This page provides a brief overview of development environment setup and configuration


Git, Java 1.8, Maven 3.x

Clone the Repository

DataWave Repo

Build DataWave

See the DW_SOURCE/ file for basic build instructions

Configuring DataWave for Deployment

To configure DataWave for a specific deployment environment, the build utilizes standard Maven properties and resource filtering to perform interpolation of values within configuration files and scripts throughout the project. Moreover, the build leverages a custom Maven plugin, described below, to manage this process.

Maven Plugin: read-properties

The read-properties plugin source is in DW_SOURCE/contrib/read-properties and will need to be built/installed prior to your first DataWave build.

The DataWave build will leverage the read-properties plugin to load Maven properties in *.properties files from predefined locations. Moreover, the specific *.properties files for a given deployment environment are typically specified and activated by a distinct Maven profile for that environment.

The read-properties and dev profile snippets below from DW_SOURCE/pom.xml demonstrate the setup…


            <!-- Load *.properties files from these directories, in the order specified -->
            <directories combine.children="append">
              <!-- Starting with this dir (for defaults) -->
              <!-- Followed by this dir (for overrides) -->

            <!-- Read in these files, in the order specified -->
            <files combine.children="append">

   <!-- read-properties is activated in all modules -->
      <!-- Profile for local/standalone environment -->
                       - Load these file names from any configured dirs, in the specified order,
                         and in addition to any files already configured (e.g.,

                       - Password files should only be saved to ~/.m2/datawave/properties/,
                         i.e., don't commit them to repo

Custom Configurations

To customize the configuration for a specific deployment environment, simply set the desired property overrides in your local ~/.m2/datawave/properties/*.properties file(s) for the Maven profile in question. Or create a new Maven profile along with a new set of *.properties files for the targeted environment.

Required Properties

Maven Plugin: assert-properties

The custom assert-properties plugin source is in DW_SOURCE/contrib/assert-properties and will need to be built/installed prior to your first DataWave build.

The assert-properties plugin is configured on a per-artifact basis to define the set of required Maven properties for that artifact. Thus, if any required properties are not set, then the artifact build will fail with a descriptive message. See DW_SOURCE/web-services/pom.xml for example usage.