       * @param regexPatternString - Required. The string to compile into regular expression and then test against the
29       *        provided values. Must not be null or empty. Will throw a runtime exception if the regex syntax is improper.
30       * @param shouldMatch - Optional. The list of strings that should match the regular expression.
31       * @param shouldNotMatch - Optional. The list of strings that should not match the regular expression.
32       */
33      public static void testRegexPattern(String regexPatternString, @Nullable List<String> shouldMatch, @Nullable List<String> shouldNotMatch) {
35          if (regexPatternString == null || regexPatternString.isBlank()) {
36              fail("The test lacks required parameters.");
37          }
39          Pattern subjectUnderTest = Pattern.compile(regexPatternString);
41          testRegexPattern(subjectUnderTest, shouldMatch, shouldNotMatch);
43      }
45      /**
46       * A method to test a list of values that should and should not match a particular regular expression. One of the two
47       * lists may be empty or null, but not both.
48       * 
49       * @param patternUnderTest Required. The pre-compiled pattern used to test against the provided values. Must not be
50       *        null.
51       * @param shouldMatch Optional. The list of strings that should match the regular expression.
52       * @param shouldNotMatch Optional. The list of strings that should not match the regular expression.
53       */
54      public static void testRegexPattern(Pattern patternUnderTest, @Nullable List<String> shouldMatch, @Nullable List<String> shouldNotMatch) {
55          int fineGrainTestCount = 0;
56          if (patternUnderTest == null || (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(shouldMatch) && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(shouldNotMatch))) {
57              fail("The test lacks required parameters.");
58          }
60          if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(shouldMatch)) {
61              for (String matchMe : shouldMatch) {
62                  Matcher mm = patternUnderTest.matcher(matchMe);
63                  assertTrue(mm.find(), String.format(" -- Pattern SHOULD match the regex [%s], but did not: %s", patternUnderTest.pattern(), matchMe));
64                  fineGrainTestCount++;
65              }
66          }
68          if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(shouldNotMatch)) {
69              for (String dontMatchMe : shouldNotMatch) {
70                  Matcher dmm = patternUnderTest.matcher(dontMatchMe);
71                  assertFalse(dmm.find(),
72                          String.format(" -- Pattern SHOULD NOT match the regex[%s], but did: %s", patternUnderTest.pattern(), dontMatchMe));
73                  fineGrainTestCount++;
74              }
75          }
76          assertTrue(fineGrainTestCount > 0, "No regex assertions performed.");
77          logger.debug("Successfully asserted {} regex test cases.", fineGrainTestCount);
78      }
81  }